Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ducks put finishes
on frustrating year
By Jake Berg
Ern*,) ; S;> /ts fui.'c*
end of the
() r rg n n
h ii m i' n s
With the
bnsketfiull season this weekend
the had luck that plagued the
team all year shun Id also meet
its demise
Men i fully
The Ducks, who vs mi their
first five games and finished
the preseason B , are now
14-12 overall and !• 10 in the
Pacific-1.0 Conference Oregon
wraps up the year with a 7 at)
muti hup tonight against l St at
Mi Arthur Court and a Saturday
game against l'CCA
flits team, )Ii year coach !.1
w ui H e in \ said . earlier, t h i s
year was second in quality
only to Ins .’It vs in s<pi,ids of
the early ] UBOs
Hut th.it vs as fir lore the mm
ries fiegan to take their toll Oh
yes, one mustn't forget the inju
As vs as once said, they i a lie
in all shapes m si/rs
Previous lo the team's exhi
bition dehut, Heim said his
only corn ern for the upcoming
season vs .is keeping tfie starting
front line of Sara Wilson and
Debbie Spore ii Ii healthy Htonv
didn't need to wake from a i old
sweat to realize Ills worst fear
1 irst it vs as starting f enter
Wilson vs ho went down with i
foot injury belor" the season
t veil began \nd the late lie
i ember gatin' she returned in
also marked till' departure of
forward Spun ic ti who missed
the first half of the I’at It) sea
son with a foot injury
After Sport h ii s ret urn to
tlie Oregon lineup. Wilson
again w as fort ed to sit out
this time lor the season with
,i foot injury
The two players were a v ital
part of the Ducks inside
strength last year but W iKon
and Spun.n ll have only pi i v ■ !
a matter of minutes together
this season Last season as
fresh m en W Is act
Sporru h. yv ho started every
game her rookie year i m
bim-d for 22 points and IS re
Sounds ic. 4 gani'-s
I rifortunatoly for the Dm k-.
I hi- only, real story this season,
has been the pair's .injuries
both Wilson and Spun eh have
looked gotxl at times this si'a
sun Span n h was a lie 10
I’ia, r of fhi’ W'-.-k m 'Virtu
tier tint neither have played
enough liemake min h id an im
piai t only .''i games com
hl-e ahseni e n't other players
has hurt Oregon as well ill
!ai ! . only V issy S.hiyy el;' has
seep action in every gar tins
sea son. !
that vs 1 11 hi id IS u .-•! y .1 !:i 1
any ini onsisteiu ies the team
W i,i M halve to r el the 1. ; i
five s< htiols .itv the Pat .10 boas!
the: greatest number nt players
who have played m s : y game
■ tins season
All id this espi iltis the
1 > K;.k ■■ ss n- : g . . :w 1 .
en games m i • * r . e y uni Ids
1 eg ' IV e stf 1- . ’ 1 i ■ V-1
one point the longest sin ti
sire , k • IP s 111
I he eifet [ 'tie inairies have
had, though is U s! illustrated
in the number ->! starting line
ups Hein V lias i :e p lenun ted
this year Oregon has put 1J
ddferent starting i anhinatiims
on the i our! th.-- season and no
one player has started every
game this year, is Sj ,»n n h was
able to do last season
Ibis season lias to he fills
tratmg to all involved, espei nil
ly alter the s.n . essful pre
season Both players a n d
r;o0' h.i's w e', ' i.iii.r ; - ' .ea
son tournaments toiiowing the
preseasoti. In.! somebody forgot
the regular season along the
v\ IV
On paper '1 s V ■- i g: • -at
similarity to las! season.
Hemy s first losing ampaigo
during his career That team
finished the preseason at ' i
but lost Its first seven confer
erne contests before finishing
i i lr> on I he year
Heu.y s team in ed : hi ary
aixiut a repeat losing record
thei I hn ss are guaranteed I a
fiOO season no matter what
•!,, y d this we. kerid h111 a
win in either oi the games will
go. e (iregi in a w mntng season
i .he I)u( ks w ill he plavmg
tor pride and lor a season that
tragu .illy w.isn't
■ (Or any other one topping medium pi^za) |
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