Gay Pride Week kicks off today By Do'” a'- McLean r: keeping -w " .. \ ••■.ir-. >! tradition .it ihe ■ niversi!\. t«> !.IV kic ks oil !hi’ first e\ cuts of Lesbian, l.uv and Btsevuui PriiirUr. k Being \ i s i b I e s ,t v it.i i i im ef!', Mill Kill’ I li H ksl.lh IT . . . difei for ni th' Lesbian. (L.iv tmd Bisexual ALIian.i r ; it's important to show who wt- art-, to let pm pic know there .ire nil different kinds ol guvs .1 fid and bisexuals walking around on this t ampus. s|;e said. Were Irving to put a .'hu man la i e i >n j^.i \ .lesbian and In sex nal baigene Pride Week eummemofales tin line 'aei i;n i dent it! which patrons ol the Stonewall Inn. a guv bar in New 'lorn. rebelled against repeated peine raids bv barm ailing themselves in tin bur lot tvv. days, holding polit e at hav Soil e then, i o I leges and uni Vers it les at ross tile country have remembered the June event with celebrations during the early spr ing when stu dents aro still in school l as! year. I’rtdi Week began at..the same tune iti Bill JOB which proposed a ban on dis crimination based oil sexual orientation was lie mg i onsitiered m the state legislature Ibis year, tin week s events are accompanied by a different prosper t. namely the Oregon (all /en- All lain i s ann lioinosexuai ; ights petition "In general, there are a lot ol negative messages about gays and lesbians out there. Dor kstaih r sal ! Now 1 flunk we've rrut bed the pinnae L ol that with the ()( A s i arnpuign against us Pride Week organizers expiessed t ihii ern tor how the ( H . \ i am pa ign might a I led p- art n a put ion in this year s events Dominick Vetri. Idiiversilv law professor and Co-1 hair man ol the President's 1 ask Ion e on (..iv and I.esluan Allans said he doesn't <-xpei t any negative effei ts fai l ! i-xjit'i t h.'j«'rn-»i\ slalf !u ' i r'. >i' 4!.,l till' I r 'Mij’jii'ft i.;\r .)( ’hr ( H \ v i.;:: hi- " » S,‘ i ! r VV . i ■ : : i *•> I * ’' : ' ! j > i.?\' .r w ’ .'!.•• l;ivr who hu\r a posit um un thr 1 m >« rHis\ an- afire trd I»v lIns :nili.»!; v«* is tar u> v\ ?'.>• t0 ; llvrv :>■ In": omV tni! ,»r riot .uni I * :' :• ,1. sh. >.n.i ! think' ' ht r ■ '.% i:. ' -* fr'wr* f.u ultv and stuff th-it in.iv ( omr ihr Vr\ In * m.ntrrshg hush !r at! nude s toward guv •• an-! . > i r * s | K •< k s t. i«i« r-*-.n. I. ;-d..> alion High I Ight S . ; I’ndr Wrrk .h hid.- ! r;du\ ■ Qurrrtrsi, a du\ long ( rlrbnihnn with a drag show, liiuii lUiil .in uddrrss hv (tail Shtblr v ()rrgt >n s 1irsi oprnlv lr shirt n. stall* rrprr si*n!ah\r Of! Wrdnrsduy. l.UHA ah ng with ihr Pfi s di nl '' ! ask hifir h.ivr arranged a "(Juirr Litr .i! ! l) ( ampus p.inri. in whu h ‘at ultv stall and sttidrnts sharr rvprrirni i s about bring guv or I r si 11.if I M l l hr i lUl V i f s it V \ rtr i sirs thr piiivrl as an important tool lor rijiVi ( turn and irshtan wonii'ii havr tluiir what .ti. otlmr minor itus huv ■ donr in tin past Wr \v gnnr to-mort. to thr puhlh lurum.' In* said rivroug!) thr politic al pn n.r-ss vsr cdu s .iti' pr; pit- It -. a t ham r to siiovs 'tuit v\- 'rr ordi riurv prop'r and that vsr drsrryr thr samr r>* sprat within •• •> . !\ as >lhrr limn ■ r i! \ groups Rfldr Wrrk tins vrar also fratttrrs a (dm Irsh v *i I, a first In its l nivrfsitv history ihr films rm hnit r a divrrsr range- ol gav and irshum issin -. with movirs s ah as s. x am/ thr \ a him ( h round mg thr rxprflriu r of gays and Irsbi aiis during tin- Su uruguan mvuluhon lor a lull sc hrdulr ol c v rnts rontai l thr I.( .li A . dli > in Ki >. in $ 1 M LSI l ; s ryi-nts ifU ludr • : 2 10 p.m Kiit ism Pa no I Brn I di • ■* n ; m l*r: d» W« « k Km k< II M ; : hi!' mm i iuingi* • ». j ; U * Ml i r 11' ’ A: ! A K- ' ! ' - U ' *.r Room • / • k/ng h tf l u/igsfon //,*//rs, tr.O ( olumhiti s. •id miss ion i hargr i 4iii|>u* K .«'l m a ► ■ ' \Nl <) lufiiiinilul a . (•itiiun iHifil a Nil 4J 4*11 4 Itnia* t 4 \ A i» r k * h i • ; y fi th* ■ sv.. (.uM A ui (. r 41I u 4 1 r luixlnit; ( atrr-t Planning ami PI* mirnl t » p .*« l )|» n ur J« / »l <1 t f tj *, Mibtc kluilv v* ' • ! »y I . Ml ft J tint* tit se jm<1 SdiMiunnl ul Kt« um iIijImiii n » ' • ' »'■ i Hr * Mr am South Eugene Chiropractic Center * S|-Ks Z- May s M.ty :s \ <11 pm s ill |xu ‘[xaitkT I's.uii May 26 \ Mi jxn (*1 |xn l.S.Vf Preparation: $*>? May I'). 20. 21 26. 27. 2X L < <0 pm S (XI pin * pi .k uoc CX.IH1, Juno 2 I Ml pm 7 (XI jxn (iMAT Preparation: $75 Saturdays Mas 0, |6, Ml ') Ml .mi 12 ml [xn •jxailuc exam Mas 26 < Ml [xn 7 (XI [XU r To register contact A.L.S. at 346-3226 KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here's your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate For a $10 00 tee charged to your ■tudent account, you will receive • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C.P.R. Certification Card Oates for C.P.R. classes: Tuesday, April 14th, 5 - 9 pm. Saturday, April 25th, 9 a m.-1 p.m. (C PR classes held in Ihe Student Health Center Caleteria) Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no retund Sponsored by the Student Health Center, Office of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program