Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Meter moolah
, •' C" ; .v- ■ ; ‘ - :.i, ,ti
P ,r -SiV'y
'('ft. :ina B .ir Ha ■ ■r> ■
/<■. •• > r
Women arming
aaainst assault
j Cat f ye key chains
and chemical sprays
soon as part of a
good defense against
possible attack
By C rt:n l>, • j
Mure uanm'ii t\fv arn
a'liiM’S ^ <•'. vv i Hi sell dfft
iw fMi\ IS m»t a sail
be at night as a worn
mien! Ann. Sw.niMir
V»> ,mum -..lid .!: . 1: ; .... .1
t k\ > ij.l ! : ! a |!,v ; ; , ,
,1 ( Dillilifll! t’ lltiildi't .Itlll il
iss.ik-■> her Si:' sotm-W!s-it s.ilrr
\n !m rt'.islng!;v jinjutl.ir
|mniu< t. milt'd 1 Ijt Stun, run
1:1ms ciiivi nix' pt j'j.'i'i uui is i
i one sh.i|MHi s|ir.i\ Upon
sj: UVUI;,’. .lll.U ki I - .i r v i : ■ '
ojiri! in .■ fog. Son mg itu* Uirn.it
in i nnslrii t anil ttyt*s» iu strut
i tii i'll.-i ts of ( it|> Stun .in
iniIIi* ■ S i.11■ • .uni tin- .ittin k • :
int .iji.H il.itrd for Sim to tu
rnimiti's, ss 111« no jicrm.ini'nl
this is iii-.t one of
tunny s|u,n • .ivuil.iMu
Anothi i iiuvh *' is tit1.' S jt t .vc
ki v ch.ii ii - !: ! : i;.: I tii■ is i -
! V U . I i to .. . i ..
nine fnshliJIMblc .Hill llltll tiolT
•il t»roituiit to use .is i ii it' i
Ojtcm'f, Ciitiili! cfonnicf end
frost r.ija s 1 ri i* tu.i 111v. tt tt
,1 11.1 ill! v sii.itp lltl't.ll lie Vice
! .! : '.-ini of! .m .itl ll ki i
( )1 h 1 •! 1;. 11 .'.is i!. k: i 1V1 ■ ■ 1:.' 1
Four professors ban Footnotes from class
j Decision reminds students
the note taking service isn't
a given in lecture classes
gy 201. ami i'sychoiugv 201 have al
lowed lh< note-taking servile ! r
manv vars that students thought it was
a given
litis ter III however, students gut a
ii.de awaken mg vvt.-:. ii.ur psyc hoiogy
nrolessurs Voted to tiatl I'lKitnoles Iroin
their ( lasses It was a reminder that the
service does hu-.iness tin I v with instri.i
tors permission
We exist at the professors grates,
said Footnotes coordinator Kristin king
k.tig desc nhed the selection process
the serve e goes through belure sending a
note-taker to class ianployees lirsl lot ate
courses with enrollments of 100 or mote
then try to obtain the instructor s approv
"Some professors always sav no."
king said, adding that courses m the his
tury and political science departments
seldom a! low : out notes
HoWevet. king had never exjjerienc ed
problems with the psychology depart
‘Last spring term, on nice
days, I was averaging 50
or 60 percent (of
students). The lecture as
an educational technique
was a total failure.’
. : i ' !'
/’a,. hi '■ ■
tnent until this term when professors
V : ! > ■ . ‘ . ■ k • t \' ,
; a, :<1...1 : ami:-' ' U ! : !
Ill till!! I'ootltotes (rum their In tllfe ( lass
K11. • worried tti.it lilt1 (4ri»u11 was start
iii}4 a trend
V\ i1 ins! ! hi . i;l, -
hnrmalH would have inntnuted. hi
said Wn were concerned tli.it this
might stiirt happening m other ti«-jj.irt
Still (lot inn 1.1! K' \ snul Ills ill
was nut permanent ami iiul iiiii rutin : i
ctt-p.irlnn-ritaI (Incision lie s.iul ills new
poin V a as an uxpcriliii nl In see il : 1
notes a I In Kill attendant e Itl ills IV.; !. .
ogy 40 I ( hiss
I.ast spring term. on inn days. I w ..
averaging all nr Ml per: i nt (of students
i he let tore as an nlucatlonai tn hniijiie
w.e. a 11 ’ ;. i a. iii re t lor lit n-i.u ke\ sanl
I :; ; . : t -: : r: f - . 1 ■ 1 I a , J !, . U n ik, !i IT W I’
to mi rr.in' iiii iiii mi t Along with itis.il
lowing IiioIihiIpv In' hig.in giving un.in
nuiin< id i|ui/vi s
:i 1 * • . '..oil !: 111' O. I ! i i d s'
if *.I vvas t .niifd Ip, ’hi . nr ■ ,1
1 ootnuliw iip\I t.rriti.' hi- vitd
Kp.'Ip. Who ,lKu Ul.ll lil-s I'svi tiding','
.'1)1, ito: , not plan la s-. mst.it I ooino!' .
asniisui' soun Siiuh-nts should tu n
sj ! i i os;■.: in t l.iss is. 1 i.ii.
tin ir on n noli4'., hr s.iiil
Flu'i" r, n sp.irch wliith suggi -dt. that
n ssam i'. min h hi'tlnr to this p\IpiU th.it
(MD|iip orgiim/ii inali-riiil tht'insplviss
.h.ij)|nns is; tin- noli' taking pro
less, kri ll' said ' h'iiotnoti'v of onirM'.
urn org.mi/i'il hv soniponr pIm:
kpi'li' will, hmvpvpf. continup to ,dlow
l o.itnoli ". new ' Hcplav mrviip, in
w ha h a i turps urn lappii ! : stud puts
Sludi'nls should uttpini aclurrs rpgu
,md t.iio' in .l.'s, k mg s.i.d
AVp 11: i a; dr 1 ootlu a .i a mi [. j a < -
iliplit. she .nidi'll
I'roipssos VVtlliiiin Ori. who h.p. .d
: owid I not s a itps' noli i.ikri s in ho. (11 . 1
ogv 107 i-l.iss for rmirp th.m to yp.irs,
. a "a a tin -a'I V i( p as a v.il:i li) i p sup
plpiiipnt lor his studpiits
' • FOOTNOTES i1., p.
Information glut
topic of speech
By . Bro.v
\ : ’ t lilESeiial l
ili • .!i,, atiOtl , 11 i 1 i mi'llhl ISSUCS VS ill
■•pi ah tod,IV on lilt' Hole nl tin'
i 'istverst I v iti A trier ii .ui Ltd licit
lion lu hv .Hid i x11t<i11■ llic |Mtl
i:nr.i•.'lev nun play in .in infnr
... overload aye
■ i . 15 . '.Ilk I . j il'liu ll'd r''
l ui p in in Kimin I 'in nt the
Si ill .1 li I ii Music
i', -.ini,m i • .i professor id i inn
miiliii ..Imii .iris and sciences al
w Ymk l.'niveisilv where hr Ims
hern a till Illtv inetnlief lor 10 years
Ih in rived Ins dot lnr.de from < n
luitthia I niversds
Over the years. Cost mull has
hern i rihi ally ai i lauried as a i nl
ii. writer, educator, and < omnium
cations theorist lie has written
more th in If. hooks, inr hiding lus
must (aiin,us hook. Amusing Our
selves lu Death
Tonight's sprer h will i oik hide
Postman's first visit to Oregon and
will he followed hv an hour long
lutein session lite event, spun
.rid hy tin- University's schools
1 musii and journalism, will be
free ,md open to the pul,lit
What do you believe the University can do
to make students of color feel more com
fortable on campus7 Check out the views
from other students in STREETWISE
The Oregon women's basketball team
scored the last eight points of the game
Saturday to beat Washington State,
65 - 60.
See SPORTS , Pnge 12
Over the weekend, the
Ducks lost Clyde Jor
dan for the season and
fell to UCLA, 84 - 65
See SPORTS, Page 9