UNIVERSITY Brand elected to American education board j President also spoke with DOD rep resentative about ex clusionary policy By Colleen Poblig Emerald Reporter After returning from .1 two day trip to Washington, I) P . where he attended .in edui .1 lion meeting. University Presi dent Myles Brand said Tuesdav that he a< i ompllshed several of the goals he had set for the trip Brand's main purpose lor traveling to the nation's < updo! was to attend the Aiiieriean (anim il on hdm ation's annual meeting, where lie was suhse i|tienlly elected to ,i two-year Utiii on the organi/alion '•> board o! duet tors : I am vm plonsed with the meeting. Brand said ( I in' ■ ioi i.on to (he board! will give us earlier forew arning on issues 'as vy«*ll as give us an opportune tv lo show where we ve lieetl sut t essfuI Brand said he also spoke lo members of the Department of Defense arguing that its < urrenl [loin V I'M hiding hnihosevuaU from lllililarv senate needs to lie i hanged Brand and:D.ivul llufiin, ai I mg eVet utive assistant to the president. argued with the as s,slant set retarv oi delense al the i’ee.i.igon (o . fiange ihe 1H)D s disr runinatorv pole v OCA Continued from Paged U • ari• seeking in stop a ;»> 1111, ,i 1 agenda Wo simpIv view homosexuality .is lining wrong behavior Mahon s.uil the (M!A irlitM livo will nut make homosexu alltv it would simply prohibit tlii- proniotn>n ol it I have tn rear 1 as it (homo sexuality) is hurting and will continue to hurl something 1 believe in." he said Million said under the mi native, gays and lesbians in government |obs w ho promote or mu mirage their hlestvle on the job could be bred An exception IS in state (oils that deal directly with < lid dren. sti< h as public school leathers or child welfare workrts In tins strn.irin, an niployi •• who is know n to hr ,;.I, I>r Irsbiitn would I>11 It.ins trrrr I to aivolhrr |oh not in v o I v mg i hililrrn Mahon said thr ()(!A is not pushing its v,tint's on thr statu Wit frrl that our mh n'tV Is il r tr r I oral 1 ng hr i a u sr w r a rr n t prrsrnting any stan dards to our kills, ' hr sari I'm taking (thr initiativr) to I 111' |)rt iplr to st't: it thr V w allt tins as a st anil aril II tlirV 4 hiin md. vs e ni,hIi- in ini| ii t." Brand s.inl II President Bush sl.ivs III of lilt' VV I* S hdU I li SIM’ Ml m I* ihiingi’s i* v on t ua 11 y: hut id someone i’Kiv becomes prest it .lit vv i- i: o II I ii s i'f Mini e i tiulist’s faster A S It) I’r nt ft’iim s fer Bills vv is supjiiisi’if iii ,h i itmpa iv to irjpie the l)()!> i fi.ii: 14*' its pojit v , but .i t.mills •'iiuTHi’iii v prevented ln'i from iiUtinihng Brand slid hi' also spoM’ to '.members ol (longress about dt Vim i student financial aid Ho jirnpiisi'd ,i dim t student loan would eliminate flunks in v oiv tin rid -thus a I levs i up ni i reused studrhl *ti(i In talking lo mrmbcrs oI < 'nil iprss promised in take the Kinks nut of the loop. Ihus putting one or two billion dol 1 nr*, more into the pni kills of students Hr said implement'd lion ol thr pl.m would result in .1 ill prn rnl ininMsr in flnan t ml aid fir,mil argued for'ii dins l shi ilrnt In,in where mitlillu class students would h'lvr access In .funds .ii ,i vrrv In" inlrrrsl rate anti would, hr ablr to rrpav thr loan n rr mam vrars, hr said ! his is ijuitr substantial and I II I rlvrd all positive rrspollsrs ami somr quite enthusiastic rr spouses from mrinU-rs of I on gress, hr said LONSDALE Continued from Page 1 of voter resentment.' In1 -»<*i from Northrop, the same company that rnadr tin' U Stealth Bomber NiK.otn voted lor One result of l’.\( influence. Lonsdale said. is .1 huge military budge! thill defies III! serious attempts ,1! I .-mg rut U don’t see military ruts because the defence imiusirv gives ail this money to the hr/ns in (longrrss. ' Lonsdale s.nd Lousdalc said hei ause ? f Mike Wallace interviews the Devil S10P RACISM! PREJUDICE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS STILL A FOUR LETTER WORD £^£*4 Oi*t T) lie vLtf^L+^ti-c ♦* / Sponsored In the I niu rsih of Oregon and the Associated Students of the I niu rsih of Oregon