Ducks put finishes on frustrating year By Jake Berg Ern*,) ; S;> /ts fui.'c* end of the () r rg n n h ii m i' n s With the bnsketfiull season this weekend the had luck that plagued the team all year shun Id also meet its demise Men i fully The Ducks, who vs mi their first five games and finished the preseason B , are now 14-12 overall and !• 10 in the Pacific-1.0 Conference Oregon wraps up the year with a 7 at) muti hup tonight against l St at Mi Arthur Court and a Saturday game against l'CCA flits team, )Ii year coach !.1 w ui H e in \ said . earlier, t h i s year was second in quality only to Ins .’It vs in s K;.k ■■ ss n- : g . . :w 1 . en games m i • * r . e y uni Ids 1 eg ' IV e stf 1- . ’ 1 i ■ V-1 one point the longest sin ti sire , k • IP s 111 I he eifet [ 'tie inairies have had, though is U s! illustrated in the number ->! starting line ups Hein V lias i :e p lenun ted this year Oregon has put 1J ddferent starting i anhinatiims on the i our! th.-- season and no one player has started every game this year, is Sj ,»n n h was able to do last season Ibis season lias to he fills tratmg to all involved, espei nil ly alter the s.n . essful pre season Both players a n d r;o0' h.i's w e', ' i.iii.r ; - ' .ea son tournaments toiiowing the preseasoti. In.! somebody forgot the regular season along the v\ IV On paper '1 s V ■- i g: • -at similarity to las! season. Hemy s first losing ampaigo during his career That team finished the preseason at ' i but lost Its first seven confer erne contests before finishing i i lr> on I he year Heu.y s team in ed : hi ary aixiut a repeat losing record thei I hn ss are guaranteed I a fiOO season no matter what •!,, y d this we. kerid h111 a win in either oi the games will go. e (iregi in a w mntng season i .he I)u( ks w ill he plavmg tor pride and lor a season that tragu .illy w.isn't NOWj OPEN! ! $C99 MEDIUM ! O PEPPERONI PIZZA i ■ (Or any other one topping medium pi^za) | I Good at Campus only jj |i Expires 4/10/92. Not valid with any other offer § •683-7325 1856 E._13th J u. f *» Due* s Debtne Sporcich was one of several key players lost dur ing Oregon $ unusual injury-prone season MOBILE: I COME TO YOU' 1UflE-(IPS 0CYL : $45*4CYL.: $30 Pnc*« inckjcte ysaA plugs Con Jrn at Tun® Ups f\js 746 7672 NICARAGUA Two Years After the Elections: A Sandinista Update A PRESENTATION BY NICARAGUAN t CONGRESSMAN RAY HOOKER Monday 7:00 pm March 30, 1992 EMU Fir Room s Hi A * s A K*c '■ AS ■ ** ' S6V' ' '! t Precision Cuts : E -S«itggsiu-lOgP ^5]2 ting *BlTeak ('hecklist ■ New hairstyle for spring! ■ Last minute tanning. ■ Travel size hair products. ■ Refill products ■ Aloe vera for sunburns! ALWAYS s10 ■ Tanning accelerator tor oeacn. N€VU5 Joico **** Body Drench ffKft MfTCHELL* 609 '£. 13th 484-3143 Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen N\ A' VM'V/: 1 £ V, * LI V J i ■■ A u ft • a>j it : - A/’ ■V f Pc • V , ft .1 I Weasel's World Kraig Norris IN’ OTHtfl 5Kf-'1 * ' Si ft <’.*!• 5.1WO r ••>£? >-.i ifMfti: v > »1 „ ' s ‘ . j.'-a ' THIS StSf'1 TV£ •««.’ "v-' Ht HK *S > Af .A;.' *>r *.. ME -A a V ^^ILE^OOTAG^; TEAM ft ( A.5 -V.t. WXHt. 'HAT nc*.f.’ Ps.'ESv.’U 8£ RACt " k.:, av ht’ axis.* cvttcfe v*._ a g »’ ThC fA;P-G#fcUlsr;S CAfl SHOW, wmS£ K®5 CAN or THEIR HERO'S AUTO ■ GRAPH r> Jusr 120 1 /