Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Du Bra vac to reimburse
University, court rules
j Overpaid ASUO staff
member is required to follow
payment schedule
By Daralyn Trappe
! "!<?’,) I As'» ate •
The ASUO tConstitution Court ruled
Tuesday that although former ASt ()
staff member Iherese lhiBravac was
overpaid S560.‘J‘1 m her stipend salary,
the court no longer has the authority to
make her repay
However, the ruling did state that the
ASUO executive is now required to pro
vide proof tfiat DttBravat is reimbursing
the University, according to a payment
schedule that has been worked out
through the ASt'( )
The unanimous decision was deliv
ered in Chief Jiistu e Steven Briggs
University student Don King who
filed the complaint, said Wednesday he
pi.ms to pursue the mutter in civil i i.urt
beta use he is not convinced DuBravat
will repay the money and thinks the mat
ter mas (.ill through the i r.u s\ lied
AM■() President Jennifer Mills leases of
fii c next month
king and student karl Pond fill'd the
initial (umplain! svith the entirl in luiju
ars -On Feh 1H ihf court gave ,\M'()
President Jennifer Hills 'one month to in
vestigate thr 1 harge .uni report h.i< s vs .! h
her findings
Si\ weeks filter. Hills !•: .of:! ! » • s .
deni e tlnlf DultfiiViK l:.id f • • n os • (pud
Sit! to , .1 finding k 111,; and i'. :i.! ,! .ptil
ed Oil \prtl 1.1 Bills revised her re;. t
to rellei ! th.il UllHr.iVili h.id been os
paid Sc.(iO <ei
During tin del.is however, DuUr.is.ii
.;ui! vs ork mg .it the \St () svhli h .. it tin
eourt with no .uittiorttv to make her re
pay Therefore. the ruling simply states
the AM () I'.xecutl Ve must) furil.sh to
this eourt (iroof that Then se DtiHtavai is
meeting her iiavinent si hedule Hopeh.•
l\. tills ss 111 help to assure tile stud, u ! s I
the University tfi.it their li t funds are
not fiemg squandered
’ :. COURT ■1 i Ju ‘1
Greek membership decline
prompts concern over cost
j Houses hold more rushes
to stem rising costs in re
sponse to enrollment drop
By l sa M ega"
When seven lower women agreed Id
Ii\• in the Alpha (Ho Omega house this
year than ’In' year I>*■!tjr• ■ the sorority s
rncml ' rs were .1 ..!! 1 > upset
It wasn't nisi l«'i .ease lhi“V wouid miss
their leaving members The remaining
womens house hills were going '■■ lie
raised SHI per person lor eat h term
"l! wasn't .i hiippy rear lion, h.ijiter
'.iif pres s .!•■:.! kin; k r:v >:. 1
! h:'. . ! the greek systen v...m
other sororities .nut iMtemities have had
• iiiill.ir Jilt it n1 ■ Hr. vv Ith <lf( .Imi.'.fJ ' •!!
; i: ■ i: i I ,.. it) vs > Mil t* :.;iru
lunis h.ivr ri*ijuir*■ ti tresbmen ami sernurs
!o move mil) ttirir houses
House in!! t.tisls v s! » .iimmu the greek
org.im/jilHins the i'heta Chi Ir.il' imlv
charges !ls nirnihcrs Si MM) Jier vr.it III
live ill Us house
Turn ' GREEKS ,i;4
Fiddlin’ around
4/.-j'.'j R, ip.. fared) and her staler Amheriy d/e-::, jp t Eddie
A'ft: i'u-n . - ■ u<e EMU i 'nuttyard Wt'<fne\d,i, ')/■> h-r
- 1 IV ;•••'( j are !.-< ■ ; f.ikpr. a-A.iy r / id :r\ ■
then n day tree, ruse t'n. Earth l >.iy An ana '■ nd
Harry Lonsdale said
he favors a raw log
export ban during his
Earth Day address
See LONSDALE, Page 6
The University will offer graduate-level
certificates in women's studies begin
ning next fall The announcement was
made at a reception April 15
See WOMEN'S. Page 3
Several former Or
egon football players
are hoping to be
picked Sunday in the
NFL college draft.
See SPOSTS. Page 9
Budget cuts unite song and dance
jThe dance department manages to
stay open through a merge with the
School of Music
By Julie Swensen
tmtifatd Contributor
While tin' rest ul thr College (it Hum.in Development
and Performance closed down beuuv of Measure r>.
the college's dame department staved open and
merged with ifie Si hool of Music
No one reallv explained why they didn't cut us.
said fJl/.afieth Wartluft. a dame (.If who leal lies folk
and hallronm dam mg "They had 10 put us somewhere,
and they decided the School ul Musk was the hest
pl.K e w e I null! lit 111
The dance department doesn't seem to have suffered
a loss of quality since the ( hangr There w ere no faculty
positions cut. and although there are fewer students in
the program, the decline is attributed to students leav
ing the University because of the tuition increase, said
Janet Descutner. former head of the dance department
"Measure r> has affected our enrollment negatively
beta use some of our students have very limited (man
Clal resellri es. sin S.iid " 1'hev have to take time out to
work, or to go to Lane (Uomrnunitv UollcgcJ so that '.lew
can afford their education
N, nnr h.is (I r<i|j|)l'(i Dll I ol I hr j a ■ igi .nil ill I .nr.i !
Ilii' IIIUVI- III) llli' tnusii school), sill- Ini
in } ,i< I, the merger has proven In in hem-fit i <t I In I lu
ll .1 tt( r program in many ways
I hr limit r lirparlinrnl is now at t ivriy rut nu raged In
partit ipalr with I hr musn sthnnl, ami ihr two schools
havr 1 nllaiior.ilrii In pul nn prniiut linns Inslrail nl us
mg lapi-ii inusu lor its liamr prrlnrniancrs, lint dance
lirparlinrnl has liegun using ihr original works of I 111
Vrrsllv music sltiiirtils
Tin- nitr tiling aimul having Itir music composed,
said [In k\ Miili-r. a graiiualr sluiirnl 111 tiatirr, "is you
don't intvr In trv In find musit ihal savs wlnil you want
il In sav You just Irll a musician wiiat you want it In
hr, and they i an really tailor it to your nerds "
Wartluft said ihr use nl musu students' work is more
r nmmnri slot r Ihr merge presented them I fit* opportune
" that wouldn't have happened if we weren't in the
St hold nl Music, she said
The r nmbinulion was guitleri with the help ol Kllrn
Spokane, .1 composer who entourages tlifferent art
forms lo work together Sptikane inspired the idea tlur
mg a four day workshop she presented al the ! 'myrrsity
m ()t tnhrr and she gave helpful r nniriients on how In
1 rit orpntatr lilt- Iwn eflec lively
Turn to DANCE Page 4