Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 3, Image 19

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■ Notes
1 swe i we ct<>ft*t just make these
tiling up
A bright Idea
\ student at ( a! disenuolled las
< \ 411 Hitend fi• *m classes hv using hri
IV i sou.11 Identifn .iiiuii \urnhet.
at i ording to the \fu\hm^ [)ini\ ( al
IN>Jv \ student newsjiapei
\ ppa i e n (l\ lilt jilted student
thought H would he .i gn at wav to get
hark atlases lit i ailed an automate-1
11■ gts11 alio11 !im and dropped all of
ht ! i. ■ i •; i; ' ( s \ 1 * w tlii' s t u ■ 11': i; la- r s
diM tplmai v attUMi and possible
( hat grs In thr Holds of some long
|oi g< •Urn ( lUtlst! :• »k< hri > > 1 jus!
goes ■» t siiovs ( mm d'K^it i pas
Man's best friend? Yeah, right
\\ i r c M*i\nrs a? \ti/ona State l
reputed tin stors of a woman living to
teed a i hn ken to hri "j>t t python
I ns', i ad of 11 lowing down on the bud.
the “pet" slatted i hornpmg down on
the wo: : in 1: took tour litrtightens to
j m ? «>tt Susan Inhet s’ s hand
and bodv She suitete d pun-, tute
wounds as a re sult ot the attaik
When lie strut k I knew hr thought !
Vs as fiu « lid ken shr said Mavbr the
fast that the* si\ loot snake hadn t
e aim m a week hat! something to do
with it
Letters and more letters
When M ,11 \ 1,1111 K i .1! x mi ' '!(■ I
l linmu-nun !. 11 !hr' / /or hiu / hi min;
I loud,1 Stair I s student liewspa|>C!
she piobabh rlidu ( lx ! tin all ol the
lelleis slit' xould )«• getting Ki.iS '.ml
the 1 otitexiants in .1 local hr .tins
p tgr ini didn't need n> think * hu h
I he / ' imbr'a u seemed tr 1 pt edict the
onslaught eit lelleis 1 he headline on
the lelleis page lead "Rearin'
1 espr nid lo Rials is I .till I’ai 1 I
Don t (orget your rubbers
\ sail sex lampalgli puitilpted die
\ nvii’*it( vi! lo lease learieis isith (he
1 upturn Idlest ale 1 iiljiloins \ uuie
sup|M iser I lo 1st .11 I hen 1 Mil pit I jiei ijile
lion 1 I )h 11 ox 10u s sr l j i 11I.1I u.ilrol
males don 1 think 11 is then
I esponsihilm We all kilo's belle!
Ilappv '.lie sex 'seek \nd wilh this
(lieuof ad'He I will leu'e sou Hupps
hunting and teed \nui pels
One mole 1 lung 111 I ehi u.ii' we
failed lo giv e t red 11 where c ledil was
due I’aula Mathieu. a ie|Mirfei toi [~hf
C.httago tlamt. pulled together the
original slots on the "skull stidpiot."
wliiih we used in News and Notes
I hanks Paula
-| S Newton,
Editor on Fellowship. Eastern heiilnr k'
Long haul
Students at public unii’crsitics
take longer to earn diplomas
\U \s||| I 'i H )(,1 t
Win;. I::n:
< l.tV- '•!•.!' '
C\tl.l M .1!
Ss.lt]' . , -! .. ,
pjihSalc titan llii ti jit . sn ■< h.» - ..'m -
llht l.itli j.« •! I . -ill.- . : 1 - - ’ - - ; l:" ' ■■
Hi.i.liuint i <si. , - - i : !•.-!« nn j-ih,-- - -'-n •
S.ml 1 I .ink 11... .-lit. . -t -I., s - , ; 1. ■■■
!u<!f|>< s.iii n- ( . -Hi -. 1:1.i 1 '!H! - '.•!! -
1:; : -
K.iM i.v s.n;. ■. •!-•-; tli.M '.It K.Ilti.il s , ,-! i.ii'i -'ll"
It ..in - • K S- . ! I. i <1 -.iltsri ill ^ J
k-S «ttd( 1 ,llvi ,U! . ■ . M • [K
Wit. - . ' . .1 > 1, ■ t' - i « : tr-'i
- ■: K V.l'
jK S. . ! .I K Si.
l.l. i -! f. .ill,
1 •! N s-h ( it
Taking longer to get there
P»«r. >«n!/iijo of. 1 ' >8-1 f roshmon
i ? 6
1 * 1
6‘j 0
H‘> 4
84 8
9? 1
i.iuj'i viiii K < I M H Ml «• jlirM.if-fi* t ■«. i. *■ i* f • iH-ui -
\>.ui.if > i 1! r % (** i a | fin f fj < I.ivm *- i ah >«’ i > i *■ i' tnifj*'! ! i. u»f if % • * 11 * . t! s 1
ihr i«nil v ' VmU • 411 f ^toclll.ilr
{ h-'i.i 1 {.tf .i MM! * »i .i? ' In l •! ( «>!•*! i-! • hii h Is t' .i ?•*.;* • .u ; Ui • >!
2 |k‘1 « r11' v.ufl mg m 1' >ui vr.u ' h.t'U » Ix i'fi i
"iiivi' Jh ! •! k.#*il nr. .i\s ■ .if 'if '.»•;<!. “I • »•» > li*nits iii i » in'll!
'uhvnu-stn I (ini rvciulim^ I ■ itqlii (<» %ri <iut i ^iii l 'flu n*if .un!
iiicitl t 'i»' m ■ • I i>M ' I V'.inN tf
Kill'd |m|:i ' .1 Him-'! . \ III. *r \ l ' .!<! Mkili^ r\fi .1 ■ t'M ' i> ■ : -
‘ \t t ' ' II l; I i - lit s!l « \ ’ ' •
m!h*4 i iluUi .( (!' i.*-• aiiM llirA Iff! Uirv i an ’ ' %t* 1 Vtlll!
fuA kjlil ?" - • ni' '?! 1 i'll! in fnm vr.iin Wilh itHlnhuiiofl .uni m-.tjoi
HHjiilirmrti!' i? .tllnVy' u»*l fn i.tkr * imit h null-; S.uu *'• l*f . "UlM-s ,tm\ .iiv
hc!]>vti vuu'u* ti> <i<Hiblr flu* n
Colleges hop on ‘Buy American’ bandwagon
H\ |< )i i r f m.\Ki)i<»
i>< V M:. r.o *: \ iv l
dl dttd intf.l!) rt ononiM V> if with Japan
\ (it r f :* a s ‘ i K * * h ^ ! f■ f { s s 11H i h .1 * r r II
blamed on JapantM . < • nijx'fPion ■ <-■ r‘.rr>onr
f! I >111 fbc-Sldrn! Bush h thr f.ii t« <f \ V>< >! k f ! ‘.id;
1 v.\n r ' i• i'i iv dll d.t'd. « .
Mid M ; ' '.or: Mhf> JO •.I
flight. iiidrnn^ thru pun basing depart mrnts
in bus m *'d\ \nit !n ip. {M«*dih n
W Mil h;o ili Sf.iV I Hu- W r ■ . .!!!
unwritten |m *!it \ Ml purt luw an - \f* » vd ti»
In Vmrfm an made
I i!!C'! h' !m*\ !:« .id poi ■ h t M! U; a^rf ! t
M Si S,i !<1 | U. • V ; pi : • • ’ '
.ndris hn dep.it 11 unit fills r\rt\ vr.it .ti!' made
' - \ iii'c d V.iico I f .1 •: ■ ■ ■ '' ■ • V
mi 1 !p >n puiiijx'd run! hr \\a u an n - -is* «ni\
In * »ur uimrfMfv
W < Mipj \| s! ‘: • • ' ; = •
It f iiii/f! N t« > !' )f ‘ oi | i > hristu vud Wide
v* our intrt!1 and ilinni is o. bu\
\tnri u an
While hr ’Sirs •,, \•:.ro >. h* -/ vud
f hr \' • Iu li: r o{ i»idr|s V. ales It imp* »s\d *:t ’■»
lUW'Mi^alr r\r:\ pin* base
"Mir Bus \mrm .in f h i i; k t> ! i ? >f « n d
loirmosf. but it is J*nigh t*»dr.tl with lx■» aim f
flit mtrm.iti< muI mtr^iali<»n ta» n *s hr s.u<i
What hr. uiiicN tnisiiahnu ^ *hrn dir par***
id j wa ailed \ me in an ptodtu t air maiiu
tat nurd ".rjvjs hrist\viid If.
■ 'I a p! • *dll< t ' o| i^uj Ilia’. I ■ ■ « MM !
most is torru;n inadr pftxjut t
But this dtK-Mi t hold ur !• *! u.r * * i! r - n
Where srhn les are . •turmcd M>l S'I.ms'
m i c'pt bids Inxn a huri^r. uampam
Forrest Kelsey (above) says 90 percent of his
orders are filled with American products
Infill' I I ! r.m senior jmi, h.isri tor (hr I ■>1
H.m.jeh :■ ti:.-: min;
;i-mn; 'hr l<esi hm 1 lut v vshal .1 {<011 h.i'iii;
Minix,«■,| I,, ,|,,
I In \nirfk all 11 I >!i"i|iv nerds I hr be- >sl.
s.ild l)i irk Siiiidi ,i 11 r s h 111 a! I .H l hr I •-!
Si It,.,.", !»: 1 |„!|< , vh" .id
•1' prtM .!-hr .u!«1<.":!fhr
\! Ihr 1 .! I tail tin * Hits \iurm .,11
theme is sci \ t<< ,i t t.ih l.iv, w n t
lli.ifulaH s that uiu\rhittrs make ,»k mam
« h.iscs (l! »m l !.lh hmHicsv* N as ; ■ osii-.f
{• »r rign < »f (if
I dines P.it kri , till < * ' ‘I "t put 1 •
l T.ti s till that ! fh* • ' -ic ■*. •<’ >
i -! i ''• h< ' » • ■ : • ! • • i .1: • : f
lluridOpmrnUif madruidun 1 fall
I’.tikrf vud although the* map*! its m( Ins
|>umKw s air duiir Hi t uh, dir pmduu* .ut
i> 1 if 11 }i»jrjgn I hi> imi ! d*4ic purptrvclv, hr
s.tid, hut in -Mimr taos hr has lrs% options
"Kvrf -muiik; a :!• *t* japanrs. * .lit u!.M< *!
1 h( !I • ,’i- ' ;' : 'll Palkrr ■■-in} \ nd
sou «ouldn f rsrn l»u\ a mils \tnrntan l\ «*»
\ ( K i! ’.mu vs.third to »:rv: •’
i‘ *i kn .i.- • in v% u\ • K ■ \',
t)«>ln ir > h« i .itisc dir. i iid(? ngr n flu
! ights i»} (hr Lit lilts lit Nr i t"s
“II I h.nr t«i tell .in I n^ioh pintf -> ■ dia* lit
. .in t hu\ .i i oinputri tn.idr in Japan thru 1
think tint ;x . ,uuidf •
i basing agrnf. !u said
\'m -th }r . > < | .111(1 \! > • M !’! :<
m{ MM ‘ ' IlkUi' ri IMi.: s« h > ■
vud umsriMfs rlfotis ?<•...>? du- \rnrih an
( . ■ in- ■■■ i : • m 1 ,
1 hr SI : ■ MM , V • ' • fin
r< mhimiis r.i> h st ii a Mirtris .i dtop in ’hr
‘.si- kn whrn t Mini» u< <1 ! ; < [>*: • • *, •>< • ' '
Mi Hit t n> its >.ti<!
Indiwduai \nn n. aio h >■ r ■! !«■
\mrti* .m .pf-twha In sc ’ and .nnidirs d** dir
Jins Vinrin m thrmr hi!! not po-sidf ,i
st»luti«>n. h< addrd
l ||H ri s 111 f s alt pat! of ,i puhh» if iafluMs
ai ; !m spul flit ri ■ *!i« >lh’» hr said ' Right tl« »Ss
slate a!i<I tf d* » ai g< 'in ti:nrfif ft r - — <fr t* r,.
v u p}>. a ' i' n . Min:■ \ • If M s l 1 • - •.^ |• * s : , ;
11 ivi ii.t' it vo >uId !■ * >k rmh.iir.isvin^
Ik.' }'.*• m i v-.ii! dir \' : l • 1 ; ' ■
urnsrf sitirs and vsiil t«* 11 ♦ thru » van (a
Krsr- < tin \ti.« : n m - < ■ m- •
Ltka m«i|r than fust nnisrtMiif s L> vn«! \>< ■
dlls is a y^t n *d plat r !-. star!