Oregon Daily THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1992 Du Bra vac to reimburse University, court rules j Overpaid ASUO staff member is required to follow payment schedule By Daralyn Trappe ! "!*■!tjr• ■ the sorority s rncml ' rs were .1 ..!! 1 > upset It wasn't nisi l«'i .ease lhi“V wouid miss their leaving members The remaining womens house hills were going '■■ lie raised SHI per person lor eat h term "l! wasn't .i hiippy rear lion, h.ijiter '.iif pres s .!•■:.! kin; k r:v >:. 1 ! h:'. . ! the greek systen v...m other sororities .nut iMtemities have had • iiiill.ir Jilt it n1 ■ Hr. vv Ith Mil t* :.;iru lunis h.ivr ri*ijuir*■ ti tresbmen ami sernurs !o move mil) ttirir houses House in!! t.tisls v s! » .iimmu the greek org.im/jilHins the i'heta Chi Ir.il' imlv charges !ls nirnihcrs Si MM) Jier vr.it III live ill Us house Turn ' GREEKS ,i;4 Fiddlin’ around 4/.-j'.'j R, ip.. fared) and her staler Amheriy d/e-::, jp t Eddie A'ft: i'u-n . - ■ u h-r - 1 IV ;•••'( j are !.-< ■ ; f.ikpr. a-A.iy r / id :r\ ■ then n day tree, ruse t'n. Earth l >.iy An ana '■ nd LOG JAM Harry Lonsdale said he favors a raw log export ban during his Earth Day address Wednesday See LONSDALE, Page 6 WOMEN'S STUDIES The University will offer graduate-level certificates in women's studies begin ning next fall The announcement was made at a reception April 15 See WOMEN'S. Page 3 THE DRAFT Several former Or egon football players are hoping to be picked Sunday in the NFL college draft. See SPOSTS. Page 9 Budget cuts unite song and dance jThe dance department manages to stay open through a merge with the School of Music By Julie Swensen tmtifatd Contributor While tin' rest ul thr College (it Hum.in Development and Performance closed down beuuv of Measure r>. the college's dame department staved open and merged with ifie Si hool of Music No one reallv explained why they didn't cut us. said fJl/.afieth Wartluft. a dame (.If who leal lies folk and hallronm dam mg "They had 10 put us somewhere, and they decided the School ul Musk was the hest pl.K e w e I null! lit 111 The dance department doesn't seem to have suffered a loss of quality since the ( hangr There w ere no faculty positions cut. and although there are fewer students in the program, the decline is attributed to students leav ing the University because of the tuition increase, said Janet Descutner. former head of the dance department "Measure r> has affected our enrollment negatively beta use some of our students have very limited (man Clal resellri es. sin S.iid " 1'hev have to take time out to work, or to go to Lane (Uomrnunitv UollcgcJ so that '.lew can afford their education N, nnr h.is (I r