Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
P*Ktt)tri j««« Pisij,
Salem residents Tawana Bedortha (left), Dunne Blair and Pat Cost /oined 250 others at Wednesday
night s rally to support abortion rights and celebrate the 19th and possibly last anniversary ot Roe
vs Wade
Advocates mark Roe’s 19th year
j Supporters of abor
tion rights believe this
could be the last year
to celebrate Roe vs.
Wade's anniversary
By Carrie Dennett
t: ad Associate it’ '
jsmxj.i*.j s A 1 r M
St or t than U 50
■ f- i mini, vvuimm and
children turned
ouI Ufdnosd.1 v
night to i olebruW
_ vvnut might rw* mr
lltfBUiM last utum «>r.s<irv
of Kui’ vs W.iilo, lilt’
landmark l1 S Suprimo ('.ourt
titrt isiuii legalizing abortion
Illegal Abortion'' No!1
read uni! handmade sign
jliuv i' the heads of the candle
holding supporters
"The Reagan Bash admtnts
trillion has set the timeline to
the hack alley for women,
said Diane Linn, director of
tin- Oregon chapter of the Na
tional Abortion Rights Action
Linn blasted the I’ennsv Iva
nia abortion case that the Su
prrrne Oourt agreed Tuesday
to hear in April
'They are fori mg women to
listen to a state designed lec
ture designed to discourage
them from having an abortion,
.dter they already made the
Turn to ABORTION Page 6
Betoro tho rally pro-choice
supporters tilled a banner
with ihcir names, drawings
and messages, including
Keep Abortion Sale and Le
gal Forever
IFC’s Vilches quits
two-year position
jA three year stmt
comes to an end be
cause of an in
creased academic
By n.i-a i ra;>pe
|- ri-ihi v V ; ii Hr . i m> mtuT 'I
the ini iili-nl.il 1 • a•«• ( onuniUi'c
fur tlifi'i- .Hid .! Vt'.irv has
ri-sijfiH'il hi’i .him iiiili'ci i urn
milrmml*. this sn.ir tuft him m
iltiequalr Hint: In si’Tvr ui) thi*
V lit tins who Ih'^.iii jjtttfhialw
h. ini in lht> liill iind also li.r i
i. iu.iii- n him; h l!isi ' hiii.
lorm.ilS i ■ oijih’iI .i-•! w . >
I runt thi' i (ini in 11 I«m- tli.it .illo
t student fees
I was } u h t o V t • f w 1l e! N 11 m )
vs ilh vv I»(k so i «i«‘i ided , .s .is
f m * t! * * r oft devoting iiiv hint* to
my graduate similes. 'slit h' N
Vih hes vs as m iht* set omJ
s i ; r ul Ins sn.omi two V ‘ i r
term as .m li t * member
lit liii'MihiT Vi; a 1 ). uige said
Vile ll«*s V\ ill in* missed, hut his
.itimmm <ment didn't t nine as a
knew he has l 1 ' m a tie on
this year ! )odgr said I le s
been on the tuinmiUee a long
lime so he s iieen a real vain
able lin'ilih'f and hati a lot ol
• xperient > U t il miss him Hut
I know tii.it it hr was going to
in nil tile t nmmitter he want
ed to give it 100 prf{ ent. and
he i i *i11 <in t to do that dlls year
So he thought thr best thing to
do a as re*.ign
i he ASl () is arc epting ap
Ii 1 it alions until f* p m lotiay to
idl the v at ant \
Ilutigri in »irings tor 1 ‘in.’ hi
Freddy Vilches
W:.l l»' .iliili'l \\ -i\ l.rvt VS i •'!
, • (i ,i yat i' hi pm ,i ii ii
Hi .Itn,d.ivill i in p m
Al UA■«1 ri(• *.11.i\ ■ mi i'ilng, dir
i .mmiitu r v(i!ril uiiiiiitmously
In .illiiu llir subgroups nl llir
Simtcni II it r A'.mu i.il inn In sub
nut budgets tlt.tl will lir ‘.rp.i
r.ih- trout SHA I’m. tons IK .il
Ii ii iitiiir,'. In the subgroups hiivr
.ill in-i n niiidr in uni' lump Mini
In tli. SHA. .ilthougli the miIi
groups .irr lUitiiriiiimiiis Ilm
i h.inge w.is m.nl. nl ihr request
nl Sit \
At the pn v ii ms meeting. |.m
H. llir lit. votnl unanimously
111 ||ilr ,i Spi'l i.ll trijurst ul VI .III
to llir ASl'O Ui provide airfare
for I’rrsiilunt Jennifer Hills,
'.sir will Is lobbying Hi VV.isli
IllglOli, 1)1! . Ill's! Week with
I: n i vr i s i t v Hr rs ulr ii I NHIrs
I'llr purpose ul llir trip Is In
lobby non Oregon (impression
.ii 1111111u rs uni members ul llir
Drlrnsr Drp.irtllirrit In mil ills
i rlmin.itioii ol gays .mil Irsbi
.ms ;n the milit.iry
County may force hot dog cart closure
j Vendor faces losing
her license after officials
catch up on her lack of
kitchen facilities
By Rene DeCair
Emerald Associate Editor
On u sunny Wednesday after
noon, Cookie in busy exchanging
hot dogs for money and serving up
conversation to people, including .1
parking meter attendant and a po
lice officer
On this winter day, Judy "Cook
ie" S/akacs, St), who has sold hot
dogs from her carl on the corner of
13th Avenue and Kincaid Street for
12 years, can be seen doing what
she alwavs does
But she may be put out of busi
ness soon if she can't come up with
a new kitchen
Oregon law requires that vendors
operate out of a kitchen with a bath
room, a three-part sink and floor
drainage. She now operates out of
hi t garage tune d kitchen yyilh .1
one part sink win- refrigerator .irui
two free/.ers
Lane County's environmental
health department has given tier
120 (lavs to come up with the rest
of the facilities Hut Cookie said
with the money she makes, she
can t afford to
i.veryhody knows business isn t
tli.it good." Cookie said ( moll,
Halley s is gone
In the meantime, while she fig
ures out how to stay in business.
Cookie is garnering support from
loyal customers who are angered
over what they see as a stupid law
"Cookie and I have had nice, long
( fiats Stie s a decent woman," sail!
Roger f reeman, a four-year ( usiom
er and University student “Don't
we all kind ul bend the rules a little
"She s not cooking filet rnignon
The customer knows what they're
Cookie's troubles began m 1‘MtO
\\ ben sin a St her license i* cause
.'!■ i.'!i III. i,1 Is Inn in! ill she w .i■.
not operating nut ot .1 ioi.it restau
will’s Kiti iii'ii .is shr i (aimed
t i ok.ii' |iromisc.i oilk.iuls shf
w mid uper.de (.lit 111 tin' rrsi.iu
runt's kill hurt on .i regular Ii.isis,
.in.) tht'V restored to r license This
visir. when thr i ounlv i aili'd
i lii'i k up on lirr. thi*v fouriil she
■»s.is not using thu restaurants l.u ill
T In v h ,t ii n t s i- c n her i n
months." said Kith (,'ihiIs. countv
I was operating, ' (look.)is said ”1
just w.isn’t ntal consistent
Shu has an attorney helping her
challenge the law to allow her to
operate out of her converted garage
Hut her only option if she wants
to keej) selling, (loots said, is to
c hange state law which would re
ijUtre the Oregon Legislature's ap
pros al
And now. although the Universi
ty Physical Plant has volunteered to
Turn to COOKIE. Page 4
I Panelists believe
deadlines and
space constraints
affect biases in the
* media.
See MEDIA, Page 5
The Oregon men's basketball team
returns to Mac Court this weekend to
face Washington State on Thursday and
Washington on Saturday.
See SPORTS, Page 8
Oregon's club ski
team brought
home a mixed bag
of results.
S— SPORTS. Page 9