Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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on co»*n>MS
s Hole InU-r.vii’vvs
.1;: four t\\ u-vc.ir .imi ii!a!r
ihc IJ-( iirt’ :n n>.M\ \ i nii
Wiling in th>- pt;tn.tf\ xln
I Ilk us p I i I < 1 • Wi-.i
Thursdav Results w .:. h
in ",;m i-«'i in I n.i.iv \ ji.ijwr
■s for
■n ild
: t ion
.i mi
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Steve Masat
iui*ui\ for
!. r fVl.l l
•t ! ';}M-s
() I) I
M .1 si I
Wins i. ross In .1 r. 1 cut*
,iriT. : r.i::•;:!; !ii ,il i \ '! hi'fc
will !■<’ v. nu j;: ■ ipv ■lji.itMiM’
: mi ■ nr'v iv?! :■ v:shi! ! v .in.i
v i ■■■•< 'mi1 '• i'n J. '.mil m.
vi H it I ■ r.i-.cs Vmi i:i !l, ilbU' t. i
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■ 1 Mi.!. WHlil 111!' W .IS
I hi
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... i • -.mi i- ih i!'s \u.,r nil
iss,to work with .1 group
prior to !ht’ hoaringl should
moot with thu groups scvcr.il
min's iirlori' Ihr hoaring to
W . I k it W 1 ; .1: ■ Oust tor till'
()[)| ; i, \, ; N ; i-m it s p
|. •.•;■!! to ho!.I t urront group
dirt'i tors .,i t oual.itili' tor mis
■ ;:.iV."mi ii! toniicr ilirtK
Ntos.it '. is.-, i tior■
,rr stmm i .is. s whitr a group
• :: , : , •:i . ; \ r, i u!1 h/.'d : S
iutiditig! .1 ini ;! m gmup sut
. vnh d in {tarrying out its goats
t i
iho lagt Vtiiir or two, it iliiMirvit*
(!, I .• prop, itionul.lv
(till VV . ! \i t ■ m ta v.
ii;IoMg largo budgets lunim
d. iisai. for in. .'easing or mum
; lining thf hinigi’tsof smalli'r
Mas.It • i 11
.. v . ■ ■! ;■ prl. i *'.. out Ot St
...in v . : to going to do less
hi in igi to that pi .gram 'than if
:i ■ p«>r< . lit i’■!! i SUM)
,(it,.. ' A gioup ! m‘ tlii it!,!, k
■’■■■!mli.'iit Liiiini ivmilil !u- in
iiirmt morn t>v a Id pcrtonl tut
■ • . till- t..M i 1 1(1 lh
Zoe Pargot
,i junior m.ounng it mh lologv and minoritig in
womans studies : h ■■ is her firs! vm! ■ 11 ! 11 ■ 1 r 11
varsity Siio ts nvmsed in orgaiu/mg the Mutton
,il Organi/atim, : >: Women s t ( 1 ri-ru e
to take plat o tins .summer m Eugene
ODE: Do you favor across-the-board i uts ,is .i
means of keeping foes low, ami if v■ ■ how much
Pa rgot: d blanket
i ut at rt>ss tie fa :.i t > * ause I the.k \ou have to
: i m * k at tail: i a u! \ . ’ ' f 1 e tvlia I.
I u 1 ;ii s a re ti i . '.ate'; ;' ■ ' .' s : ii st 11 k .
with ear lave' te p 'i ' are ' .’ . -thercd
with fu:v\ mut f; a ei they havi to give ami tile
rich aren't, and i don't agree w ith tliat
ODE Mow no. : vuu insure '....; ten group
gels a lair hearing ami a fair budget"'
Par-got: Iiv -del. t g w li.it ■ u : group is sa\
■o e \ a :, , vs ; ,! ties need what •• lie-i .essarv
Aisi ss hat e i empaled is wi.t: h groups
are getting mere ind if funds tan tie taken from
gr i aips that d ;. i mm! as mut It I'll*- main thing
is look.eg a! ■•■all :.dividual group and their is
01)1. .v. . vi :: s appropriate to bold
r urrent group d:n tors ,u countable lor liiismaii
agenii-nt by former liret.tors'
Pargot i :.as : lie pa: : attention to.
,s * * , , die past all I W hat Is tin*
v cl u (i i a i i
wrong the lir-'i
t i m «• v o u r
fund* are ■ ul
<)I)K Wool.I
you he m favor
(|| I lilting targe
b u d g i’ 1 s ! o
i oinni'iisati* tor
increasing nr
inuint.uamg thr budgets of smaller groups7
Pal-got: I n some extent I don't think th.it .i r.id
k .1 i rut should hr done to unylhing Mot if It's
Hu rss.ir\ to take some funds from tfir KMIJ to
keep thr [thick Student Union, then wr should
I hr main point tii.it has to hr kept in mind is di
s ri sit v on i unipus
OI)h: Why should studrnts vote lor you'
Pargcil: Bn.nisr I am open mindud and I think
tli.it r.u ii group should have a s.iy liven il it's
somr group tlnit I don't portir ip.itr in it's not
something that I'm going to c ut |ust lircuusr I
don't agree with this group
I'll look .it rat h group individually
Steve Suarez
Sti ve Sutiriv endi.j,111■ lor ii
two year 11(. seat, in <1 law stu
dent and a graduate ol Oregon
Statr l’niversity
OUK: Do you l.ivor across
the-board cuts as i moans ol
keeping fees low. and if so.
how much7
Suarez: No. I don't 1 think
there should be uniform criteria
for every group, but ! don't
think every group is equally de
serving of funding, so 1 don't
think they should all be cut
equally The kind of things I
would lixik for are the amount
of community service the group
does and the effort* it self-reli
ant. e that they make
ODE: How v> uid you ensure
that every group gets a lair
hearing and a fair budget?
Suarez: I would review every
budget honestly skeptically,
carefully and fairly. That's
what you need I think 1 can
give everyone a lair hearing.
Certainly. 1 think you should be
polite to everyone Everyone
should h<- treat**! with rusp ><;l,
even wht;n you don't exactly
with whiit they re saving
OUK Uo you believe it s up
propriate to hold current group
directors accountable for mis
management hy former direc
Suarez: 1 think you have to
have a certain amount of u<
countability I sympathize with
people who say, I he last guy
in here was a Ikj/o But I think
it s really hard, if you’re trying
to look at what kind of servlet
a group does and how responsi
hie they are. to a certain extent
they have to he accountable for
yvhat somebody else does
It s hard to see bow else they
can convince you that they’ll
be responsible You can take
their word on it. but if you can
look at a history, that seems
more persuasive
ODK: Would you be in favor
of cutting large budgets to com
pensate for increasing or main
taining the budgets of smaller
Suare/.: I'd be in favor of rut
ting -iov budget. I don't < art?
how big or how small, if it
didn't wm lik • then; was .1
really compelling reason for
them to he funded i think the
0resumption should he that .1
group do< s not need funding
from the students in order to
earrv out tasks
OL)K Win should students
Turn to SUAREZ, Page 6
S I think thonv is man* po
!« * 'll it I in thr largrr bmlgrts for
rr>iut:innb. anti m o n • v n i *rgv
1 :• ,i 111 hr tot lisrti.o-n ! h ■ ' H
< >1)1- Whs :
volt tor you '
Nlas.it »
.1 • ! '”■*; -x I’m i:: 11 ! V r
t|oM'innstr<ifiMi whim- I'm tom
tfas.* from I vr born .it thr hour
: / v nut vs or k*'•. j m .Urn ••
’ ’ .• thr k ’ MU !«••! :;r
ami tin; umlorstumlmg to romi’
in m\f vnar \ n«1 I iMtlinvr I sr
I Mon v»t \ ujit-n and objri tisr t»»
stmlrnl group rom rrns
Ilt* ( l.issili.'.ls
ail, i.ua
South Eugene
* Sport' Injuries
* Stress Kedut lion
* Chronit Postur.il
Hr. Frank F. Muhr
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Student r.ites
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Prisoner’s dilemma computer contests
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