Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Pardon my sarong
pr%jio tyy -»a • **o*Nor,
■ .c'si!v student Susan Graves created this "Sky Spin! Costume
’ or wood ham core acrylic pamt and raffia This figure was
created as a class requirement for associate Professor Richard
Sundt’s fan 1991 course. 'Art of the Pacific Islands I" This work and
other ciass projects will be on display m the La Verne Krause Gallery
of La wrence Han through Jan 24
Friends remember rape
suspect as ‘king of kids’
j Michael Patrick Ryan,
who committed suicide in
Texas after a car chase
with police, was trying to
recuperate his life"
By Go"; Koepp '-g
\ ' III- V\ '< iltll I 1
ihr rii|ti' of tin l H
Vi'.ir olij I 'nivorsiiv
: ;; .11- li I \ |i r .1 i
I i 111 m nil-! n :: v\
M 11 I. .if ! I’ ,i ; r 11 ►.
K y it n . it w Iri
sh of kt-ij In ! >■ .i r II
thul tin1 mh mbit',
tv (*11 -1 i krii young
man nan }u*.i i umi a ui^um
This iv.i>> i ompoundrd ihrtif ihivs hit
ct whfii Kvtin was lurtlu-r .imistil ul
raping .in Idaho wtiiiuin .mil in .1 111.11.1
brr hn.ilf Hs.in shut Iiiiiim'II 111 thr Iliad
.is Tnxas pnlii it approai hull Ins car after
.! I,uli'<l attempt .it running .1 rii.iilhlni k
l.vi'ii .11ii*f Ins death, Hv.in's .n lions
during Ins iIlf surprised m.mv who
knew Inin
I'tipii1 huvi' riuw s.ml Kv.111 hail re
, nllv pawned snrni' property tfi.it hail
In-in ,lulfti from lingle Hall during
wiiih'i break
You Irv anil dri lilt- it llit'lf vv.r. any
thing suspect about him " said Lome
Conk witti livid nil lln saint1 fit it if as
I 11, » jh '.nil iv'yan was popular and
vi'ry sin 1.11
Hu dvvays had a :ot of young gills in
Ills fill till ( link said Hi' Was kind id
kmg .d iiii- kuh.
hii! Ill tiler wavs. Uv.ifl was not so
sat • S'.lui :.,r,| rill Kvtin told Cook hr
had ft'i 1 ".'.I'd all incomplete 111 every
oiir id !ii'. courses In addition, Ky.111
had lold people iir was a physiology
inas.r who Was I'Vrntuallv going on to
medical school I"fm ! Diversity has no
phssiotogs tii4|uf program .uni Ks.tn
Sva-. h sfsi I : :i ’hi -.1 ltd. nt iistf.lt*, s'.
having tin rindct lilt ed m.ijut
i (livi-r'-ilv •!.,.!• tit .1 '..llirif'i itiiiM -• ■: s
’11 win i'liih Honda ss tti ;*■ i-il st. '
I ji SS as N tit) [ I lit! Vi’ tit ! ill its SS in I ! if i
difetlmn, primarily hsi .ium ft'' bad
Until'. inis I: soli said
Johnson ditsaniied Kvan .is i i v i 11s m
it*t 11js ..its tits lift' H s! .; tv ins! . ■■
JohtlMttl N.llil
Hi’ h.id been trying sinie S■ ’jst>• 11»t>« r
In gel In-, ills slraiglit and tit ft ( Isrisi
Ut,tv lire ilk its ■.‘.silt Ilf \f vs )else\ in SSI
Ins I,nulls Its .mi Hi bndri l seen
them It) Ills silts
Johnson .ii.l Us.m '.s i'- iiinlussi) ,nti!
•,t a fed abmi! st ring his l.tmils
II lunik him , ssrsk . I Inti hhiking
,i; fuss lilt’ t infills li gs! Ii.it ». |ti i.ii
s * i. liitis, .it 1 Is inti i i s si j t it t
llit' rtuil iitttl ss.is very .tllr.tt It'tl In Ih.tl
lili sisis .uni it ss.is It,mi Inf Ium in n
turn In St instil
riu ss sriing nl i.m 1 ii. Hi limits t»
Ints ihs siuiii nl ss.is r.ijiiui m ll.iinillmi
I nmples. Kv.m Imrinss .si Johnson s i .it
S.iv mg hr sv.is ' ing In tile ‘ I . I met
lill* SS si kl’lld
Ks.lll slopped by In S.IV gnnllhvs In
iulii)s.,ii ,i i. sv Ilnurs Ih'Isus liu :* j11 ils.i
rape Johnson s.utl Ks.lll ss.is ilislr.it It'd
but suiisr .mil ss.is n. I Ih'Ii.tvitig violent
Kv.ni told Johnson about lin> three
sears Its spent m ihs Orngon si.its I'sm
tsiilt.irs .iflsr lis robbed .i woman nl gun
point of Sid .il .i Medford • hopping i en
11■ r lls Ini.! m.ins people nl Ins ssi nml
ilsgrss thsli i niivii lion .mil in .i i hilling
hit nl foreshadowing told ( .oak that hs
.v .is iiss. i going In go l>.it k in prison
Wh.il Ks.m didn't It’ll people about
a,is Ihs Hilts lis spent in .in Ohio jail
and a < alitnrm.i prison for I In-ft and
inhnson said Ks.m was trained in '.lis
.!< ' suspecr i > •
Years no buffer for abortion controversy
j Nineteen years af
ter Roe vs. Wade,
both sides of the con
troversial issue say
momentum is building
By Came Dennett
106 vs WADE
1973 - 199?
years ago to
day. the U N
S u p r e m e
Court passed
K o ti v s
Wads, |apd*
i/ing abor
tion But the
lie hale did
not end in
14 7 3 . and
me years nave seen rulings mui
both upheld and chipped away
at the landmark decision.
In Roe. the Court declared
the fundamental right to priva
cy. protected by the Fourteenth
Amendment's guarantee of lib
eriy me uiiics the right of a
nUlDiin tee tie?t.»<ii* whether !u
havt tin abortion
In the decision llu- l.ourt r
ogni/ed I'.mj sitiii' interests. rul
ing ill.it states may impose mi
ond-lrimester regulations to
proii-i l tin- woman s health and
mav prohibit abortion to pro
ii-e s fetal !if«- in llu- itnrii tri
l lu plaintiff in tin’ i ast:. June
Km:, was a single woman living
m Dallas li-xas lavs which al
lowed abortion only il the
woman s lile was in danger, n
striclcd lier from getting an
Koe, whose real name is Nor
ma Mi Corves. brought suit
against District Attorney Henry
Wade She asked the federal
district court to find the laws
unconstitutional and preyent
Wade from enforcing them
The court ruled the lays was
unconstitutional hut did not
prohibit enforcement The case
Turn to ABORTION Page 4
supporters rally
j Group sees abortion as
issue of human decency
By Gernt Koeppmg
Em«ra*ci Hopoflar
|ROf vs WADt
19/3 - 1992
To t h « unii
abortion forces the
issue is not onu o!
legal rights, but of
human do coney
and of what might
have happened to
loved ones
Tncia was intro
duced to tile anti
abortion support
ers authored at the
liugene l-ederal building on Sunday
as a woman thal had a personal slorv
Turn to RALLY P.tgt- 4
Marin Alsop adds
fuel to the flame in
her third season
with the Eugene
See ARTS, Page 7 j
Oregon Rep. Ron Wyden has intro
duced legislation that would make it
legal to test the hormonal drug, RU 486,
'the abortion pill,' in the United States.
S«e RU 486, Page 4
Prepared for an
overnight snow
camping trip'?
Try Wild Cheat
See CAMPOLfT, Page 7 I