Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Students justified in
condom provision
It got the bull rolling, but it's still only half way
across the field.
Five South Eugene High School students gave out
condoms earlier this week in an effort to call attention
to their request for condom dispensers at school.
Planet hood Party, a group of student government
candidates, handed out 1.500 condoms in all — a legal
no no according to Eugene School District law Princi
pal Don Jackson was not a happy camper.
Jackson, who supports the students' push lor safe
sex via condom use. says they went about it all w rong.
Well, yes and no.
The students' somewhat extreme bid for condoms
may have been a necessary catalyst in the situation.
Now that they've got everyone's attention, the issue
will have to be addressed ft may not have gotten such
quick action before.
That's the "no" part.
The students missed the mark by not taking the
measure uli the way. In addition to handing out a sab
sex tool like condoms, something designed to increase
student’s knowledge of the subject would’ve made the
Party's message much more effective.
The handout is a good sign, coming in answer to
the school newspaper's survey findings that 90 percent
ot the student body would like to see a dispensing pro
gram at school
It shows today's kids are thinking about such is
sues. proof that the messages are getting through (loud
to see. since problems ranging front AIDS to teen ages!
pregnancy are growing in this country.
Hard as it may !«' lor many parents to face, teen
aged sex is a reality Understand.tbly. this is a hard fact
lor parents to face. Ridiculously, however, it's primari
h this group who objects to something like the student
hand out. believing that the action only condones sex
What it actually does is make it safe; condoms
along with information about safe sex could literally
save the child they want so much to protect. It's in
their best interest, along with their children's and the
entire community, to support this type of program for
these kids
l-’or the students who would participate in sex
anyway, (which is most), tools and knowledge could be
the best option offered them.
The (hct’an DuiJi iinrr.ihl uil! attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topic s of interest to the1
I 'diversity conuminiH
Letters to the editor must lie limited to no more than
;':>() words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must lie verified when the letter is submitted
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Dirty dollars
Krgetdlng 'Analysis’ \OlHi.
Inn JJ)
Hush must hr pretty despot
■ili' In have tu call on Durtiura's
good image lor help Aside
bum llrr good srnsr ul humor
i which she musl need') and
reading tu i hlldren, shr has
duiir hlllr Hit sympathy lot
Ir.1 ‘|i Ijabies ended when they
vvrtr supposedly timivil) mil of
initihiilors Hul now ' She does
nut even answer her mail on
the plight ul thousands ol si( k
nnd dy mg Iraqi i hildn-n
Speaking uf helpmates I ,im
appalled tu find nut im I roil I
lint' our elei linns have been
fueled by millions ul duty dol
lars from the Key Moon Hoy\
low can Hush sink1' Ur have to
tie on careful guard bet ause
tins tune, he'll stop at nothing
to continue his imperial reign
Hilda Cherry
( •; i ■ ruing tin /'mctulti's .if
. I- :!' .: V .. I’ Kvall .it
Icr his suit nlc. I led th.it you
unjustly titiin/.'.i isstn Thf .1 r11
1 i< tf 1. .1 to tu.ii.1' Uvan out to btr
,1 hutiiiin In-trig or .1 humunitun
.1 n
Who .in \ m trying to fool?
Tin- woman whom hf rupni In
imiff human than Ibis 111.111
VMiulii 1 • v.*r tin Whi-ti- in thi'ir
Mth* to tills' If thi-ri' in .mV hu
mail suf«■ tii tins whulf .itf.iir, it
would conn* lioiii thf |h* op In of
whom Kvan took, .itfvuntugi
Anthony Wilson
I s 1 Ms 11'n Bt.uni
It v\,isn't too long ago that wf
vM'if h.onor, ,1 with a nif f lum h
am! a spi ff h from vou tolling
as ol hatii tinii's Tightening
, lit hi Its ftf It Was all \m
nice, hut plf.isf don't tfll us
ahout hard tlllU'N
U Ith V i alii! Vi .Ilf VV I If hot h
fuming a fair amount, no chiI
lirfli. a lovely houSf furnishfli
In thf 1'iiiv i-rsitv ts tt true
vour honif! Is truing remodeled?
\l wliusr expense7 How much?
To suggest .1 raise lor you. sir,
is like rubbing sail into a
wuiiini an open wound
Alter tie ordeal about the
money used to transport the
City officials' wives. Is It true
V mi ret eived .1 ia is that very
d.iv I’lease explain, as we are a
lainilv. remember? We are all
ai i ountable to each other
1 must take time off soon !*•
I ause lit health reasons With
out pay. that means I will be
without health Insurance for u
Sear It is very difficult for me
right now as our health benefits
used to Is- paid lor 1 have tried
endlessls to expand ms office
hours to eight per das with no
i’hs sli alls . it i cm hi have tab
ell a lot of pressure off of me to
know I could afiord to survive
I spent over Sti.OOO on medical
lulls myself this sc ar, out of a
grand total of $14,000 I still
have to pay the state SK!J
I'm glad you’re very success
lul 1 nisi wish you wouldn’t
speak out of both sides of vour
mouth I don’t c are if you share
with us just w a Ik in our shoes
Vicki Travis
I would 11ki• lo ask a small fa
vor ol thf University communi
l\ There are a few words
winch I have had the misfor
tune of hearing people litter
around campus
The words are "pistol,"
' iheddar. "prognosis," and
Dakota 1 do not like thus*'
words and would appreciate it
if people would not publicly
use them
I led that bv suppressing
these words (and possibly im
posing Fines on those who in
sist on saving them), we can
stem their power and perhaps
make people forget all about
them I leul lilts would make
the University community a
better torum lor the free and
non s< .irv e\« hangc ul ideas
Thanks for the help
Bryce Ingram
I would like to respond to
Murk Serb us' (OUt.. Jun 27)
i ommenturv on Am.i/on hous
ing by lirst doing a little self-in
terested whining, then offering
.1 eh.blunge to the University
Housing Board to consider if in
fact Amazon is to he rebuilt
hirst, we are not talking
about a few dollars rent in
i rease il Amazon is rebuilt, hut
somewhere in the neighbor
hood of a $ too ini rease I bis is
out of range ol most of the sin
gle parents and ti l l s who call
Amazon home I don't mind a
sheet metal shower in exchange
lor low rent, as I only intend to
be here three or four years, and
think of this as camping out,
las ause if I were paving more
for a nicer plat e, I would not be
in school
As fur the results of tin* sur
vey circulated around Amazon,
l ast C.ampus. and Westmore
land. I am not surprised As a
dedicated Amazon resident, I
would probably vote to tear
down Westmoreland Of
t nurse, my self interest bumps
hard against the reality that
Amazon was intended as tem
porary in the days (iod was
young, and that sooner or later,
some students would be incon
venienced by change
As a resident of Amazon and
a taxpayer, 1 too am concerned
about the bond money, and
would like to see it thoughtful
ly spent in ways most Ixinofi
eial for the student population
To this end. I would propose
tin* formation of a student job
pool, which would distribute
some of that money hack to the
students in the form of wages
paid in exchange for doing con
struction on these units, thus
utilizing skill of many older, re
turning students who find the
present support network a little
thin How about it7
Lee Green