Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Selling a mint
Erica Baker (left). Libby Stark and Racheil Bolton, of Brownie Troot) ft' " ■ .c 1
Scout cookies by the EMU Monday We 've been hoping to sell cookies tor camp ■ e B- nt- -
mom said We've got real good support from college students because they >en < * t< ■ .o .,: t .
like (to need support) "
Esslinger to toss out socks and jocks
Students, faculty and stall who borrow athletic sex ks
■uni briefs from the h.sslmger equipment room ore (>emg
asked to turn them in !or quod
We’ve had several different health problems related
to socks and |c« ks," said Chervl bandolier. Ksslinger
property spec lalist
Contrary to rumors, the problems are not plaguing
those who have borrowed these items, but rattier the
student workers who handle returned i lot lung The
laundering proc ess makes the clothing safe for the next
person vs bo use s them
i.andauer said that during the past lew years some of
the student workers have developed rashes or i ases .if'
ringworm that (tie University's health center said may
have (nine from their c oittact wtlh used, dirty soi ks and
athletic briefs
Because the supply of six ks and athletic briefs .s
wearing i!. handawer dei hied to dim ■ n 11 n tie their use
ruihi'r than retws tng them
Bums :: good shape will Is- transferred to state stir
plus, those n: peer shape will N- out up and sold as
MBA degree program in nation s top 50
Hie Master of Business Administration degroe pro
grain iffered hv the ' Diversity of Oregon College id
II u si ne-.s Administrations ( ,rad uate Si hold of Manage
men! ranks among the top Ml in the nation u i ording to
a ■ arses londu adds S' \en s am/ H urM h’e/'O/f
1'he l ':.; s its .' s ,s one )i .ady sesen West Coast
si hoois honored is the fiest of the (iM) graduate si hools
id business in the l ho ted States
Our rui.e.iig ;n tiie top ah support-, the notion that
the quality of i'dUral lor, sv<- pros ,.te at MBA st 1)dents
is ss !. s : OSS . .i o spei ted -.aid allies Kemmuth
dean of the College of Business Administration
False images hurt
U.S. and Japan
By Shawn Efran
E1 C00!*ibut ><
\ Japanese businessman and .1 I’niversitv professor
explained the value of Japanese \mi>'rl( an relations in
■1 presentation Monday night Ilia! kicked off llus
w a’k'j l s Japan business seminar
Assistant Profess. ir ul Anthropology Samuel Hole*
'nt.au and former Panasonic executive John kagevarna
stressed the importance of understanding one anoth
er s culture ih developing good business relations he
tV' • t-n tfie two countries
< nleman 1 tied false images ol Japanese people as a
s"\ element in rising tension between the two nations
Slain \mericurts think of Japan as a well oiled ana
* bine or a nahon of unthinking robots, • he said, and
false miages .ike these stand in the wav of a realism
V - 11. rnderstandtng ad Japan
tp.-in hashing hv American politii Ians and media is
a I O'get, tii ,,) ( .. ii'm.m said In et onomu hard
an aher military stand ot| with lap.in
k ig"\aitia s.ii.l problems arise from cultural differ
■■ * e. i round to see what s a 11 mg
.10 easy target He warned tfi.it this
lion, w hu h 1 mild eventually lead
go iijpistn and Ameni an
ie \mei 0 an proverb tile
o’ 11 [ as ted with (lie
k ■ . . .1 gels p- 11 tided
\meruun !i .iri 11.*■ n( style revolves around push
111'hi- :n.11v i*<i;.i In perform while T.«n■ style is
oriented toward I tie gn hi [> In- said
Ihe differing styles taused problems fur kageyama
w Inn hr r»■ >■ ,ifi working hi North Atneru .i lor Japan's
Panasonii l i a por.it mu Ameriran and (anadian work
its did not understand tin* Japanese lendem y toyvard
vagina group oricntud managerial instructions On the
other hand Japanese managnrs fallnd to undurstand
tin- workers lut'd lor reassuranrns and praise. he said
Until speakers gave personal examples of grow Ih and
learning experiem es from the other's country
kagevnma said lie has learned to praise not onlv his
business assix lates. hut also his family and friends as a
result of fus exposure to North Amerii .ill management
sty les Praise for another s good work is not common
111 Japanese society fie said
kageyama said the 17 |a(ianese corporate manutui
turers in Oregon employ over AMHi people Oregon is
particularity attraitive to lapanese companies looking
to move overseas her ause of the lairly union-free envi
ronment. i|ualily ol life, reasonable utilities and friend
!v communities kageyama said
I fie presentation was the hrst m a series that will
runs this yy eek as part ol the t S -japan Business Semi
nar I he Intermit tonal Association ol Students m l a o
nomtes and (dmimerre and the Japanese Students Or
g.im/ation .ire i o hosting the event
a Ww w bonus
R'l Chryslor
Corporation % Cotiaya
Avvstanc* Program In AUDITION
to modo* rnbatns and tpDCTAi 'manting p/ograma
oflarnd to thn poUc am '• not* mailing a tamtl group
of vann.ni* *va»ial>m to graduating t!;^d#rt» aritn 4 SSOO
addition* c**n t>ao
To dual**
Cottnon tnraort «4k> art* unround
.jr an#? mcnw Th* Ongro* artw
6 montht •: an fcxrwttud oAngu
or unumrvfy
• 'Ml 1 1W2 gradual** *f*K
afetamnd a 2 yna/ 4 ymar a# potf
gradual* dag'wo »on a auAng*
jfwvnrtrfy U S mkvmi acaO»rr>
or r>urt*ng program
A a>rr«r fry nrvoAnd n •
or doi leva** program
,<*/'*»« mull C** 'Jw ■vnrnd tartar*
Cmc 31 <W2
$0 down C A C
. .t ' t ®
Jeep Wrangler u»hm
Sal* Price $11,499
Factory Rabat* 500
Special Rebate 500
College Grad Price
You don't hovw to pay mora, to got mora tl
2300 W 70t Eagere-343 8811
l APRIL 1|
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