New study aid: Profs on tape By Julie M iche f >not a 4 cw ' < 4k; '.O' Slud'mts art- now tihlr iu purchase tapis ul sHtsr.led U*i: luff i's through tin' r>i » Replav program (iftirrid !>\ i'oolrioios tKi'f-taking sirvim U e rr simply rn or.ling ihc !< < lurrs as ihi proli ssor*. give (horn and bringing I in; inaslrr tapes lo 1‘oidnnles, said 1 odd Lvni h. Kl'plav I o urd In.dor Lynt ti sells the tapes for Siri |xt term i.r SI per Jr> tun* Stu.'f : .,n bring in their own !.ijj< i.r pun them from l out notes He -got the ■ idea fur Ki pi.iv while allemiing i nivi i\it\ of i .alitorma Irvine where lie Wav ■' to buy r<■< oriii-ii let • inti’s l.v in )i .uni it frianti started a similar program at (he l Oliver sity last, inn: I his tent, limit j • ;■ ti'ft»alvtfd and U,. s j!!i Ki’pUiy Id 1 ooinotos I. yorh j on !u mun.i^i II. Msrvit.' (Ko'ptav) ts an I'xinflent ( "n !!i iilnnX'M! to 1 r.ntno!i"> Suiiva ulutjonis nr« auditory li .irni-rn w hr re .is others an visual Inarm rv' t.ym I: said \V ’ i’ll it •> tom- to studs for if;, ’ ’ S i ■ t > ll > I ill V •tnii rt-ini your nntcvand hsum to tin j>r. ‘i• r n iti r.iti- !h«m to vou ” ‘freshman Seminars PR F-REGISTRATION FOR SPRING TERM Monday Friday, February 17 February 21 KOOam .*> (X) pm VvJ Oregon 1 Fill mu. i‘w l-NCi 199 aki: m I'll iw i»s iw mu. iw I NC. 199 (’ll 199 TA 199 Matters of Life and Death Racism in American Literature Pioneers of Image: Lthnic and Minority Group Stereotypes in the Visual Arts The Cosmic Connection Political Biography: A Window on American Politics Lxistentialism and Types of Characters (Yucial 1 Inman Issues Creativity. Lccentricity and Serendipity in Science Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama Offue of the ‘Jktin of Student* hO Oregon Hi ill Oo 11 '<• Environmental Awareness Workshops • Winter 1992 Strategics tor Interpreters—February 21-22 1 credit Fee $75 1'his is an e\i client xourse lor tm guides a til outdoor leaders It is designed tn provide spxi itii in lor mat tun and tested tec hmtjtn tu hi-lp | urtiiipants lrarti al'tiut I hi- environmer t and gain skills to In mu in’ loti tit at ns ot in tor mat: t oik > t on. urgani/atioii and preset!tat ton it! natural anil historic material will tv mam topics Coastal Lakes—February 28-29, March 1 2 credits f oe $150 plus $25 travel 1 urge a tul small lakes along 1 Vegan s coast pruc ide an interesting and inter mauve field lab for t hi* stude of plants, animals, hi store . d goo It this workshop will explore preset x at ion and use issues, recreational opportunities and reset >, ,■ \ aim's as well as the historical and geological significance o! these evioptional resources Coastal Mammals: Seals and Sea Lions—March 6-7-8 2 credits f ee $150 plus $50 iravei l'he (>ri'gon Coast is home to a \ a nets ol m onn ils both marine anil terrestrial Idas field lab is.II examine their evolution and hob.* ats with , * I': * s.te k s>k at this iv, it mg and ihfiaitiu i net run merit Weather perttutting this field lab w ill ir, . lea wf.ale watching to;.: hv boat I'lanl life geologc and vast rex n at tonal op|x>r (unities u ll a No be aierol Bohemia Mines and Brice Creek- March 13-14-15 2 credits f ee $150 plus $35 travel 1 hi- ai'.... r \ i'( »•