Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    New study aid: Profs on tape
By Julie M iche
f >not a 4 cw ' < 4k; '.O'
Slud'mts art- now tihlr iu
purchase tapis ul sHtsr.led U*i:
luff i In-.si's through tin' r>i »
Replav program (iftirrid !>\
i'oolrioios tKi'f-taking sirvim
U e rr simply rn or.ling
ihc !< < lurrs as ihi proli ssor*.
give (horn and bringing I in;
inaslrr tapes lo 1‘oidnnles,
said 1 odd Lvni h. Kl'plav I o
urd In.dor
Lynt ti sells the tapes for
Siri |xt term i.r SI per Jr> tun*
Stu.'f : .,n bring in their
own !.ijj< i.r pun Ii.im them
from l out notes
He -got the ■ idea fur Ki pi.iv
while allemiing i nivi i\it\ of
i .alitorma Irvine where lie
Wav ■' to buy r<■< oriii-ii let •
l.v in )i .uni it frianti started a
similar program at (he l Oliver
sity last, inn: I his tent, limit
j • ;■ ti'ft»alvtfd and
U,. s j!!i Ki’pUiy Id 1 ooinotos
I. yorh j on !u mun.i^i
II. Msrvit.'
(Ko'ptav) ts an I'xinflent
( "n !!i iilnnX'M! to 1 r.ntno!i">
Suiiva ulutjonis nr« auditory
li .irni-rn w hr re .is others an
visual Inarm rv' t.ym I: said
\V ’ i’ll it •> tom- to studs for
if;, ’ ’ S i ■ t > ll > I ill V
•tnii rt-ini your nntcvand hsum
to tin j>r. ‘i• r n iti r.iti- !h«m
to vou ”
‘freshman Seminars
Monday Friday, February 17 February 21
KOOam .*> (X) pm VvJ Oregon 1 Fill
mu. i‘w
l-NCi 199
aki: m
I'll iw
i»s iw
mu. iw
I NC. 199
(’ll 199
TA 199
Matters of Life and Death
Racism in American Literature
Pioneers of Image: Lthnic and Minority Group Stereotypes
in the Visual Arts
The Cosmic Connection
Political Biography: A Window on American Politics
Lxistentialism and Types of Characters
(Yucial 1 Inman Issues
Creativity. Lccentricity and Serendipity in Science
Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama
Offue of the ‘Jktin of Student* hO Oregon Hi ill Oo 11 '<•
Environmental Awareness
Workshops • Winter 1992
Strategics tor Interpreters—February 21-22
1 credit Fee $75
1'his is an e\i client xourse lor tm guides a til outdoor leaders It is designed tn provide spxi itii
in lor mat tun and tested tec hmtjtn tu hi-lp | urtiiipants lrarti al'tiut I hi- environmer t and gain skills to
In mu in’ loti tit at ns ot in tor mat: t oik > t on. urgani/atioii and preset!tat ton it! natural anil historic
material will tv mam topics
Coastal Lakes—February 28-29, March 1
2 credits f oe $150 plus $25 travel
1 urge a tul small lakes along 1 Vegan s coast pruc ide an interesting and inter mauve field lab for t hi*
stude of plants, animals, hi store . d goo It this workshop will explore preset x at ion and use
issues, recreational opportunities and reset >, ,■ \ aim's as well as the historical and geological
significance o! these evioptional resources
Coastal Mammals: Seals and Sea Lions—March 6-7-8
2 credits f ee $150 plus $50 iravei
l'he (>ri'gon Coast is home to a \ a nets ol m onn ils both marine anil terrestrial Idas field lab is.II
examine their evolution and hob.* ats with , * I': * s.te k s>k at this iv, it mg and ihfiaitiu i net run merit
Weather perttutting this field lab w ill ir, . lea wf.ale watching to;.: hv boat I'lanl life geologc and
vast rex n at tonal op|x>r (unities u ll a No be aierol
Bohemia Mines and Brice Creek- March 13-14-15
2 credits f ee $150 plus $35 travel
1 hi- ai'.... r \ i'( »•<i|d in iIn' IVit . iii.) Mn i ,iri .i * touted .i tk ! ,i: 1 i oloriul hiMot \ ripe tor evplorj
lion 1 Ins woikshop will not mill unit t! I • m jnd t.uiti.i o! the Ho he: nut Mituw .ire.i but will alMi
explore the tim er oleV.it ion Hi 1.1 i I iv k .it i tor : m .it;,1 , ' - ! .id V r. ■■,rito
Oregon Rivers—March 20-21-22
2 credits Fee $150 plus $30 travel
Hus work-toy wit! :iu'il:,:,iti t' . ouuu; piM'i un iroTUf.etits o! Oregon's fixers I ic’.J-l.tbs on
Uh .it nviT. otter firsthand expos. re to h. ['-t :d. ms g.un an understanding ul the problems
relations!-, ;ps . otuepts .in d oppot tit tut ii ti r m« t ,u ti \ dies Studii s ot plants. am mils historx .ind
river gcoUtgi will broader. the students uw iron. « o! ( Hegoti swa:. rvuvs
South Coast: Spring Break—
March 26-27-28-29
3 credits fee $235 par $J travel
l imit 15 students .. verr ,jht
Studx -it the i-.l.'.i ot : "o i on;in. r; to in
kr w :. ■ t i n-- ; -
\ urted lUSLitti
To register for any of these workshop
or for more information,
stop by the UO Continuation Center at
333 Oregon Hall or simply call:
Page "
i oulnu'i’s ability lo suppir
mrnt sluih-nU' nutrs outweigh**
(),.■ f.K I ih.it thev i uulil l)i- iisrd
,1 ■•uhstitutf fur .ittriidiiiK
i lass < )rr s.ud
Professor A fan UitA mu rt.
win! li'.n hi v Hio!og\ !24. said
hi iiM-ij to worry that students
would hu v Footnotes instead of
jp ,ing to his let lure
h s more important to bone
111 i hr -i iic 1 - nls who attend
:,.ss. .ind lor iht* others (who
. : : . :. ,r pr, hit in Dick
man said
i tnrtv two 11.ism's continue
to allow i iiotnoles this -term.
if a r i I SI J 'hi per term or
V* i 1 ri per issue students
• .m pun ti.isr i iaitimt.-s in KMl'
Room ill
Continued from Page 7
Th.il. mo ft! than anything. will
[in vent .in .tss.uiIt
Ite-v Collins, si community
service specialist in the hugene
police department, said women
considering carrying a weapon
should think about such factors
as (lie liability issue- and how
easily an attacker could lake
tlie weapon
Collins said slie rec onimends
a c hemical spray because U in
c reuses tin- victim's chance- of
survival il the attacker uses it
against her "The Cap Stun is
accessible and il someone tries
to attack me, I'll live through a
( ap-Stun as opposed to a bullet
wound, she said
Also the victim is less liable
961 E 18th Ave
Guest Lecturer
'The Role of the University
in American Education'
Mon., Feb. 17 4:30 p.m.
Room 198
FREE Admission
Vanguard Series
Mon , Feb. 17 8 p.m.
$6 50 General Admission
$3 50 Students Seniors
Chamber Music Senes
Tues., Feb. 18 8 p.m.
$6 50 $15 50 Reserved.
Students $4. $7 at the door
UO Ensembles
Wed.. Feb 19 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students Seniors
UO Ensembles
Thur., Feb 20 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students Seniors
For more information, call
346-3761 (Music School)
:.i in- sued i! slu! uses .1 churn i
(.1! spray on the a liar krr .is op
posed to a gun or kmfe,Collins
I've never seen .1 i use where
someone yy.is sprayed in self
defense, hut in .1 wrongful
death case, the tragedy is just
mushroomed, ' she said.
T(»d Schneider, another com
munity servile spei in list in the
hugene police department, said
self-defense training and hash
i ommon sense are the keys
Taking se|f-defense training,
assertiveness training, being
aware, having your keys out be
fore going out to your car
these things are going to have
more of an impact than buying
a ucapon," he said
Locally, weapons are avail
able jusi about everywhere
from private businesses to indi
viduals soiling them in the
I-.Mli to hugene Alhletii to the
Women's ('.enter Hut just like
everything, it is important to
know what you’re buying,
OPS s Drayton said
These people may water the
product down in order to save
money, hr said, "so the spray
may nut tie as potent or jrovvor
ful Also, they oiler no sort of
1 lass i don't think they edu
cate people
OSU pageant
receives protest
CORVALLIS (At’) A hi nit
■It) people demonstriitfil out
suit' thf Oregon Stall* Universi
l\ auditorium whom (hit Ms
DSC Pageant was hold Sutur
A i umpus-bused group called
People Concerned About tin*
Objectification of Women car
rich a few plui arils and handed
out literature
One of the organizers, ken
kosti said some people were
hostile to the protesters She
sail! she and .1 lets ol the pro
testers is etched the show after
they weie told they didn't real
ly know what they were pro
She said the show, which did
not require women to wear
bathing suits, was not blatant
ly offensive If it was. every
body would notice it
Instead, it Was subtle in
molding women to a false ideal,
she said
The program propagates a
stylized way tor women to he
have L very one acted a certain
wav that just wasn't real," ho
ski said
1 or example, after giving a
speech, the women had to care
full\ walk backwards, instead
el turning around to walk hack
into line, she said
i hey all looked like Barbie
dolls who were taring inspect
ed, she said
The women were terrific
and had .1 lot to say. ' koski
said "Hut 1 think at a universi
ty there must be a better way to
rei ogruze talented women than
to make them parade around
and make 1! a show