Jon Bridenbaugh Jon Bridenbaugh, write-in ( andidate for .1 ono-voor ll-( soul, is n junior political sci ence major He has boon in volved in the student groups Students Against Apartheid and OSI’IRG and is a two-veer member of the Oregon Club Sports cycling team ODE: Do you favor ai ross the board cuts us a means of keeping fees low and if so. how much7 Bridenbaugh: No. i don't I til ink we can keep t hi ngs at their current level of funding, and we re only going to see about .1 S2-per-term increase with the mandated ini reuses lor stall salaries I think we i an keep everything at its current level ol operating and only see a slight increase per term ODE: How would you ensure that every group gets a fair hearing and a fair budget7 Bridenbaugh: 1 would up proai h the meetings as a totalis unbiased person I feel that vve need diversity on the campus, and 1 feel that every group has a right to be funded All I can say is I'm going to fie fair and honest and give people their time Also, I'm not run ning on any particular group or issue, and I want to see the hearings done in a lair, orderly, efficient manner ODE: Do you believe it's ap propriate to bold current group directors accountable lor mis management by former direc tors? Bridenbaugh: II there's ans mismanagement going on that we can find and if there's an i-n i i .V ?>„V/ (Regularly $1.50) I L Cagnpus SUBSHOP 1225 ftlder 345-2434 ■N\< valid on dfbvrry of with arv oi her discounts or i iHtpom Orw coupon per i uMotm-r h/ 12/92 | 7T Classifieds ‘ZT I 346-4343 ■ iri'.i we i ,m i lit l>.i< k on without .1 loss In tin program. then definitely ok I h.n iih; it K pc set .11 I cl tel (V I let I ( ,1.1) >11M s Siiilc SI Ml I Ml S4li 4 itt 1 S-'j Mon-f ri Horn in Lru a il 'OlLu < . -: full earned the rrwitrda si a lifetime as noselut. >uwy andtuawst huiorkin. Puyapner and frontline umserwitumid inumij hi> literary fumim are ‘Ike tattle, 'brown there three if Henry AuMnL the i 'jmmonwtilith i,M Medal, the Tuhtrer 'litre and the \atvnai fit**, -Iward 'He reader in tax* -lit a- ('altfomu. and ijrtentboro l ermoni with hi> wife Mary'I’ltfit Meaner Here is Stegner's autobiographical homecoming in "Growing Up Western," "Crossing to Eden,"undin the deeply moving "Letter Much Too iMk'to his mother. Here, nut, is the author's explanation and explication of the Western landscape and charcu'ter: the aridity. the avidity, harsh beauty, hidden havens, and despoliation at the hands of man. There are, as well, Stegner’s appraisals of the literature and culture of the West, including uppreciatums of Wendell /terry. John Steinbeck, and many others who got it right about the earth as community, not |l3TH & KINCAID • 346-4331 • M-SAT \