Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Susoect mav be in Colorado
j Alleged rapist Michael Patrick
Ryan mistakenly reported near
University hall, now believed to be
in Boulder area
Prom slat! and wire reports__
Poin t' surrounded arid scan Bed Tins;!'' Hall in
the Hamilton complex Thursday after they re
i I'lM'd a t all that alh j’fil rapist Michael Pattu k
K\an was si'i'ii ni'at the t otnples
A woman called the Oil it of Publit Sajistv and
said site'll seen Kvan hut later said si,. d been
mistaken when shown a pit lure of him. OPS l)i
rector (!arov Drayton:said
RViin Is snsper ted in a rape in the Hamilton
basement Saturday and another rape in Boise.
Idaho, on Sunday s uit Delia.live s^t Jim Pelle n|
the Boulder [ttiln e
Ryan is Believed to have been seen in Boulder.
( olo !h;s week, and a i .ir m«ii( lung the dost rip
lion .if .< \ehicle stolen from (ini' of his friends
w .is sp. : !e I III the i itV l.lte I ili'sdttl. I’ellr said
i<\ in was seen driving i l‘IH5 m.iroon Honda
\i ; nrd \viSti I’t'rinsvKanin lit oii.se |>i.ite l N! n't 7
i tii- ear h.is numerous bumper sinkers He told .i
Ser\ n r station < b-rk in Mount.mi floine Id.iii >
,md ,» hits tiliiker tii.it he w.n en route in Boulder
polir e s.iui
Rv.tn it is white . left 1. untie. ..(lit 1 HO
pounds with short tirovvfi ti.u: .i lull I ard and
blue eves On Roll and Idaho iitlli : ill.-, <t s> nhe
hint ns dangerous
1 . pfehetid Inin Indore tie hurts
someone here. I’eile sjill
Kv.m u.is puroled from the Oregon State I’eni
terui.irv m Septenihei .lifer ser'i lug u 'three ve.ir
sentence tor armed rotiiierv Oregon pulii r s.nd
he has an extensive criminal history ;rn hiding
arrests for auto theil ami robbers
views on pornography given
j Public meeting
gives Bookstore di
rectors chance to
hear local opinion
By ColleenPohhg
* meraid PU»! ■
censorship and
Amendment vs w
I- irsl
nograpfn perpetuates violent e
s truing this thing into
•of freedom i*I speech IS
,i r> ..I mistai said jo I rigilto
: f tlio l-nivi-rsit\ S U'ulllrll s
Center “The question is not
censorship, but rather, is pm
nographv one of the lo< tors that
causes violent e against women,
ami what is the criteria lor sell
log II.at.-rial a! the bookstore
On the Iijjj side of the argu
censorship and tin* first
Amendment wen- the main
"!i iii.Lt1 ss is denied, thi'n
that's i ensurship. tins is cen
sorship.' luw student Will
I’ortnllo said ' There is no evt
dance that pornography leads
to violom i' against women 1 he
\ Ivon ( < inimissh .'it:, d I. In..I
evident e as well as others and
I lie v were unable to flrul a imk
between violence against worn
eii and pornography
, he i n ; v el sit v it i ik 'lore
Hoard of Directors beard com
merits Thursday night in a
i rowded public meeting at tile
U : s iey C finer from sov era I
groups and individuals regard
H.g tie '..lie of Piuvboy and
/’i-nthouM' magazines at the
bookstore, sources ol tieated
defwte in I he past several years
that tin ' -sstou lias ' o i the
Tint purpose o! the meeting
was to gather information and
i ommi-nfs from tlti! i omnium! v
regarding the s*iof /’l.iiliit
and I'rnlhousr muga/tne-,. (li-n
pm 1 manager of !!.>■ innik-.liiro
' ll. Will .0111 V i i U • W !•> '•
an .a lion mo'liiii; Imt lha! list*
iui.ifd will pul this mailer on <i
liiiuri- agenda
Pornography m-Is women up
as nothing mors' than objm is
Ui.it m always .■■Mi.ltlv ;-,rfy
and w ..i;’•Trispiio . .! and
whtiti ps pi>- an- < lifted
they an fin! complete humans
they art- lor people s own
: , i i.! s'. ... 1 : -
..ah r w in tiler !(.■ '. w ani n> .<-11
material that is m*< i.iliv rnspon
- anti tain- a slanii against
si'Msm. as n has on racism,
Trigilio said
A not her student and rod!
r < * * lor of Miti Against Kape
W . liiam Brul/man. shed a per
’ am to VIEWS, Paiji* ■:
One year later
•" • f A ' .' *» H » *,
Nt r ,i '(hm ,'jA< ■> ;-art ' ,t t .-gene
: . . ; " ■ f < i flui'i/'-' i ft if:;: i, //'•<• one
if .)• \ . <•'> ,'/ic t:rijinnm() o! the Per. .r< Gulf
W<u i.isaon rt.ione of About 80 peopk: who
rvothre eS their opooiutiOf) to US involvement to the
reel on
NCAA requires higher GPAs from student-athletes
Beginning in 1995,
freshmen student-athletes
are required to:
shave completed 13 high
school core courses
(t 1 now requtred)
shave a 2.0 GPA and 900
SAT score or 2.5 GPA
and 700 SAT score on a
sliding scsle
(2.0 GPA. 700 SAT now
Changes will affect current
high school sophomores.
j Director of Black Student
Union sees the changes as
"another form of racism"
By Jake Berg
The NtlAA will soon expect Us site
athletes to perform as well til the class!
as they do on the held
But not everyone agrees with the t hat
saying the hmghei a idemu standards
disproportionately illicit bl.n k student
i he \( \A Presidents ( oililltisston a!
weeks annual meet;:..- m Anaheim <
strengthened academic I cqu irements It
into and maintain eligibility in Divist
school s
w 111
1 eel
It. -g no : g I!. I'I'I , high school studrnls
Will lid rmjuirei! In hiivi: completed 1.1 s tiff
nmi-j's anti line .1 (I to 7 '■> (IPA wilt) .1
Hinting test ss 1 ifi‘ iin inltn r the SA’I or At ’1
1 . r e\iim|)!<' .t .tuiirnt iitlili'ti will) "l f>
U'A is eligible willi .1 71)0 Sion- u!) the
SAT. urn) a slutiimlnlhlHi; with .1 7 I) < it * A
Is iligihU' w ilh .) <HM) sA : More
Student uthleie-. l urrt'nlly arc required in
have graduates! Irnin high ss liool w ilts !1
tori' courses completed. .1 miniinum 7(1
(U’A ami have .1 700 SA I st ore
The ■' hniiges will mil .ilh't l .my sludenl
athletes currently ni tt»*r i rmt-rsiiv The
hrs! sitiiit'iits In ! 1 -i■! these ■■ tIs■< Is art' 1 arm::
high st hiK/i sophomores
Another f , in tlic ,n .identic change-. w ill
attes t next (all s freshmen Beginning with
those sladiTi! athletes, they will complete at
leas! 7r> percent of t lie ns pi 1 rs • merit s m a «t < •
grre iirnj'.r.iin enlenii}> their third year, 'ill
!><!(( irnt into their fourth yr.tr and /'• p. r
(Tilt into their lift!) veer
A study mdilii h\ ilie NCAA At ademii
Ki m aft il Department revealed tfl.it it tills
same polity fi.nl hi i It Ur.tit .lei! Ill
four out of every ft) freshmen tooth,ill and
I. e.k> t fill 11 (il.ivets would 11.1 Vi: fieen dls.jii.il
M.iin opposed to tt.e n forins ..i,; a tfnit
tin i hunges would k. ■ '|i .1 grr.iii r nullii I of
hl.e k -.1111! 1 ■ nl •ulhlrtf - from . 111• ■ 1111111;■ 1 ul
leges (hail white student athletes.
1. Is.1 Law lelH.e d i: . : :. Ill l tie Hl.lt k'Stu
dent thuon, said she personally feels ilie
changes ate another form of racism
M\ making it that high." l.awreru e said,
y i ll l-siving out a lot lit the lif.uk itfi
1 ,t to NCAA f’.i je 8
' Bertice Berry is either
| the Bill Cosby of
: sociology or the
I Doctor of Comedy
y Page 5
Today is the last day to add a class and
change from audit to credit. It's also the
deadline to apply for spring term under
graduate and winter term graduate
Weekend Martin Luther King
Jr celebration activities
continue throughout the
Eugene-Sprmgfield area
See CALENDAR, Page 3