n clusivety L - SClumW /KdJh Sio** Special d^if+s For SpeclaI Lovers Toy*, Co'uiitf, Lotion*, Cand*, Vlr it unflagging energy h i-, got to l»- ont' essential element ol Canada's in i-.I traveled cultural ambassador (lelehniting its joth anniversary lilts year I.es Ballets Jazz has performed at many ol tin world's loading d.m and jazz losiivais, having given over : soti performances on live continents and in outlines througlunit Canada and llio S:.. •, . .: oj>o Movico, the British Islos, the ( iiiitiln an Islands the Midoast and the fur Hush'd I \ the lingerie Ballot Company. Los II ..'ol jazz's performances here will include i lion . c.'uphy by some ol la si dam e ( horeog r. .j hers in the i. miry Lvnne Taylor Curbott, . .e : dm i oh! :ts m< hide /'iiur/oose and \/i Mill' lir.nrn David Parsons ol the Parsons Dan, e Company l ly-sses Do.e a t horeogra* : ! a : . \ i ■ -,, t tu eel II u htdt . a still! vs lilt the Al io Ally Dami Theater, and Margo s, , : . gt.ui whose i redds include the Broad a. .. o:odur lion ol lhmm-siiurt : ranges widely through the jazz n i : o. Sr.nil (K. at Peterson to Pat Melhetn to ta e (.agnoit And more S ■ B.diets 1 i// d‘- Montreal will perform on : el. He pi at it p m in the Hull Center's Silva t r. Hall . : Pels available at the PMl Mum Desk are s i 50, s' up sn and S17 BO Sot dents and S' to S IS general admission Guido’s 13th and Alder 343-0681 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< $300 cash Grand prize. Contest every Monday You must enter before the 24th Finals on Monday, Feb. 24 KINKOS More Than Great Copies • Report Binding • IBM and Mac Rentals v • Instant Passport Photos N • Next Day Typing Service • Fast Self Serve Copiers - with Auto Feed • Next Day Resumes • Next Day Business Cards • Custom T-shirts _ <>|>C‘M -7 l>iiys - |