Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1992, Page 8, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
ltd its that wouldn't got into s< haul
1 11.- argument of many of those in !•)
vor of thr i hunges at the mooting said
liigtior eligibility requirements would
inspire ,i studenl-nthleti- to perform I" t
ter acadi-mieuHv in high school
Jim- W nil dirertor of .u .idomir advf
trig mid student services, said tfs.it s ,i
'very naive statement Ho said tin fm t
that student-athletes are graduating it a
higher rate than the general student
body in some colleges and universities
is evidence that student-athletes ale all
equally strong academic group
"Why should we i ontlnue to hold st-a
deni-athletes to higher standards than
general students' Wade asked
If MX lets lx 1(1 ( Xpert strong efforts
from college student athletes high
sr funds net.! [o take a more active role
ic iftu< atmg their st nlent athleti s.c!
fd-aren.to Spigner, an assistant pr-d<
in v hnol and community health
Spigner vs lu. is personally not against
tf e nets leg i.itea th;t » t.nth tin;!,
school coaches and teachers .need to
help student-athletes com ( nt rale on
their •■( he a d w<a k
I don t think !hath s< tea . ■; . hi
and te.u tiers has• ! eu . Mas
hu ll aide to do, Spigner said (u><»< h
es g' t paid to Win gailies. a!;d We gel
paid to ediic alt
I raveling to the national meeting last
week Iron! the I ic o n I y vs t :
difl ( tor ltd I B) me. ass 1. i.ite athli te if:
tel |( <r Darii Walker. < .a: y < 'as ' t a ■
*i-.* ,!i charge ol stu■
111'!,'- ■■■:.. • .Ifui J.iH.ev Mi ! •
ver.sitv f.n i.l':. r < j '■ ■ ftil.iliv i- in !!.•
t!'l .1 . ni.( :■ '\ -i'.s }.}ri:!(
«..«itl tf•.< I nivi-fsi!\ v< !>‘(i in f.ivor
.n.nicsiu! .proposals hp-ught h- :> :>•
I’m ;• :,!v < A iolig v\ till
- i.ii'iii M\ :•••>
U: .: •! \ . r i’fcvilli-M il.m Williams.
i<i! harii ! t.ilK isi.i,. chair f>f )!'.<
. 1 V. i ii.,! i ! , fill vs tin
IHVI fSiU Mill' dM tj)r issues
OT.ill. : .ilssi said -a proposal !■■) ilnn
> 11. i'll,:' Sill-' Ii1 s'! lit :.! 1' h
Ii Si's failed t<J pass
i i-.ih r I’m jiosil ion tH stuilntf-.ilh
' ; mi-. Imp thi’ . 0 (,l’ \ .mil Too
SA i si ■nri‘ n ijuir. nu nts musl Iom- a
•.••.it •! i i iicJniity before luting
... i • : : v 11 . remaining three
■. i.»;11 «i proposal
\s _1 : .iV . : V Oat students
■ )( > n ) it i rements
U ji : -. <■! m.I v .would tii ’!
•., ... ;:s t ,is in.inv dI the sr hoois it
t onijii'U s .\ .tii t■• ).• i■-tin i mversity s
.ii .iiicinii requirements are already tar
ly high
other i lamp's made !.'V tin1 1’resi
• i .i •line .s- a proposal passed
last year to ttliminah one full-time loot
hall assistant was reversed
\nother proposal passed at las'. \im: ■
i (invention bv the ■■ mmission to r->
l i m e t in' mini her of r oat his on l)i visit >n
1 Vs resiling staffs was reversed, but .Ore
gon wrestling loaili Hon i-'inlev s.nil it
won't offer t ins program greatly
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Oregon plans
rude welcome
for Cal teams
By t nek Sludenicka
Oregonians have long boon
known for their notoriously
poor treatment ol visitors from
tln-ir neighboring southern
I hr Oregon wrestling team
hopes to keep the tradition
alive and play tile role of an
ungrat ions host tins weekend
as three C.a I i fo r n ia stale
schools, ini hiding No 17 Fres
no Slate inv ade \!i Arthur
Court ior t imsecutive dua 1
meets tonight. Saturday and
Along with Fresno State. Fa
de 1 (! ( onfereiu e rivals Cal
State Fullerton and Cat-Slate
!t.,s i- held w d! he in lingerie to
!r\ i:;d stop the Ducks eight
HI at: ii dual til eel winning
- . i .. s
(:ir,-at h Keii F itilev an
i ip. ill's tonights matt ii with
Fresno State is ill he the most
ddtii ult
" I- reSno state is a tough
- - hool In a use thev have a
strong wrestler in each weight
: . . .ai F - aid I hev
:a I die top teams in tile
- 11 : n Athlet i( ( 1 inference
,i d thi'V should have several
Ii-. 111 u a I s in ! h NCAA
States !ep wrestler Is
i : , A! .s. a freshman who
s a 20 2 ret ord and is
■ ■ . n til' \( IAA
ii : ' : A rest Iris tor the Hull
. : Hat. . 1 Zinkm at
i i ! ; . ..n ts H> t and Lcxen/o
Nr,.. the heavyweight dive
sum (t< 1)
1 w - a g - at w eekend
. will I ■ great t halin' to
ii . ■■ up in tin- national rank
s ;d lit. .e\ w hose team
:s .,ii I 23rd Hut it will he
w i arm 'I facing am
ii s' Ii: S this w eekend lull h
these teams could boat us il
w d,a, ! wrestle wi ll
, )■. spill the physical toll ol
mult In s in three days.
.i a i hopes to use the same
■ up ol eai h match. Jason
S' .ggi , the Due k s top wrestler
’■12 pounds is injured and
will he replaied hy Jason Jones
I think juson will do ii fino
;oh replacing Muggy.' Idnlev
said " He iias a lot ol Pac-10
Top performers for the Ducks
in the early season have includ
ed Dan Vidiuk at 11H pounds
i it. Jarrett Clark, at I2fi (10-3)
and Cory Sonnen at 134 (9-2-1)
livery one ot our wrestlers
in tie lower weight classes lias
hr n outstanding. " Finley said
ITT Classifieds U