Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1992, Page 10, Image 9

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- SClumW /KdJh Sio**
Special d^if+s
SpeclaI Lovers
Toy*, Co'uiitf, Lotion*, Cand*,
Vl<i«o« fo»- Loving Couple* mi f*Aor*.
Men- 5w «*«•«< B* Um
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1U*-A S* 5ffi
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Couriw y ptt&o
Two Los Hallets Jan do Montreal daricors perform a piece filled Fiesta that will be seen in their
Hull Center appearance
Jazz troupe intricate, humorous
ByM"q RoC'gues
Win It- other modem danee groups may lie
n i re : in .i!i d in i-!• ...ting danoi- into rarefied
realms that often leave .uidient es in a stale of
ti|ii’n ii! ulhi'ii Is-wildtirmenl. Los H.ilfels ’.1 //
ill- Montreal IS ha|ijjy In r 11 i,.1111 so: itefi an
I ill : ’ -1 i ;‘S VMlflll Ilf f)llfO .1II (! U 11.11 i 11 i 11 f.l Ifl I
kuiciH entertainment
: Ins ii urlti-f,minus Canadian dante troupe
•,i ,,s i mated hi In i-i. i.i ni fur \i fiat tin i are
bright. soinnlimos (f ishy somotimes humor
mi* mv.mahlv mtrit ate and always iisuully
oxi King
II ( ill s I till Itiali Mall less pil l iso ovoi t|
lions to sustain their unique if.into style tli.it
loses till- oil earn r of (I.issu.il bullet .Util the
oxi itrntenl of modern dam ■ with the emotion
,ii richness of jazz. musti
I 'a!. i tfle hands ul arlistH dtti i ’a a (lone
iii'ii1 Salbamg. I li.diets h-ihnuj.n has
ondved into title ut seemingly ellortiess spoil
taneitv, when- lla dam ers are known to mull
tr. U. ||;e must , V'ahotiitu af.it light hearted
d,inring into strongly dramulit pieties
their try anything enthusittsm lias delight
ed audiem es fiery where Wings on their
feet. hr. in their !» flies anti "Inspiring, grace
lu! ftirinnl.ifiiy pin im- t taiplt-d with delight
It.: humor are some of the ran- reviews the
Iniupe h.is garnered
H ilh mi mm h go.ng !<>r it unflagging energy
h i-, got to l»- ont' essential element ol Canada's
in i-.I traveled cultural ambassador (lelehniting
its joth anniversary lilts year I.es Ballets Jazz
has performed at many ol tin world's loading
d.m and jazz losiivais, having given over
: soti performances on live continents and in
outlines througlunit Canada and llio
S:.. •, . .: oj>o Movico, the British Islos, the
( iiiitiln an Islands the Midoast and the fur
Hush'd I \ the lingerie Ballot Company. Los
II ..'ol jazz's performances here will include
i lion . c.'uphy by some ol la si dam e ( horeog
r. .j hers in the i. miry Lvnne Taylor Curbott,
. .e : dm i oh! :ts m< hide /'iiur/oose and \/i
Mill' lir.nrn David Parsons ol the Parsons
Dan, e Company l ly-sses Do.e a t horeogra*
: ! a : . \ i ■ -,, t tu eel II u htdt . a still! vs lilt the Al
io Ally Dami Theater, and Margo
s, , : . gt.ui whose i redds include the Broad
a. .. o:odur lion ol lhmm-siiurt
: ranges widely through the jazz
n i : o. Sr.nil (K. at Peterson to Pat Melhetn
to ta e (.agnoit And more
S ■ B.diets 1 i// d‘- Montreal will perform on
: el. He pi at it p m in the Hull Center's Silva
t r. Hall . : Pels available at the PMl
Mum Desk are s i 50, s' up sn and S17 BO
Sot dents and S' to S IS general admission
13th and Alder 343-0681
$300 cash
Grand prize.
Contest every Monday
You must enter before the 24th
Finals on Monday, Feb. 24
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