EDITORIAL Students justified in condom provision It got the bull rolling, but it's still only half way across the field. Five South Eugene High School students gave out condoms earlier this week in an effort to call attention to their request for condom dispensers at school. Planet hood Party, a group of student government candidates, handed out 1.500 condoms in all — a legal no no according to Eugene School District law Princi pal Don Jackson was not a happy camper. Jackson, who supports the students' push lor safe sex via condom use. says they went about it all w rong. Well, yes and no. The students' somewhat extreme bid for condoms may have been a necessary catalyst in the situation. Now that they've got everyone's attention, the issue will have to be addressed ft may not have gotten such quick action before. That's the "no" part. The students missed the mark by not taking the measure uli the way. In addition to handing out a sab sex tool like condoms, something designed to increase student’s knowledge of the subject would’ve made the Party's message much more effective. The handout is a good sign, coming in answer to the school newspaper's survey findings that 90 percent ot the student body would like to see a dispensing pro gram at school It shows today's kids are thinking about such is sues. proof that the messages are getting through (loud to see. since problems ranging front AIDS to teen ages! pregnancy are growing in this country. Hard as it may !«' lor many parents to face, teen aged sex is a reality Understand.tbly. this is a hard fact lor parents to face. Ridiculously, however, it's primari h this group who objects to something like the student hand out. believing that the action only condones sex What it actually does is make it safe; condoms along with information about safe sex could literally save the child they want so much to protect. It's in their best interest, along with their children's and the entire community, to support this type of program for these kids l-’or the students who would participate in sex anyway, (which is most), tools and knowledge could be the best option offered them. LETTERS POLICY The (hct’an DuiJi iinrr.ihl uil! attempt to print all letters containing comments on topic s of interest to the1 I 'diversity conuminiH Letters to the editor must lie limited to no more than ;':>() words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must lie verified when the letter is submitted Emerald P 0 POX IIS* UXHNt OBIGON *1*03 TN> Vugor, |>&d> I * o ■* 0«> . •» .- J* t r«s.»y * I'M •') t " uptUj I*. !• f.* J . .»• !*4» o' I Ougw IN* l • *» ,uJ sHJO'd xr •»**;**■*>«'''r!y of "4* U »»>••. ’» * ” »** .T S *» 01 >** t *P W«-lv .o Ur%%? i% .» O’ "•« Aav* i i (>ciy.i:u ,<•*■'*» Tni .w*' «• ■ »a o *.« o* paper*. * pro*** ■ &?>** I drtor m Chtsf c *••• Ha* Managing l drtof f (Jiional ( diioi Graph* » ( d«tor f MUiUiiKflanl t dilof »».*• M.» -fc f > .»'* •«» a Jw" Idt'u l 4»«' fch I dilmi t drtof I ill I on* I ( drtor Sport* { drtor Nighl t ditor 'v a mx;n»»" Don Jami H«rg Student Gov*«nm«ni Achy Him* t\nrA>yr* Tm;>{>u CoflimunHy 0«C A ■ Higher f ducttiorv Adrnmt»lr*tion *»" iK4 ■ug^ H*\>olimit *"'y Kr»» {><•»«! Pvt** «ml ► .vw I v Jth OOy fVw* JiV'% .4. .*i * .«•%•*•• y ••• «» l. -is ► *.>;»» N*».i •• **•" »’ ’* Cop> t Allot* . i i **' ►-.«•*» • J * i ■ >i* • * -• «. . i M' .» ►if' r Photogf4 '•*> > * •• > Ads«n<»i'tg «*,»• J’ .*! >» - it \ i «*> « > .* •» «' H :» " t•>'” rl.«u> .»'*•*» -«• H» t « P '■ !*-• i S. • » ' V* * t •’A'Cy’ Va.' Cl**t• *•*» M t i ■*• ' •' > *■’*•» -1 • !ioftin»«» ► *'• y .\ •-• « .S J (!, • , Pfoducl>on g'Xj A' w >*•»»• - '•••.> % .*vi? .«■ ■ > .« v* o » • « p « Gf* v »» • ,i »» i! *« imi M • ; . . M ■> M.« *.i •. \t «! A,J<•Mu.ftg Du«i tor • > Bu » !.■»*»» Oft * • 146 661 1 146 661: Production Mjrufrgar «. ^ * •'lining Cl4»»rf’*