Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22. 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 83 Pardon my sarong pr%jio tyy -»a • **o*Nor, ■ .c'si!v student Susan Graves created this "Sky Spin! Costume ’ or wood ham core acrylic pamt and raffia This figure was created as a class requirement for associate Professor Richard Sundt’s fan 1991 course. 'Art of the Pacific Islands I" This work and other ciass projects will be on display m the La Verne Krause Gallery of La wrence Han through Jan 24 Friends remember rape suspect as ‘king of kids’ j Michael Patrick Ryan, who committed suicide in Texas after a car chase with police, was trying to recuperate his life" By Go"; Koepp '-g \ ' III- V\ '< iltll I 1 ihr rii|ti' of tin l H Vi'.ir olij I 'nivorsiiv : ;; .11- li I \ |i r .1 i I i 111 m nil-! n :: v\ M 11 I. .if ! I’ ,i ; r 11 ►. K y it n . it w Iri sh of kt-ij In ! >■ .i r II thul tin1 mh mbit', tv (*11 -1 i krii young man nan }u*.i i umi a ui^um This iv.i>> i ompoundrd ihrtif ihivs hit ct whfii Kvtin was lurtlu-r .imistil ul raping .in Idaho wtiiiuin .mil in .1 111.11.1 brr hn.ilf Hs.in shut Iiiiiim'II 111 thr Iliad .is Tnxas pnlii it approai hull Ins car after .! I,uli'• 11»t>« r In gel In-, ills slraiglit and tit ft ( Isrisi Ut,tv lire ilk its ■.‘.silt Ilf \f vs )else\ in SSI Ins I,nulls Its .mi Hi bndri l seen them It) Ills silts Johnson .ii.l Us.m '.s i'- iiinlussi) ,nti! •,t a fed abmi! st ring his l.tmils II lunik him , ssrsk . I Inti hhiking ,i; fuss lilt’ t infills li gs! Ii.it ». |ti i.ii s * i. liitis, .it 1 Is inti i i s si j t it t llit' rtuil iitttl ss.is very .tllr.tt It'tl In Ih.tl lili sisis .uni it ss.is It,mi Inf Ium in n turn In St instil riu ss sriing nl i.m 1 ii. Hi limits t» Ints ihs siuiii nl ss.is r.ijiiui m ll.iinillmi I nmples. Kv.m Imrinss .si Johnson s i .it S.iv mg hr sv.is ' ing In tile ‘ I . I met lill* SS si kl’lld Ks.lll slopped by In S.IV gnnllhvs In iulii)s.,ii ,i i. sv Ilnurs Ih'Isus liu :* j11 ils.i rape Johnson s.utl Ks.lll ss.is ilislr.it It'd but suiisr .mil ss.is n. I Ih'Ii.tvitig violent is Kv.ni told Johnson about lin> three sears Its spent m ihs Orngon si.its I'sm tsiilt.irs .iflsr lis robbed .i woman nl gun point of Sid .il .i Medford • hopping i en 11■ r lls Ini.! m.ins people nl Ins ssi nml ilsgrss thsli i niivii lion .mil in .i i hilling hit nl foreshadowing told ( .oak that hs .v .is iiss. i going In go l>.it k in prison Wh.il Ks.m didn't It’ll people about a,is Ihs Hilts lis spent in .in Ohio jail and a < alitnrm.i prison for I In-ft and auto-thiill inhnson said Ks.m was trained in '.lis .!< ' suspecr i > • Years no buffer for abortion controversy j Nineteen years af ter Roe vs. Wade, both sides of the con troversial issue say momentum is building By Came Dennett 106 vs WADE i 1973 - 199? Nineteen years ago to day. the U N S u p r e m e Court passed K o ti v s Wads, |apd* i/ing abor tion But the lie hale did not end in 14 7 3 . and me years nave seen rulings mui both upheld and chipped away at the landmark decision. In Roe. the Court declared the fundamental right to priva cy. protected by the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of lib eriy me uiiics the right of a nUlDiin tee tie?t.»