Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 88 Oregon Citizens Alliance Director Lon Mabon told members of the media Tuesday night that there has been a degeneration ol family values m this country OCA director explains initiative j Mabon speaks to media at Lane Press Club meeting, says OCA is not attacking individuals By Carrie Dennett i hr Ori’j’im ( iti/tins A11i.tEuif. in ifit* iimist of ,1 ifnvi* fur .m anti-guv ImIIoI Hit! i.iiivo :ti.it has rut i tvctl ri<>;.ilis <• pros, fated the (in* : : * ..'.s' 1:j..* M. \\ ha! : i • " ()( A \vanlv \\ i .1-.. puiijiii* %s i. ti.isi■ hasit !(.1-1 Huii (K A Dili*. !i.r i mi Mai*..I mis ifi.tt have 1)1*1*11 .i( lilt* cun* of Amen. an i ul We lr. ; that ttii i• lias In **n .i ii(!j.,.!*iu : Hi of tfiosi* values. in* said At [ ci^ilov nigh! s mt i'Urtg i,! the h.int' i’n-ss ! .., li S *. i! ■:, S,Iill. r g.iru /nl n m . hum She K'iti'f !i;»t tilffi: is .1 gull. m'ul Ui.it It: it d«:iliti!i' vs rung and right .uni hunn « i.ihtv • urn- iii tin im vs rungs I!h- ()(. \ is lighting vs ii.it tins i . iiis: i.-i •,|i. . . ii rights tut g.i\s mid Ittshi.itis .mil is .,■1 k ; l ; . 11.1 i 1 1 I Si . | ■: ; i • ; (till,I ! its 1 hiss st.itiis .III! prull i til 'll • Us i . : htv m lit :11 j i • * • * ' . ..U . hum. iss v ..ii .I y is Ss . -ug our jii-rsjH I Inr vs.' .ire nut .h-.il.ug ,s : 1 i " » ! OCA University still lacks required committee j f ill deadline h. r; p.i-.M'd, but admims tr Cars haven't formed ' itt ’ mandated cam pus housing panel lit I - .V 1 ; t - fwii; ■ .1 : , i ) ( ' gi t; ’* : 1 il ■-i: : . i :i . ' . ;■ . ; i: u’. .1 ,; • . . Sill : '! S i 11111 I- !., I, I - . ! ll'.i ,ll : u;tr! •, l>> t bi '. • I ( ).\K irill i 1 (!,’ t Uojiii'tl ; tl \ 'll , " St it.- ! I > ■ t i 1 r?f Hr/tii r . it ii .ill;:!!, '.jin i!)f. iiii . . ; iiilvwiiv i iHimillti is it* he till- ! Ill t Virst! V I ( St,iti- I ' ;n vi-r sit v l*»* . .M tin**.- v be - ii : s ■ -.Ii,,! fit-. Os' t it yih 'mim'd , .. i il ." Jllti !: !■ ! til ini ‘utii .ilium H.tliit- t I. i:!!’, i: i ill i : i;r ,ii! a 111- .i ri. I mvrtmt... s . m i;r,iiii1'- ti nif« pi i-.l t:i .i !.Iiii ' !iiv«■ t11\ .llill! HI is!) .l! Httl nil til*- .1 .!■ ij.i.li 1 • il 1 n i v i r .11 * pruvuii'ii t;• ui•• ii: li-f.iis ul nnr.i!m-i t\ [ • ijii.ii:l\ .mil ,i ([uf d .1 b i i 11 \ ul ,11)10 iiii- c.oiHiiiftlt-r is il-.n mr.ml ill t • • I :' III' t i j'. I ■ t imiTMll's . 11;.|. . . in .: f ; .(.■• is I .ul VIM- ,1 b 1 ' ! i t till . I ■ i • ‘ I j 11 ,i i V i ' f ;urn- t.iuvc- .hi-.(:I.ihi |a.nj-. ii. .!:!:!;■ ■ a ! -. "i--i(i)' ( ' ' • Hr 1 . - , ; . : . ( ' i llllij-i VI ■' i■/. ■■ (ii tti.it - . ii" s.| lit I 1.1 It \\ . •: V i ' . VH I IHi-Mijv-f ! ■; .ul II! Hi; i; i. W 11 ,, .1 :i i ..Iiii I nr III I tig til. • ..innuiti H is "*i nuitl«-'r iif jutor ii\ .mil tinii VV. («-• i .-. • i : fi-.nl i ‘At a! tt h.iva* Dan Williams . ; ; (IlliV\ 11t i) . . ;h Ihr inn! id ihv h ■ 11 IS snl.-IK <’ 1 : , ! . fit t ‘ ( . . >, \l\ \ I tit1 *' fn W| = .» " •• ■ ill' dint I i!U hi.l*- M^nd'nS‘1 i»l ihi' i niv rf IV | ■.it. *! i tH': .r s . • * jt.! from t ’sih «-i ‘*il v iivsnrti . :nsj;s*s hou\t\y single i t ! ;.il«• simirl»!■* -Mlhoul < nil L i ti : \ m i (rshMIt t‘fU-lpirs i ! : ’ . mrus! : - \\ ■: : . . * • - ■ : pi ■ a : t; ;: VV«- havr t< p. >; s m hi i;! v • : •: m U :i! im = -. I , /{•/.* i jmtJrHH f, uiir . r . I, , • i inf !tit iiimjmsU.1 t;. ii• ., 1 i irili-r ha*. tarrn srnl : • : .! • K =:. i• hv !h» • if 15:' • ! . f h.r.H I l in tl ft irnin i. : • . : .Si:; hi ii n it -.writ Up h\ .1 ■ r! mp u i!hi l 'iiiv t■ rsJt\ nft i! i k f i. *.! f d!ut •. }Vr:iMrmrr s.uti hf !*. ((mil S : 1 !)it 1 ommilln- will hr Is urni".! hu!. If ss i (infii grt ■ '!:• ' ! r.lirti SIMM. Wf’ II p until wi* g w uod s su.it ill \uv i'liilii r, spiiM tal king a pulitu al sVstfin hn s.mi l-n. :s i i politic ion ami th«> pmlrssion.il lobbyist Wf'w if.irncit !u ! to trust tin- prrs. !• ' r " gross .iliyilu >n■ l.imsii.iic sa.il U • : I Ml ■ i' t • n • s! W ' i> ! V nU r»i fir'. iT lu jlitic.a! .it lion (..ommiti . r. !• \s .t f; v < rr n!i trit uiiibrn; Irrlm^ oMinhu H’ii a j)lJ • LONSDALE f ;*■ • Democratic Senate candid.ito Harry L onsdale told a Uni versity crowd We ve sold our luture 1 HUMAN RIGHTS I Professor Robert Mauro ! wins human rights award 1 for his book. Death and i Discrimination t See AWARD. Page 4 SPIRTUAL MESSAGE In his art. James Florendo shows how two different cultures can melt comfortably in each other Florendo's work is on display in the Laverne Krause Gallery until Feb 8 See ARTS, Page 6 WINTER PATHS If you haven't been happy with skiing and snow conditions this year, try a change of pace. Sw OUTDOORS, Page 7