NCAA Continued from Page 1 ltd its that wouldn't got into s< haul 1 11.- argument of many of those in !•) vor of thr i hunges at the mooting said liigtior eligibility requirements would inspire ,i studenl-nthleti- to perform I" t ter acadi-mieuHv in high school Jim- W nil dirertor of .u .idomir advf trig mid student services, said s ,i 'very naive statement Ho said tin fm t that student-athletes are graduating it a higher rate than the general student body in some colleges and universities is evidence that student-athletes ale all equally strong academic group "Why should we i ontlnue to hold st-a deni-athletes to higher standards than general students' Wade asked If MX lets lx 1(1 ( Xpert strong efforts from college student athletes high sr funds net.! [o take a more active role ic iftu< atmg their st nlent athleti s.c! Spigner, an assistant pr-d< in v hnol and community health Spigner vs lu. is personally not against tf e nets leg i.itea th;t » t.nth tin;!, school coaches and teachers .need to help student-athletes com ( nt rale on their •■( he a d w<»< h es g' t paid to Win gailies. a!;d We gel paid to ediic alt I raveling to the national meeting last week Iron! the I ic o n I y vs t : difl ( tor ltd I B) me. ass 1. i.ite athli te if: tel |( ‘(i in f.ivor .n.nicsiu! .proposals hp-ught h- :> :>• I’m ;• :,!v < A iolig v\ till - i.ii'iii M\ :•••> U: .: •! \ . r i’fcvilli-M il.m Williams. if )!'.< . 1 V. i ii.,! i ! , fill vs tin IHVI fSiU Mill' dM tj)r issues OT.ill. : .ilssi said -a proposal !■■) ilnn > 11. i'll,:' Sill-' Ii1 s'! lit :.! 1' h Ii Si's failed t n ) it i rements U ji : -. <■! m.I v .would tii ’! •., ... ;:s t ,is in.inv dI the sr hoois it t onijii'U s .\ .tii t■• ).• i■-tin i mversity s .ii .iiicinii requirements are already tar ly high other i lamp's made !.'V tin1 1’resi • i .i •line .s- a proposal passed last year to ttliminah one full-time loot hall assistant was reversed \nother proposal passed at las'. \im: ■ i (invention bv the ■■ mmission to r-> l i m e t in' mini her of r oat his on l)i visit >n 1 Vs resiling staffs was reversed, but .Ore gon wrestling loaili Hon i-'inlev s.nil it won't offer t ins program greatly What Do A Mouse And A Woofer Have In Common? They Both Now Live At The VO Bookstore! w e've moved our computer hardware and software into the Main Store Electronics Department and we're offering great values to invite you to come see our new addition c } YSTOIS SIIG MiniSys 2000 .>8* 1,’Mhj 1 Meg tjt RAM 3 • • I Ml : • ' •• • M ’ ■ . : ' $ ' •• r ,i’>: .Ck- o.i •■! . DOS NOW ONLY $999.00 ■ SIIG MiniSys 3000sx *M. , • <.V) o' RAM 3 Mi . : ■ i M . ' ' r p*R5 .>•« .00' *>w vty NOW ONLY $1199.00 m SIIG MiniSys 3000 «a*0i Mm; i Megs O' RAM • * •• Mag A moneo ‘ ' >v.v pa 's ana taCx • * w:» /VOW ONLY $1499.00 Not? m DFI 286 .... ■ •(.. ■ , • • * i Uy .• ,> ,» w v;» ‘ « ‘ » NOW ONLY $1125.00 m DFI 386dx . M"; 4 ' RAM (a ,*i Meg ■ ro a >t ’-i - ' >-0‘ • A rrto> I DC’S S C ' .i-.t' on S !•• * l*'-> * NOW ONLY $1699.00 AD PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 1 1HRI a LOSEOUTS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND m 20% OFF ■ ALDER Wooden Desk NOW ONL Y $65.00 m ANTHRO AMERICAN DESKS NOW ONL Y $89.00 ■ American Mitac MPC 2400V NO IV ONL Y $799.00 ■ American Mitac M212S NOW ONL Y $799.00 ■ American Mitac M316S -• • If M ( . . ••• 4 >.'• . ' v ,« Mi"] ; NOW ONLY $1199.00 ■ Zenith ZVM 386SX -r, . V.M. ; -4 . A v * . * V M ' t and Lcxen/o Nr,.. the heavyweight dive sum (t< 1) 1 w - a g - at w eekend . will I ■ great t halin' to ii . ■■ up in tin- national rank s ;d lit. .e\ w hose team :s .,ii I 23rd Hut it will he w i arm 'I facing am ii s' Ii: S this w eekend lull h these teams could boat us il w d,a, ! wrestle wi ll , )■. spill the physical toll ol mult In s in three days. .i a i hopes to use the same ■ up ol eai h match. Jason S' .ggi , the Due k s top wrestler ’■12 pounds is injured and will he replaied hy Jason Jones I think juson will do ii fino ;oh replacing Muggy.' Idnlev said " He iias a lot ol Pac-10 experience Top performers for the Ducks in the early season have includ ed Dan Vidiuk at 11H pounds i it. Jarrett Clark, at I2fi (10-3) and Cory Sonnen at 134 (9-2-1) livery one ot our wrestlers in tie lower weight classes lias hr n outstanding. " Finley said ITT Classifieds U 346-4343