> CJRvamTS M«t>* OHC^tViPBOCTC . ' - OHLY * ^ WUIU TKt OAftfcS AftStWTTMfc OF Wf ftOPLf HM> K Will) OLD FfctfY Uf^TWRS. OPINION Continued from Page 2 tho right feels about M)< i.11 jmt grams Maybe this faction shouiil think, twiii- ulhnit advo t ilting rights that < on Id enlarge till' pool nl people limilllg the very serv li es thei, disavow Hut then w .i it isn t the child the responsibility ot the woman (or girl) and man (or hoy) involved ' Alter all. it Wiis they who illii the deed And eym worse Wh.it if they rr fust using .iliorttnn .is ti form of fnrlh ( ontrol •’ Shouldn't the .ululKs) hr hold responsible tor thrir .11 lion ’ The iirgiimenl .ig.itrist fins •Muirs mnnv of is don't .li t rr snotruliiy if Inni's. fur .1 variety of reasons Is n ifirn right lo fori I If I'-sr 1 • is f.r.i! .1 ( I] I lii th,if m.iv Imvr (urn .i nils take VV.- ilil if i more h.irrn ifi.in good In firing a Iium.in info ifi is world w lien fir she isn't w n the Board of Directors ol the l O BookstoR- is one ot the lew opportunities students have on campus to make a real dif feience. flic Board of Directors estublislics policy for tlx1 Bookstore and plaas for die f uture of this non profit corporation Available 2-Year Term Positions; 2 Sophomore Student I reaching Faculty or Officer of Administration Faculty I Graduate Student 1 Classified Staff/ Management Service Personnel Nominations will Ik* taken at the Annual Meeting. Individuals may nominate themselves. For more information, contact General Manager, Jim Williams in person or at 346-4331. l () BOOkSTORK ANNl Al. MKF.T1N(» Tuesday, April 14th at 3:30 in the Walnut Room, KM l I \inisN from lh«- t S I’usl Office) QUMddO PWtUdN ORIENTAL BUFFET ((C Everyday low prices M Th IO:.M> 7 • Kri lrt:.U>-to Sul 11:30-4:30 1275 Alder 6K3-8H86 CONVENIENT PROJECT SAFERIDE s running lor spring term as of Monday. March 30 New spring hours begin at 8 00 p m For scheduling, questions, or to volunteer, call 346-4239 Wa run until 2 a m. Fri. & Sat. nights. A China Careers Seminar on 'Puesday April 7th from 4:00-6:00 pm in the KRB Memorial Union Room 20 B (Ground Floor) s[>onsore(l by the Northwest Regional C hina Council Speaking mi their China experiences and mil lining opportunities for people interested in ('hmese affairs • Van »Jian - Down to Karth Distributors Ini • Joe Moyle Retired C S Foreign Service () fficer • Kelly Richardson Richardson Sports Inc • Dave Krlandson NIKK, Inc Don’t worry... it's tree1 For mme information on tins fnntiistic event, please contact t)ie friendly Center for Asian and I’m lie Studies <>f fI< 1 f>0,'l. t lli fillM7 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON § . i » > f 1 Dance of the Beekeepers