Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Oregon Citizens Alliance Director Lon Mabon told members of the media Tuesday night that there
has been a degeneration ol family values m this country
OCA director explains initiative
j Mabon speaks to media at
Lane Press Club meeting, says
OCA is not attacking individuals
By Carrie Dennett
i hr Ori’j’im ( iti/tins A11i.tEuif. in ifit* iimist
of ,1 ifnvi* fur .m anti-guv ImIIoI Hit! i.iiivo
:ti.it has rut i tvctl ri<>;.ilis <• pros, fated the (in*
: : * ..'.s' 1:j..* M. \\ ha! : i • "
()( A \vanlv
\\ i .1-.. puiijiii* %s i. ti.isi■ hasit !(.1-1 Huii
(K A Dili*. !i.r i mi Mai*..I
mis ifi.tt have 1)1*1*11 .i( lilt* cun* of Amen. an i ul
We lr. ; that ttii i• lias In **n .i ii(!j.,.!*iu : Hi
of tfiosi* values. in* said
At [ ci^ilov nigh! s mt i'Urtg i,! the h.int' i’n-ss
! .., li S *. i! ■:, S,Iill. r g.iru /nl n m . hum
She K'iti'f !i;»t tilffi: is .1 gull. m'ul Ui.it It: it
d«:iliti!i' vs rung and right .uni hunn « i.ihtv •
urn- iii tin im vs rungs
I!h- ()(. \ is lighting vs ii.it tins i . iiis: i.-i
•,|i. . . ii rights tut g.i\s mid Ittshi.itis .mil is
.,■1 k ; l ; . 11.1 i 1 1 I Si . | ■: ; i
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(till,I ! its 1 hiss st.itiis .III! prull i til 'll
Us i . : htv m lit :11 j i • * • * ' . ..U
hum. iss v ..ii .I y is Ss . -ug
our jii-rsjH I Inr vs.' .ire nut .h-.il.ug
,s : 1 i " » !
University still lacks
required committee
j f ill deadline h. r;
p.i-.M'd, but admims
tr Cars haven't formed
' itt ’ mandated cam
pus housing panel
I - .V 1 ; t - fwii; ■ .1 : , i ) ( ' gi t;
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iiii- c.oiHiiiftlt-r is il-.n mr.ml
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• ..innuiti H is "*i nuitl«-'r iif jutor
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‘At a! tt
Dan Williams
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. :nsj;s*s hou\t\y single
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L i ti : \ m i (rshMIt t‘fU-lpirs
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: • . : .Si:; hi ii n it -.writ Up h\ .1
■ r! mp u i!hi l 'iiiv t■ rsJt\ nft
i! i k f i. *.! f d!ut •.
}Vr:iMrmrr s.uti hf !*. ((mil
S : 1 !)it 1 ommilln- will hr
Is urni".! hu!. If ss i (infii grt
■ '!:• ' ! r.lirti SIMM. Wf’ II
p until wi* g<! (hr
• HOUSING '' i • I
Senate candidate attacks PACs for corrupting’ system
j Lonsdale says Oregonians are be
hind him in his bid to oust incumbent
Republican Senator Bob Packwood
By Gemt Koepp r'g
Ef’Hxa'fi Mefx/tef
Harry Lonsilalr gave his own st.ih ■■ tin .in. -
ilrrss In ,1 Univi-rMiv crowd Tuiisdai night
Lonsdale. who is running h r Si rat • it ' .' . >
w uod s su.it ill \uv i'liilii r, spiiM
tal king a pulitu al sVstfin hn s.mi l-n. :s i i
politic ion ami th«> pmlrssion.il lobbyist
Wf'w if.irncit !u ! to trust tin- prrs. !• ' r "
gross .iliyilu >n■ l.imsii.iic sa.il U • :
I Ml
■ i' t • n • s!
W ' i> ! V nU r»i fir'. iT lu
jlitic.a! .it lion (..ommiti
. r. !• \s .t f; v < rr
n!i trit uiiibrn; Irrlm^
H’ii a j)lJ
• LONSDALE f ;*■ •
Democratic Senate candid.ito Harry L onsdale told a Uni
versity crowd We ve sold our luture
I Professor Robert Mauro
! wins human rights award
1 for his book. Death and
i Discrimination
t See AWARD. Page 4
In his art. James Florendo shows how two
different cultures can melt comfortably in
each other Florendo's work is on display
in the Laverne Krause Gallery until Feb 8
See ARTS, Page 6
If you haven't been happy
with skiing and snow
conditions this year, try a
change of pace.