EDITORIAL Laws necessary for long-term survival Ho, now wait just u minute! Wo. in our infinite short sighted wisdom, are about to commit what could be one of the biggest mis takes in our collective American life A movement recently begun by private landown ers to challenge federal environmental restric lions on their property has gained enough momentum to pose a threat to the nation's laws protecting the environment The prime thrust of the movement is compensa tion for property owners who have been subject to en vironmental laws. A South Carolina case like this One is now in the Supreme Court s lap. and a proposal requiring federal compensation for landowners passed the Senate last summer and is now in the House The movement has escalated to the [mint of of feeding a "major i hange in how the government applies its environmental laws." said Krik Meyers, general i ounsel of the environmental .Law Institute ()ne exam ple of the movement's effects are the 170 House co sponsors now pushing for weaker wetlands restrit lions. I irst of all. whv has some isolated movement poser! such a threat to the nation's environmental law system7 As always, one of the main reasons boils down to mono It's the big time property owners the tim ber. mining and large scale agricultural interest for starters who are behind the big push for law re forms Oh sure, there's the little guvs too. hut it's the higwhigs who have the [rower of persuasion, enough power to persuade our government to either ease re strictions on their land, pav compensation should thev not do so, or somehow , both Sad thing is that these powers that be are getting more and more Americans behind them, due largely to the failing economy Who ( ares about the environment when timber workers, miners, farmers and other land laborers have to put food on the table? Fad is. however, that we need to stop putting the environment last on the list when push comes to shove, environmental regulations are usually the first things to get used when things get uncomfortable, dv ing before other methods of fix d are considered. Those working w ith and/or owning land have long fought laws designed to prevent environmental dese (ration, seeing them as impositions from the enemv These folks need to realize these laws not only save the "evil environment." but also work to keep their land s resources alive on a continuous basis Where will re source based jobs conn? from when there are no re sources left? Protection of the environment also means protection of resource-related jobs. Our use-it all-today worry about it tomorrow phi losophy will he our demise; it logically can work tor just so long before it self-destructs Property owners need to swallow environmental regulations, it not tor "the environment's" sake, then for their own. I I)rt'fion lKulv PO SOI )i». EUGtNt. ORtGOM*?4U I*v«» D.t > \ r>\O'4*0 '> (X4tf&Nld (1.1 1 Mt> »;.!» 1 0,t> ..1 j V ’km ,tt.r .1 *1 ! ATUiai .Vt1 1f'u'Vfl.*y i? ' >g V.^ ’ u :•> ■• «» 'Mgo l)a y | •• .» .to IV-L „ a’ \r*i l>v%«w\.ty U< Owy^on f Oug.v T*m t —-«*'fc*«3 oi.*u/«trxJttpOfnJ*»>‘‘*y • | *•"’ .i S- o * . of « [ r M«*"o .« Un Asvx .t .*! P'm-.\ 1 *•*• I -tW i p' >a'u pfOpw^y TfK# u :vit %*» o’ p*p©'* •* P'Owk <»L> ♦» &» l* Managing ( Jilor t (Mortal t (Jilor Graph* » i dilor I" ntariainmanl f dilor t drtor m Churl »‘i« Maiach v'aJf'Vj® *>r'\\0Qtottt h*t' N»wi t drtor f dilorLal f drtor Sport ■ l drtor Ntghi f drtor Dor Cf - % Bt>. v„ A»*oc i*t# t drtor* Studtnl Gov«tnm«nt Activrt»#« i'• » .» . • Community M» «» [ h*- i ■ H«gh«f f ducftlicm Administration a ■ *> (V> «• I • ! '-•* M .► H«port«r» !.v * i .»■•>•» v ' a !- »<■’ ►if f ',;*»•* • ^v. > :•» ► «■, , ■ “ I'; lk',« N«s.l «M* » , Copy l ddoi% i I - * .i •< i >* ■ I •« -<•«>.,** 1 ' ’ - •'•» M ' ► i , Pfx>»oyr aph«rs •**.» I1 A-x5 «» H*i •» Ad*#rti»irvg t i: *’.*'» - " l1-** i • •’ k « ' «' *' ► • w« f*, IU H aHf 1 <»’*»’ ■'-« *> l-‘ •*!:’ • *iUi I |1 .1 '-.i V * I'iM" Vi*.’ * *»il >• d l' * - , M * ■ »>,'«' ► A ' . A • ■■ • tluft»n#tft * ■ . 1 * ' *» N ; v .1 *!y > • ♦ Pf .dv. tion , •• »v *• >’%»• av • r • » -«• ' «i i . ► ! ; .. M hi • ' : » . M M - *.1 *» ■ A <> . _ »«»• v - a «• I »v; A ■ • 14 fc PfOOUCtHJM M.»njg#r U Ui«f>4y A