Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    > CJRvamTS M«t>*
' - OHLY * ^
WUIU TKt OAftfcS AftStWTTMfc OF Wf ftOPLf HM> K Will) OLD FfctfY Uf^TWRS.
Continued from Page 2
tho right feels about M)< i.11 jmt
grams Maybe this faction
shouiil think, twiii- ulhnit advo
t ilting rights that < on Id enlarge
till' pool nl people limilllg the
very serv li es thei, disavow
Hut then w .i it isn t the
child the responsibility ot the
woman (or girl) and man (or
hoy) involved ' Alter all. it Wiis
they who illii the deed And
eym worse Wh.it if they rr fust
using .iliorttnn .is ti form of
fnrlh ( ontrol •’ Shouldn't the
.ululKs) hr hold responsible tor
thrir .11 lion ’
The iirgiimenl .ig.itrist fins
•Muirs mnnv of is don't .li t rr
snotruliiy if Inni's. fur .1 variety
of reasons Is n ifirn right lo
fori I If I'-sr 1 • is f.r.i! .1 ( I] I lii
th,if m.iv Imvr (urn .i nils
take VV.- ilil if i more h.irrn
ifi.in good In firing a Iium.in
info ifi is world w lien fir she
isn't w <inlrd M my would -in
•.vs • r rm In ilii* first question
iihii vi's” to the mi onil
Milt tin'll one mils! .isk how
in.lti v of LIS VVITC Ullst.lkfs” ' 1
know i vs .is. m mv tnolher s.iys
Mu,! sin vs on liln l1 triii)c uni lor
Ihr world
People will go round .uni
round tiiioii! this forev er we
.ill kriovs th.il There is no niiso
lute .msvser to the .ihortion is
( .itlur llinirls is in iMiter.ihi
e.Iitnn.il p.ige e./rfor
fiuw left t.! right
laveme Norman
Bill Adams
Aaron Baker
Fran Miller,
Shannon Kay.
Bnan Thompson.
Allison Heber,
Kevin Govro,
Scott Dunlap. Sr
Stu Thomas •• ..j.
We Need People of Vision Who Want To Make
A Positive DifTerence To Serve On Our Board.
Serving (>n the Board of Directors ol the l O BookstoR- is one ot the lew
opportunities students have on campus to make a real dif feience. flic Board
of Directors estublislics policy for tlx1 Bookstore and plaas for die f uture of
this non profit corporation
Available 2-Year Term Positions;
2 Sophomore Student
I reaching Faculty
or Officer of
I Graduate Student
1 Classified Staff/
Service Personnel
Nominations will Ik* taken at the Annual Meeting.
Individuals may nominate themselves.
For more information, contact General Manager,
Jim Williams in person or at 346-4331.
Tuesday, April 14th at 3:30 in the Walnut Room, KM l
I \inisN from lh«- t S I’usl Office)
Everyday low prices
M Th IO:.M> 7 • Kri lrt:.U>-to
Sul 11:30-4:30
1275 Alder
PROJECT SAFERIDE s running lor spring term as of
Monday. March 30 New spring hours begin at 8 00 p m
For scheduling, questions, or to volunteer, call 346-4239
Wa run until 2 a m. Fri. & Sat. nights.
A China Careers Seminar
'Puesday April 7th from 4:00-6:00 pm
in the
KRB Memorial Union
Room 20 B (Ground Floor)
s[>onsore(l by the
Northwest Regional C hina Council
Speaking mi their China experiences and
mil lining opportunities for people interested in
('hmese affairs
• Van »Jian - Down to Karth Distributors Ini
• Joe Moyle Retired C S Foreign Service
() fficer
• Kelly Richardson Richardson Sports Inc
• Dave Krlandson NIKK, Inc
Don’t worry... it's tree1 For mme information on tins
fnntiistic event, please contact t)ie friendly Center for
Asian and I’m lie Studies <>f fI< 1 f>0,'l. t lli fillM7
. i
Dance of the Beekeepers