Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Laws necessary for
long-term survival
Ho, now wait just u minute!
Wo. in our infinite short sighted wisdom, are
about to commit what could be one of the biggest mis
takes in our collective American life
A movement recently begun by private landown
ers to challenge federal environmental restric lions on
their property has gained enough momentum to pose a
threat to the nation's laws protecting the environment
The prime thrust of the movement is compensa
tion for property owners who have been subject to en
vironmental laws.
A South Carolina case like this One is now in the
Supreme Court s lap. and a proposal requiring federal
compensation for landowners passed the Senate last
summer and is now in the House
The movement has escalated to the [mint of of
feeding a "major i hange in how the government applies
its environmental laws." said Krik Meyers, general
i ounsel of the environmental .Law Institute ()ne exam
ple of the movement's effects are the 170 House co
sponsors now pushing for weaker wetlands restrit
I irst of all. whv has some isolated movement
poser! such a threat to the nation's environmental law
system7 As always, one of the main reasons boils down
to mono It's the big time property owners the tim
ber. mining and large scale agricultural interest for
starters who are behind the big push for law re
Oh sure, there's the little guvs too. hut it's the
higwhigs who have the [rower of persuasion, enough
power to persuade our government to either ease re
strictions on their land, pav compensation should thev
not do so, or somehow , both
Sad thing is that these powers that be are getting
more and more Americans behind them, due largely to
the failing economy Who ( ares about the environment
when timber workers, miners, farmers and other land
laborers have to put food on the table?
Fad is. however, that we need to stop putting the
environment last on the list when push comes to
shove, environmental regulations are usually the first
things to get used when things get uncomfortable, dv
ing before other methods of fix d are considered.
Those working w ith and/or owning land have long
fought laws designed to prevent environmental dese
(ration, seeing them as impositions from the enemv
These folks need to realize these laws not only save the
"evil environment." but also work to keep their land s
resources alive on a continuous basis Where will re
source based jobs conn? from when there are no re
sources left? Protection of the environment also means
protection of resource-related jobs.
Our use-it all-today worry about it tomorrow phi
losophy will he our demise; it logically can work tor
just so long before it self-destructs Property owners
need to swallow environmental regulations, it not tor
"the environment's" sake, then for their own.
I)rt'fion lKulv
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Stood up
In relen m e to !lu!i \\ eigel's
letter ' il.nl Press" {01)1|an
U eigel's statements rigarding
apathy .mil unwillingness to
i umtnune iti- among aiitiOCA
indiv uiuuls siftii k .in ironii
ihnrd. given tile circumstance
u hit h followed Ins Inller
On Frid.tv. Ian !one dav
,i(ter lie- letter I. and main oth
er i Hiiiernei! students, attended
vs hat vs as to in* a tree debate tie
I vs een Hr ut e Ml (hi l II id t he
Oi A and David Alien, rnpre
senting the ad vim ai \ i ummii
te. i.| the Cav and Lesbian Ians
vers Asstx lalton
I notn ed upon arm al the
11mspicuous absence ul one of
the i enlral parties involved At
the Iasi moment. Mr 1 am had
related a message that he
vs 11ti id be staying late at
uiirt and would not attend
ttie debate
iile (X A has made a publit
polii v ol bow mg out " of de
r ates and qweste in'ansvser ses
sums lor tears Hus trollies as
no shot k [ sell thev seem to
knovs th.it. under t lose scroll
in their arguments and raging
fundamentalist propaganda full
Weigel stated in ins letter
that the reasons people are un
willing to communicate fall
into tvso categories violent
anger vs tilt no hope of i hanging
oile r peoples' vievss through
reason, .mi apathv and l.u k of
■ i valid i arise Which one does
the (X A fit into'
1, quote Weigel, 'Lets jusi
m ike it public rei urd. shall
vs e Me t Liin and 1 he (K A
belli s.-em unvs llhng to do so
Den Elms
At risk
I am concerned about the
’ Iniversitv s polii \ on ra|M- In
lb,,- earlv morning hours of Jan
: 1, a l rus ersits student w as
raped iti the basement of tier
'flu- stall of the Hamilton
t :.;;ie\ . hi -c to withhold this
information from their resi
dents until Sunday evening,
and the staff of tin- Bean Com
plex chose to not inform their
residents at all
\s a student living in the
, \ i t
He,in ( dimples. I find lins lo be
un.oeplablo The first I heard
id this im Ident is,is on the 11
ii i f. k news on Monday night
Tin- resilient director of the
Ite.in (dimples told her resilient
• issist.inls not to bring the issue
lip with .mv students unless di
re; ! 1 \ questioned
i leel mv sidetv W.IS seriously
endangered by the yvitliholdmg
ol tins inform.item
Perhaps the situation would
h.tse been u different one it the
perpetrator had been tmrtnxii
.itely apprehended. the delay in
getting the information out
would not have caused the
same potential problems [tut in
:.II ! the ai i used , Mu hurl Put
rn k Kyan. was still at large, and
raped another woman IH hours
1 te.ih/r that rape is a reality
.ai a ; i dirge lampus, and every
yvoiti.m should use the utmost
i .ration when ys alking, or being
.done anywhere alter dark But
had the residents been in
formed of tins incident, we all
yvould have hern twice as can
By keeping this information
from us th" administration put
: u ry woman living in the resi
drnre halls at risk 1 hope th.it
then is rn. need, but in the fu
ture i urge the University to
laid an efficient way to gel tins
information out to their resi
dents, our safety Is at risk
Elisa Kocher
Rip off
ft is very discouraging for me
lo realize there are people in
this city who have no regard lor
the personal property of others,
that someone feels the right to
walk up on a person's porch.
|itck out a mountain bike
which suits his or her likes,
and steal it
1 wonder d these people real
ize the hike they stole could
have been someone s pride and
|ov something a person may
have put many hours of work
and determination into to get it
just perlect And do they real
ize when the victimized person
w ikes up in the morning lo
lind his or her bicycle gone,
stolen, that more than just the
te.se :-..ts been taken away from
him or her, hut also the trust
thnl person hmi in tin' people of
Ins or her communitv'
T h it other night m \
( .mnond.ile was stolen from
mv port h And I, like hundreds
of other victimized people in
Eugene. now have to fat e the
realm that you can’t trust your
fellow brothers and sisters, that
even a steel t: lock can't pro
let t you from the greed and bla
tant disregart) of those who feel
it's their right to violate you
It's a shame you can’t trust
I he people w Ith w bom you
share a community, and that
you have to take higher pro* an
turn than just loi king your hike
to your house to ensure its se
curity But I guess it's a reality
we all must fat e and learn to
live with
Bart Beattie
Just stuck
What ilars a rapist look like'
Is It in the eyes' Or how about
his choice of clothing or his
haircut' If someone could give
me an idea so 1 know who to
look out for, I’d feel so much
In the meantime. I'm stui k in
a log and my untrained eves
can’t pick out the rapist from a
crowd of dei ent men to save
my life To save my lilel
Yes. I'm wary I have to be
be< ause even il I promise to re
lax and give up all my crazy
notions that any man could
rapt; me. my chances of sexual
assault won’t diminish In fact,
they would probably increase
And if I were raped, would I
get AIDS' Would I get preg
riant' Would I be mentally and
physically runted lor life' May
be So I’m stuck with worry
I’m not morally superior to
men. I'm just stuck
Well, if no one can give me a
decent answer to tny above
questions, then I wish to (iod
people would stop being angry
at me for my fears about am
man I don't know well enough
to love, and that they would
start n-direi ting their anger to
ward the people who truly de
serve it If rapists even deserve
to fie called people
Lisa Harrell