Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    Jon Bridenbaugh
Jon Bridenbaugh, write-in
( andidate for .1 ono-voor ll-(
soul, is n junior political sci
ence major He has boon in
volved in the student groups
Students Against Apartheid
and OSI’IRG and is a two-veer
member of the Oregon Club
Sports cycling team
ODE: Do you favor ai ross
the board cuts us a means of
keeping fees low and if so.
how much7
Bridenbaugh: No. i don't I
til ink we can keep t hi ngs at
their current level of funding,
and we re only going to see
about .1 S2-per-term increase
with the mandated ini reuses
lor stall salaries I think we i an
keep everything at its current
level ol operating and only see
a slight increase per term
ODE: How would you ensure
that every group gets a fair
hearing and a fair budget7
Bridenbaugh: 1 would up
proai h the meetings as a totalis
unbiased person I feel that vve
need diversity on the campus,
and 1 feel that every group has
a right to be funded All I can
say is th.it I'm going to fie fair
and honest and give people
their time Also, I'm not run
ning on any particular group or
issue, and I want to see the
hearings done in a lair, orderly,
efficient manner
ODE: Do you believe it's ap
propriate to bold current group
directors accountable lor mis
management by former direc
Bridenbaugh: II there's ans
mismanagement going on that
we can find and if there's an
i i
(Regularly $1.50)
1225 ftlder
■N\< valid on dfbvrry of with arv
oi her discounts or i iHtpom Orw
coupon per i uMotm-r
h/ 12/92
| 7T Classifieds ‘ZT
I 346-4343
■ iri'.i lli.it we i ,m i lit l>.i< k on
without .1 suiisl.inli.il loss In tin
program. then definitely
<JDK: Would you he m f.ivnr
ol i tilting large budgets to coin
pensate for ini re tsing a main
I.lining tlic budgets id smaller
Hi idrnb.mgli Again, I'm iust
going to approat ti the meeting
and make a dei isioii that will
benefit the student body as i
whole, and I'm not going to
make any pre-judgments about
which group is more important
than another
ODK: Why should students
vote lor you '
Bridenbaugh I'm an honest
person I'm going to try to bring
a level of order and fairness to
the meetings that I haven't seen
in the past 1 want to see .ill stu
dents represented and diversity
kept alive on campus while, at
the same time, not centering on
any one group as mv platform
Mark Bellamy
Mark Hellamy i ami id.11<* for 1 uni' year 11 1
seat is.t junior pol iti< a I s< lence in a inf ami a tut si
ni’ss minor His past inpnrii'tli n in budgeting
comes from his position as insistin'! lor the Order
of Omega
()l)K: !'o uni favor across the hoard 1 tils as a
means of keeping let s low and 1! so how mm h '
Bellamy I do not favor across the hoard I am.
however. In lavor of a It) percent retlvu lion tliat
is currently heing petitioned lo gel on ihe Uillnt
li) 1111', I don't see I ha I It) percent 1 inning across
the Imjiirti
I here was a (letter) written in lie l nn ralti that
this initiative should not Is' put on the ballot he
I ause tiles (oultl not see that their organization
1 amid sustain this 10 percent 1 ut
Hut i am saving to people this 10 percent isn't
riei essarilv going to lot vour group, it's going to
he viewed ai loss the ftoard, looking at evervlsnlv
to see where the 1 Ills will he least harmful to the
organ 1/.itions 1 do not see it as a. ross the Isiard
It's i utling ui ervhodv s peri outage
()l)l How w ild you ensure that every group
gets a lair hearing and a lair budget ’
Hellamv I. think pr. luh'v the he-,1 wav to do
that is makt sure that the student lu.dy is well in
formed that these li t meetings are going to he
taking place
I think the students have a right to know and
the 11(1 has the responsibility lo inlorm the stu
dents that the budget hearings are going to In
held so that they i an 1 onto and m ike themselves
I he II I needs to know the students that are us
mg the organizations on campus that are support
ed bv the li t And so basically my main goal is
to increase the student involvement in the whole
prix ess
you believe
it's .1 ppro
p r 1 a 11* Id
hold iiir
root group
direr tors at ■
i o ti n t a I) I e
lor misrnan
ugoment In
former di
ns tors ‘
L *W
H i‘ 11.i in s
(•III U.ii, d v•• in t'1 la l.ivor al lulling l.irgu
budgots to i nmpons.ito-lnr im rousing or m.imt.iin
mg I hi • ! iu. igois nl Mn.illri groups ’
Ill'll.mn \ ,;Iv sos i would I think, somcul
flu* primps (hill huso th»■ Lugosi budgols ,iro sors
hirgo groups .mil lln'V .Ir<• .ibli- In siisl.un Ihi’tn
solsos lor ii longor puriod ol lime on binding th.il
I bi'lu'Vt' tiles .in- no iri■ rosponsiblf lor giving
thl'IllM'Is I'S
I ihmk tli.il morv ol .in ullort iiouds in bo pul
onin iht'M' groups io .it lu.ills go out .mi) iii.ikr
th.il rllorl lo hi'lp support ihi’iiisi'ls os but .iiisc tin'
bunion i .m l hu pul I'liliifls on tb<- sludtnls
01)1. Wll\ .lion III sluilrlils s oil- (or SOU '
lb'll.mis Slliiit'iils sin in lil volt lot tut' but .lust' I
b.ivf ibcir In-si inliTt’sIs .1 ( minil I h.uiI Io mt in
t lib nl.il lot's losvurud .Iiiti I .1111 llirtr lo bl ip lliurt)
so Ib.n thu groups tb.it tiro going lo gut ihu fund
ing in' llio out s tli.it ss .ml lo gel ibi' funding
nol .i Ui.ird lh.it is going lo dot bit; osur uvorybodv
whit b groups .no the mosl important
I bis is ,i slutlonl I mils .mil i .ludi'iil .n lion,
•mil I .im rt'.ill/.lng th.it I ss ish to bold iboso
groups .it i out]t.ibIo (or tbo things th.it thus ,iro
(it vc v* iur 11 mi me .1 | iruicsMon.il It >ok I h.n iih; it
K pc set .11 I cl tel (V I let I ( ,1.1) >11M s Siiilc SI Ml I Ml
S4li 4 itt 1 S-'j Mon-f ri
Horn in Lru a il 'OlLu < . -:
full earned the rrwitrda si a
lifetime as noselut. >uwy
andtuawst huiorkin. Puyapner
and frontline umserwitumid
inumij hi> literary fumim are
‘Ike tattle, 'brown there
three if Henry AuMnL
the i 'jmmonwtilith i,M Medal,
the Tuhtrer 'litre
and the \atvnai fit**, -Iward
'He reader in tax* -lit a- ('altfomu.
and ijrtentboro l ermoni with
hi> wife Mary'I’ltfit Meaner
Here is Stegner's autobiographical homecoming in "Growing Up
Western," "Crossing to Eden,"undin the deeply moving "Letter Much
Too iMk'to his mother. Here, nut, is the author's explanation and
explication of the Western landscape and charcu'ter: the aridity. the
avidity, harsh beauty, hidden havens, and despoliation at the hands of
man. There are, as well, Stegner’s appraisals of the literature and culture
of the West, including uppreciatums of Wendell /terry. John Steinbeck,
and many others who got it right about the earth as community, not
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