Oregon Daily Meter moolah , •' C" ; .v- ■ ; ‘ - :.i, ,ti P ,r -SiV'y '('ft. :ina B .ir Ha ■ ■r> ■ /<■. •• > r Women arming aaainst assault j Cat f ye key chains and chemical sprays soon as part of a good defense against possible attack By C rt:n l>, • j Mure uanm'ii t\fv arn a'liiM’S ^ <•'. vv i Hi sell dfft iw fMi\ IS m»t a sail be at night as a worn mien! Ann. Sw.niMir N.ltti V»> ,mum -..lid .!: . 1: ; .... .1 t k\ > ij.l ! : ! a |!,v ; ; , , ,1 ( Dillilifll! t’ lltiildi't .Itlll il iss.ik-■> her Si:' sotm-W!s-it s.ilrr \n !m rt'.islng!;v jinjutl.ir |mniu< t. milt'd 1 Ijt Stun, run 1:1ms ciiivi nix' pt j'j.'i'i uui is i i one sh.i|MHi s|ir.i\ Upon sj: UVUI;,’. .lll.U ki I - .i r v i : ■ ' ojiri! in .■ fog. Son mg itu* Uirn.it in i nnslrii t anil ttyt*s» iu strut i tii i'll.-i ts of ( it|> Stun .in iniIIi* ■ S i.11■ • .uni tin- .ittin k • : int .iji.H il.itrd for Sim to tu rnimiti's, ss 111« no jicrm.ini'nl this is iii-.t one of tunny s|u,n • .ivuil.iMu Anothi i iiuvh *' is tit1.' S jt t .vc ki v ch.ii ii - !: ! : i;.: I tii■ is i - ! V U . I i to .. . i .. nine fnshliJIMblc .Hill llltll tiolT •il t»roituiit to use .is i ii it' i Ojtcm'f, Ciitiili! cfonnicf end frost r.ija s 1 ri i* tu.i 111v. tt tt ,1 11.1 ill! v sii.itp lltl't.ll lie Vice ! .! : '.-ini of! .m .itl ll ki i ( )1 h 1 •! 1;. 11 .'.is i!. k: i 1V1 ■ ■ 1:.' 1 RAPE Four professors ban Footnotes from class j Decision reminds students the note taking service isn't a given in lecture classes gy 201. ami i'sychoiugv 201 have al lowed lh< note-taking servile ! r manv vars that students thought it was a given litis ter III however, students gut a ii.de awaken mg vvt.-:. ii.ur psyc hoiogy nrolessurs Voted to tiatl I'lKitnoles Iroin their ( lasses It was a reminder that the service does hu-.iness tin I v with instri.i tors permission We exist at the professors grates, said Footnotes coordinator Kristin king k.tig desc nhed the selection process the serve e goes through belure sending a note-taker to class ianployees lirsl lot ate courses with enrollments of 100 or mote then try to obtain the instructor s approv al "Some professors always sav no." king said, adding that courses m the his tury and political science departments seldom a! low : out notes HoWevet. king had never exjjerienc ed problems with the psychology depart ‘Last spring term, on nice days, I was averaging 50 or 60 percent (of students). The lecture as an educational technique was a total failure.’ . : i ' !' /’a,. hi '■ ■ tnent until this term when professors V : ! > ■ . ‘ . ■ k • t \' , ; a, :<1...1 : ami:-' ' U ! : ! Ill till!! I'ootltotes (rum their In tllfe ( lass K11. • worried tti.it lilt1 (4ri»u11 was start iii}4 a trend V\ i1 ins! ! hi . i;l, - hnrmalH would have inntnuted. hi said Wn were concerned tli.it this might stiirt happening m other ti«-jj.irt meals Still (lot inn 1.1! K' \ snul Ills ill was nut permanent ami iiul iiiii rutin : i ctt-p.irlnn-ritaI (Incision lie s.iul ills new poin V a as an uxpcriliii nl In see il : 1 notes a I In Kill attendant e Itl ills IV.; !. . ogy 40 I ( hiss I.ast spring term. on inn days. I w .. averaging all nr Ml per: i nt (of students i he let tore as an nlucatlonai tn hniijiie w.e. a 11 ’ ;. i a. iii re t lor lit n-i.u ke\ sanl I :; ; . : t -: : r: f - . 1 ■ 1 I a , J !, . U n ik, !i IT W I’ to mi rr.in' iiii iiii mi t Along with itis.il lowing IiioIihiIpv In' hig.in giving un.in nuiin< id i|ui/vi s :i 1 * • . '..oil !: 111' O. I ! i i d s' if *.I vvas t .niifd Ip, ’hi . nr ■ ,1 1 ootnuliw iip\I t.rriti.' hi- vitd Kp.'Ip. Who ,lKu Ul.ll lil-s I'svi tiding',' .'1)1, ito: , not plan la s-. mst.it I ooino!' . asniisui' soun Siiuh-nts should tu n sj ! i i os;■.: in t l.iss is. 1 i.ii. tin ir on n noli4'., hr s.iiil Flu'i" r, n sp.irch wliith suggi -dt. that n ssam i'. min h hi'tlnr to this p\IpiU th.it (MD|iip orgiim/ii inali-riiil tht'insplviss .h.ij)|nns is; tin- noli' taking pro less, kri ll' said ' h'iiotnoti'v of onirM'. urn org.mi/i'il hv soniponr pIm: kpi'li' will, hmvpvpf. continup to ,dlow l o.itnoli ". new ' Hcplav mrviip, in w ha h a i turps urn lappii ! : stud puts Sludi'nls should uttpini aclurrs rpgu ,md t.iio' in .l.'s, k mg s.i.d AVp 11: i a; dr 1 ootlu a .i a mi [. j a < - iliplit. she .nidi'll I'roipssos VVtlliiiin Ori. who h.p. .d : owid I not s a itps' noli i.ikri s in ho. (11 . 1 ogv 107 i-l.iss for rmirp th.m to yp.irs, . a "a a tin -a'I V i( p as a v.il:i li) i p sup plpiiipnt lor his studpiits ' • FOOTNOTES i1., p. Information glut topic of speech By . Bro.v \ : ’ t lilESeiial l ili • .!i,, atiOtl , 11 i 1 i mi'llhl ISSUCS VS ill ■•pi ah tod,IV on lilt' Hole nl tin' i 'istverst I v iti A trier ii .ui Ltd licit lion lu hv .Hid i x11t