Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Brand elected to American education board
j President also
spoke with DOD rep
resentative about ex
clusionary policy
By Colleen Poblig
Emerald Reporter
After returning from .1 two
day trip to Washington, I) P .
where he attended .in edui .1
lion meeting. University Presi
dent Myles Brand said Tuesdav
that he a< i ompllshed several of
the goals he had set for the trip
Brand's main purpose lor
traveling to the nation's < updo!
was to attend the Aiiieriean
(anim il on hdm ation's annual
meeting, where lie was suhse
i|tienlly elected to ,i two-year
Utiii on the organi/alion '•>
board o! duet tors
: I am vm plonsed with the
meeting. Brand said ( I in'
■ ioi i.on to (he board! will give
us earlier forew arning on issues
'as vy«*ll as give us an opportune
tv lo show where we ve lieetl
sut t essfuI
Brand said he also spoke lo
members of the Department of
Defense arguing that its < urrenl
[loin V I'M hiding hnihosevuaU
from lllililarv senate needs to
lie i hanged
Brand and:D.ivul llufiin, ai I
mg eVet utive assistant to the
president. argued with the as
s,slant set retarv oi delense al
the i’ee.i.igon (o . fiange ihe
1H)D s disr runinatorv pole v
Continued from Paged
U • ari• seeking in stop a ;»>
1111, ,i 1 agenda Wo simpIv
view homosexuality .is lining
wrong behavior
Mahon s.uil the (M!A irlitM
livo will nut make homosexu
alltv lllog.il it would simply
prohibit tlii- proniotn>n ol it
I have tn rear 1 as it (homo
sexuality) is hurting and will
continue to hurl something 1
believe in." he said
Million said under the mi
native, gays and lesbians in
government |obs w ho promote
or mu mirage their hlestvle on
the job could be bred
An exception IS in state (oils
that deal directly with < lid
dren. sti< h as public school
leathers or child welfare
workrts In tins strn.irin, an
niployi •• who is know n to hr
,;.I, I>r Irsbiitn would I>11 It.ins
trrrr I to aivolhrr |oh not in
v o I v mg i hililrrn
Mahon said thr ()(!A is not
pushing its v,tint's on thr
Wit frrl that our mh n'tV Is
il r tr r I oral 1 ng hr i a u sr w r
a rr n t prrsrnting any stan
dards to our kills, ' hr sari
I'm taking (thr initiativr) to
I 111' |)rt iplr to st't: it thr V w allt
tins as a st anil aril
II tlirV <lo Wr llllplrtlirn!
it ,1 no: wr don't, hr said
Mahon said thr ()< A is
willing to work to at t nmplish
its goals vrt prrvrnt situations
vs hiirr ,it,cusrd or admitted
gavs and irsbians arr unfairly
prrsroulrd undrr thr provi
sions td thr initiativr
This was our most ltnpor
:.iu! mi'fiinjt Ihrfr and while
ni i ; h.1 nj4in>4 hiin md. vs e
ni,hIi- in ini| ii t." Brand s.inl
II President Bush sl.ivs III of
lilt' VV I* S hdU I li SIM’ Ml m I*
ihiingi’s i* v on t ua 11 y: hut id
someone i’Kiv becomes prest
it .lit vv i- i: o II I ii s i'f Mini e
i tiulist’s faster
A S It) I’r si.li nt ft’iim s fer
Bills vv is supjiiisi’if iii ,h i itmpa
iv itr.mil to irjpie tfi.it the l)()!>
i fi.ii: 14*' its pojit v , but .i t.mills
•'iiuTHi’iii v prevented ln'i from
Brand slid hi' also spoM’ to
'.members ol (longress about dt
Vim i student financial aid Ho
jirnpiisi'd ,i dim t student loan
tfi.il would eliminate flunks in
v oiv tin rid -thus a I levs i up ni
i reused studrhl *ti(i
In talking lo mrmbcrs oI < 'nil
iprss Hr.mil promised in take
the Kinks nut of the loop. Ihus
putting one or two billion dol
1 nr*, more into the pni kills of
students Hr said implement'd
lion ol thr pl.m would result in
.1 ill prn rnl ininMsr in flnan
t ml aid
fir,mil argued for'ii dins l shi
ilrnt In,in where mitlillu class
students would h'lvr access In
.funds .ii ,i vrrv In" inlrrrsl rate
anti would, hr ablr to rrpav thr
loan n rr mam vrars, hr said
! his is ijuitr substantial and
I II I rlvrd all positive rrspollsrs
ami somr quite enthusiastic rr
spouses from mrinU-rs of I on
gress, hr said
Continued from Page 1
of voter resentment.' In1 -»<*i<l
Lonsdale vmi fellow Itilt Les Nut ami, who hr f.u rs in the
upcoming primary etflciion. received sh> from Northrop, the
same company that rnadr tin' U Stealth Bomber NiK.otn voted
One result of l’.\( influence. Lonsdale said. is .1 huge military
budge! thill defies III! serious attempts ,1! I .-mg rut U don’t see
military ruts because the defence imiusirv gives ail this money to
the hr/ns in (longrrss. ' Lonsdale s.nd
Lousdalc said hei ause <d this ading tie l tilled Slates now
has a S-i trillion defic it. or a SMt.000 del.t for every fatnliv In the
li S
We ve sold out our future, we ve gut tea break [lie grips of
I' \( s Lonsdale said
la 111s1i.de said he c an si ill win despite the power of the PAf . s
S.es Nut oin mnv have the business industry behind him. but I
have the people behind me he s.ml l.es is pist one more c areer
politic lan and the voters are saving throw the fnmis out
To lessen the drill il left bv prtn urns polillt Ians Lonsdale said he
wanted lu rill the detente budget in hall over a five year period
and put lli.il money into education
The aver ige Japanese eh I Id has sa years of I nglish language he
lore lliev graduate from high school. Vel only 1 percent of Ameri
1 an kids have taken any Japanese language Lonsdale said
Continued from Page i
Aside from the deadline
passing in the fall, tin- commit
let- must be formed soon in able
to fulfill its mandated rolu in
the housing budget.irv process,
l’ernstemer suid
A biennia! budget report is
r |
Hue to the ( hum ellor's offic e in
April less th.in three months
•ivs ,i\
The University is diM ussing
pi.ms to i (instruct runs student
housing, im! tin; proi ess i .moot
tie i unipleted i! tin- u(ivisor)
committee ilors not exist, ,u
cording to the rule
Some 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
available in Westmoreland & Amazon
Rents from $132 to $161
University Housing at
15th & Agate
or phone 346-4277 for details.
ASt'O I’res i <i»; n l ji'miifct
Mills s.iid !h(' University should
not onh huvi’ lormi’d tiu* mm
millci’. but should go iilu-ud
with proposed (onstruitioii of
ness oil i iimpu.s student huus
M.my people have mint’ to
tin- AS! () office this your to
complain about mailable lions
mg. Hills s.ikI ( urnplii ints
ctmii' must olton Imm pev .uni
Irshl.lfl Couples lvh() < .m l i|li.il
ifv lor married student housttif’,
students who i un i afford the
his.'.h ri ots urmmil campus, amt
iiiiininuty numbers who lose
.ifforduhlc housing, to student
renters, she s.oil
' f
, ; /• if - ■
/ ' ' i ' t - i'
V, '. t./ ;r < f >
? f
Mike Wallace interviews the Devil
£^£*4 Oi*t
T) lie vLtf^L+^ti-c ♦* /
Sponsored In the
I niu rsih of Oregon
and the Associated
Students of the
I niu rsih of Oregon