Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Gay Pride Week kicks off today
By Do'” a'- McLean
r: keeping -w " .. \ ••■.ir-. >!
tradition .it ihe ■ niversi!\. t«>
!.IV kic ks oil !hi’ first e\ cuts of
Lesbian, l.uv and Btsevuui
PriiirUr. k
Being \ i s i b I e s ,t v it.i i i im
ef!', Mill Kill’ I li H ksl.lh IT . . .
difei for ni th' Lesbian. (L.iv
tmd Bisexual ALIian.i r
; it's important to show who wt- art-, to let pm
pic know lli.it there .ire nil different kinds ol guvs
.1 fid lesbi.ms and bisexuals walking around on
this t ampus. s|;e said. Were Irving to put a .'hu
man la i e i >n j^.i \ .lesbian and In sex nal baigene
Pride Week eummemofales tin line 'aei i;n i
dent it! which patrons ol the Stonewall Inn. a guv
bar in New 'lorn. rebelled against repeated peine
raids bv barm ailing themselves in tin bur lot tvv.
days, holding polit e at hav
Soil e then, i o I leges and uni Vers it les at ross tile
country have remembered the June event with
celebrations during the early spr ing when stu
dents aro still in school
l as! year. I’rtdi Week began at..the same tune
iti Bill JOB which proposed a ban on dis
crimination based oil sexual orientation was lie
mg i onsitiered m the state legislature
Ibis year, tin week s events are accompanied
by a different prosper t. namely the Oregon (all
/en- All lain i s ann lioinosexuai ; ights petition
"In general, there are a lot ol negative messages
about gays and lesbians out there. Dor kstaih r
sal ! Now 1 flunk we've rrut bed the pinnae L ol
that with the ()( A s i arnpuign against us
Pride Week organizers expiessed t ihii ern tor
how the ( H . \ i am pa ign might a I led p- art n a put ion
in this year s events
Dominick Vetri. Idiiversilv law professor and
Co-1 hair man ol the President's 1 ask Ion e on (..iv
and I.esluan Allans said he doesn't <-xpei t any
negative effei ts
fai l ! i-xjit'i t ni.mv h.'j«'rn-»i\u.il slalf !u
' i r'. >i' 4!.,l till' I r 'Mij’jii'ft i.;\r .)( ’hr
( H \ v i.;:: hi- s.ml
" » S,‘ i ! r VV . i ■ : : i *•> I
* ’' : ' ! j > i.?\' .r w ’ .'!.••
thing.to l;ivr who hu\r a posit um un thr 1 m
>« rHis\ an- afire trd I»v lIns :nili.»!; v«* is tar u>
v\ ?'.>• t0 ; llvrv :>■ vv.tlj.mg In": omV tni! ,»r riot .uni I *
:' :• ,1. sh. >.n.i ! think' ' ht r ■ '.% i:. ' -* fr'wr*
f.u ultv and stuff th-it in.iv ( omr
ihr Vr\ In * m.ntrrshg hush !r at! nude s toward
guv •• an-! . > i r * s | K •< k s t. i«i« r-*-.n. I. ;-d..> alion
High I Ight S . ; I’ndr Wrrk .h hid.- ! r;du\ ■
Qurrrtrsi, a du\ long ( rlrbnihnn with a drag
show, liiuii lUiil .in uddrrss hv (tail
Shtblr v ()rrgt >n s 1irsi oprnlv lr shirt n. stall* rrprr
si*n!ah\r Of! Wrdnrsduy. l.UHA ah ng with ihr
Pfi s di nl '' ! ask hifir h.ivr arranged a "(Juirr
Litr .i! ! l) ( ampus p.inri. in whu h ‘at ultv stall
and sttidrnts sharr rvprrirni i s about bring guv or
I r si 11.if I M l l hr i lUl V i f s it V
\ rtr i sirs thr piiivrl as an important tool lor
rijiVi .ili.in ( ..in turn and irshtan wonii'ii havr
tluiir what .ti. otlmr minor itus huv ■ donr in tin
past Wr \v gnnr to-mort. to thr puhlh lurum.'
In* said rivroug!) thr politic al pn n.r-ss vsr cdu
s .iti' pr; pit- It -. a t ham r to siiovs 'tuit v\- 'rr ordi
riurv prop'r and that vsr drsrryr thr samr r>*
sprat within •• •> . !\ as >lhrr limn ■ r i! \ groups
Rfldr Wrrk tins vrar also fratttrrs a (dm Irsh
v *i I, a first In its l nivrfsitv history ihr films rm
hnit r a divrrsr range- ol gav and irshum issin -.
with movirs s ah as s. x am/ thr \mJimsi.is. a
him ( h round mg thr rxprflriu r of gays and Irsbi
aiis during tin- Su uruguan mvuluhon
lor a lull sc hrdulr ol c v rnts rontai l thr I.( .li A
. dli > in Ki >. in $ 1 M LSI l
; s ryi-nts ifU ludr
• : 2 10 p.m Kiit ism Pa no I Brn I di
• ■* n ; m l*r: d» W« « k Km k< II M ; : hi!' mm
tion.il i iuingi*
• ». j ; U * Ml i r 11' ’ A: ! A K- ' ! ' - U ' *.r
/ • k/ng h tf l u/igsfon //</>,*//rs, tr.O ( olumhiti s.
•id miss ion i hargr
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\Nl <) lufiiiinilul a .
(•itiiun iHifil a
Nil 4J 4*11 4 Itnia*
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(. r 41I u 4 1 r luixlnit;
( atrr-t Planning ami PI* mirnl
t » p .*«
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J« / »l <1 t f tj
*, Mibtc kluilv v* ' • ! »y I . Ml ft
J tint* tit se jm<1 SdiMiunnl ul
Kt« um iIijImiii n » ' • ' »'■
i Hr * Mr am
South Eugene
* S|-K<m Injuries
* "stress Reduccion
4 ('hnsnu Pcwtur.i!
Dr. Frank K Muhr
}% b. 18th St.
683-9070 u
Student r.ites
Near Campus
A Workshop for Juniors, Seniors and Graduate
Students to Discuss Selection Criteria and
Application Procedures for Fulbright, Rhodes,
Marshall, DAAD, von Humboldt, Rotary and
CIEE Awards for 1993*94 will be held
3:30 p.m.
1225 Alder • 345-2434
Free workshop for ^mdunto students to learn about
• Mow to Prepare an Effective Curriculum Vitae
• What to Include on Your Curriculum Vitae
• Mow to Effectively Present Your Qualifications
With Beth Swank, U of () Career Counselor
WHEN THURSDAY. APRIL 16. 12 00 1:00 PM
(iKK I'rvparation:
I ucmI.iss A: nmmb>s
Z- May s M.ty :s
\ <11 pm s ill |xu
‘[xaitkT I's.uii May 26
\ Mi jxn (*1 |xn
l.S.Vf Preparation: $*>?
May I'). 20. 21 26. 27. 2X
< <0 pm S (XI pin
* pi .k uoc CX.IH1, Juno 2
I Ml pm 7 (XI jxn
(iMAT Preparation: $75
Mas 0, |6, Ml
') Ml .mi 12 ml [xn
•jxailuc exam Mas 26
< Ml [xn 7 (XI [XU
To register contact A.L.S. at 346-3226
Here's your chance to learn C.P.R. and to
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For a $10 00 tee charged to your
■tudent account, you will receive
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Oates for C.P.R. classes:
Tuesday, April 14th, 5 - 9 pm.
Saturday, April 25th, 9 a m.-1 p.m.
(C PR classes held in Ihe Student Health Center Caleteria)
Register Early. Space is Limited.
Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no retund
Sponsored by the Student Health Center, Office
of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program