Ducks take fifth in touqh Pac-10 play By Sieve Mims Err.ftf aid Coni' itcA)' Led hy a senior in her Shu I match anti two freshmen coni peting in their first Conference championship, the Oregon women's golf team finished fifth in the Pacific-Ill Confer ent o (diampionships III Tempo, An/ . last ys eekemi Oregon senior Leigh Hornung made a big push to get into the \( ,\A Ohampionships in lit ing a ID-over J*> to finish: in a ninth-place tie with team mate Shannon Mater Hornung is hoping to earn an individual berth ill the national ; Campion ships Init must now wait a t on pie of days for her ranking I'he most pleasant surprise lor the Ducks was the play of fresh men Shannon Mare ,, ml Karl \ Mills Ha re paled ! he Dm ks m the opening round with a 2 over par -' I nid Tin ished in 1 Oth pla e. and Mills fired second and third round 7(>s to finish in a tie for 70th plat e I’m very happy with tlu play of out freshmen. Oregon head coach Renee Baumgartner said Th e y pi a v ed soli d throughout the tournament five teams went into the tournament ranked in the top 1 ! in the country. so the Dm ss set a goal to deleat one ot those Umhis and finish in tho I<>p fl\ • ■ (Irogon rc.n hod it > tl by ■ foaling ' lib rankod ■ St in d '» strokis .Tlif i >i;. kx xh> it .s hi i.' fi i ord JlIH in tin■ sd< : !nl round to tinno ’A Ithlll -t.I.!-.; shut ot: third jii.ii o 1 Inn hid.- t .1 hit in tho rtiutul shooting •> to ' but still j'inishod oight shots OUt (l| M'lntlfl pi,II 1' / vs is f . U 1 j 1 i,1 \ ,-d r0.1!! v woII H.uimgtirttvoi -..mi Our goal was to finish ill till' top fivti, and wtr did An/ufti ran in iv with; tho to.iin titio dofoating rutinor up \muna>' by Id shuts I ho VV 1S, 1 ( a!' vs oro iod to, 1 milV id;; ,1 i 1 I: 1 111 [1 , Mi \ ' ilk i soronst.mi, who sin4 a ’ irh.lor .11 1 lor tho toiirn.iiriont Oregon ' si .1 son is livot, tmltho'. is ojiliiiusni surround ing noxl so,ison i iio litn ks will lose four sotimrs iiul thoy havo throo rodshiil players roturnirig along with four iroshruori vs ho have signed for next in r.ludod among next's Irtish in.m i I o s is l.i'.mno Wong (rorn Los A ago les. 1 p l.i v or vs tin Bailing.irtnor said is "a blue 1 hip prospoi t" Next yoar should ts' 0x1 it ing Wo hav i playors who will play right away Bauniga r I nor s.i ; W o .iron t losing too Inin fi vs o 1 an t ro piai o Oregon places 4th at weekend golf tourney By Steve Mims Emerald Confribulor Thu Oregon men's gull team rebounded from ii [ioor opening round to finisli fourth .it the U S Intercollegiate in I’.ilu Alto, Calif , lust w rekerid The Ducks struggled in the first round with a -AIM begin rung the tourn.mient m ! tlb place They refiounded quit k 1 \ shooting .1 JIM in Ifie second round iirid .1 JHti in the fm.d round to edge out 1 resno State hv one shot for fourth pi.u e We dug ourselves ,1 hole early, but \v e e .1 me ba 1 k strong, Oregon lo ad coach Sh,m n \Ichor said ()nt e again the Dui ks were led bv pimor Jeff l,\ons. who sfiot a ».‘# in e a Ii of the final tvso rounds to hmsti m a tie tor tflird at J ! 1 Oregon's Doug DuCTuiteau and James Chrisman finished tied lot Ifith jilace with M over par J J 1 s Du( diateau came hack from an opening round 7'i to i.lsl tvs u .hinit even |>.ir (i v. r ih tiunds Thini r.isiki .s Ati/.m.i vv. ,n thi' ttMin title bv hnn^ .in 1 1 un.ti par 27 i in tin' Im.11 round to tiinsh at HA ! breaking tin' !«urniimi*nl record the U ::.ii ah. ,i v ■■ u iM u. foul finished 111 M-l 011(1 e ven shots behind An/on.i, followed try M-< ofMi rttuiui leader I’ai lilt in third An/ :.i s M.iiiiu /■ ; ;: i. ■ Irndetl his individual 11!i ■ with ,i let;!: ief 20 7, two shuts ,1! ot I’,H 11II s I tlOtil.1 s 1 ,in,/.erman. vs ho is tanked ,inning the top five amateur golfers in the i o.iutrv finished i■. the :,ivs an; it.■ ,o i! ;he S' . [el s tvs vs so. ago Thu field for tin- tournament ,s is strong as it mi hided ev cry *,i{ if it It) team n. • [it for An r.onu State Oregon will next . onipi t>- in the 1 *.i( 111 ( 10 ( on 1 iiri'ii. e Championships in Corvallis tills VV eekelld 1 rTT” ni g] Open I'hiu the Sumnin ! (S' Cbc fllapletm Inn StJ ani Urtakfaat 413 f ast 1 3th Avenue i ujjene, l 'rr^un ^7*401 (503) 344-8807 Also available lor: • t irnup hookings open lor (iraduation weekend • Parents Weekend • Willamette Valle> bulk I-estival Weddings • Reunions Meetings * i unctions tin Nimiimj Wo r\-v Tr rv.o ' ^ ' I University Theatre Productions | 1991-1992 Season ■‘My loveliest comedy! Enchanting and heartwarming,” says William Shakespeare. by William Shakespeare May 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23 8:00 p.m. Curtain • Robinson Theatre l im ersit> of < ) revolt Theatre Box ()ffiee 346-4191 "A must see!!" -Muliere “Wish I had written it. " -Sir l ram is Huron jun#pf-.Kk* Unn« funded < fn>m 'mine ^ w«» *»*1 !?» #• 4 K ■ • w*vl h i«*rtw»ily tuUteh/m 1 ■ludert In. »*■< (#*.«% Weasel’s World Kraig Norris * - * rnt :. . I ' N •* • f." f Ht toy Z TH :: ,l 1'** «* -I fj 1 r* t *• .1 va*' : v ' *’■:*.* *ak *,* l ~ 1 A *, V TH‘ "A/ ' ' □d ci nim ? A I ' v.:> DO Neal Skorpen Oscar the Freshman ; A R£ '/s/0/ IV, r£ ■‘-o yoM, ' ! i rHA'i*C,y r~<- i •-osl f i