Oregon Daily THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1992 P*Ktt)tri j««« Pisij, Salem residents Tawana Bedortha (left), Dunne Blair and Pat Cost /oined 250 others at Wednesday night s rally to support abortion rights and celebrate the 19th and possibly last anniversary ot Roe vs Wade Advocates mark Roe’s 19th year j Supporters of abor tion rights believe this could be the last year to celebrate Roe vs. Wade's anniversary By Carrie Dennett t: ad Associate it’ ' jsmxj.i*.j s A 1 r M St or t than U 50 ■ f- i mini, vvuimm and children turned ouI Ufdnosd.1 v night to i olebruW _ vvnut might rw* mr lltfBUiM last utum «>r.spe |- ri-ihi v V ; ii Hr . i m> mtuT 'I the ini iili-nl.il 1 • a•«• ( onuniUi'c fur tlifi'i- .Hid .! Vt'.irv has ri-sijfiH'il hi’i .him iiiili'ci i urn milrmml*. this sn.ir tuft him m iltiequalr Hint: In si’Tvr ui) thi* lit V lit tins who Ih'^.iii jjtttfhialw h. ini in lht> liill iind also li.r i i. iu.iii- n him; h l!isi ' hiii. lorm.ilS i ■ oijih’iI .i-•! w . > I runt thi' i (ini in 11 I«m- tli.it .illo t student fees I was } u h t o V t • f w 1l e! N 11 m ) vs ilh vv I»(k so i «i«‘i ided , .s .is f m * t! * * r oft devoting iiiv hint* to my graduate similes. 'slit h' N salt! Vih hes vs as m iht* set omJ s i ; r ul Ins sn.omi two V ‘ i r term as .m li t * member lit liii'MihiT Vi; a 1 ). uige said Vile ll«*s V\ ill in* missed, hut his .itimmm U t il miss him Hut I know tii.it it hr was going to in nil tile t nmmitter he want ed to give it 100 prf{ ent. and he i i *i11