Oregon Daily FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 81 Susoect mav be in Colorado j Alleged rapist Michael Patrick Ryan mistakenly reported near University hall, now believed to be in Boulder area — Prom slat! and wire reports__ Poin t' surrounded arid scan Bed Tins;!'' Hall in the Hamilton complex Thursday after they re i I'lM'd a t all that alh j’fil rapist Michael Pattu k K\an was si'i'ii ni'at the t otnples A woman called the Oil it of Publit Sajistv and said site'll seen Kvan hut later said si,. d been mistaken when shown a pit lure of him. OPS l)i rector (!arov Drayton:said RViin Is snsper ted in a rape in the Hamilton basement Saturday and another rape in Boise. Idaho, on Sunday s uit Delia.live s^t Jim Pelle n| the Boulder [ttiln e Ryan is Believed to have been seen in Boulder. ( olo !h;s week, and a i .ir m«ii( lung the dost rip lion .if .< \ehicle stolen from (ini' of his friends w .is sp. : !e I III the i itV l.lte I ili'sdttl. I’ellr said i<\ in was seen driving i l‘IH5 m.iroon Honda \i ; nrd \viSti I’t'rinsvKanin lit oii.se |>i.ite l N! n't 7 i tii- ear h.is numerous bumper sinkers He told .i Ser\ n r station < b-rk in Mount.mi floine Id.iii > ,md ,» hits tiliiker tii.it he w.n en route in Boulder polir e s.iui Rv.tn it is white . left 1. untie. ..(lit 1 HO pounds with short tirovvfi ti.u: .i lull I ard and blue eves On Roll and Idaho iitlli : ill.-, nhe hint ns dangerous 1 . pfehetid Inin Indore tie hurts someone here. I’eile sjill Kv.m u.is puroled from the Oregon State I’eni terui.irv m Septenihei .lifer ser'i lug u 'three ve.ir sentence tor armed rotiiierv Oregon pulii r s.nd he has an extensive criminal history ;rn hiding arrests for auto theil ami robbers views on pornography given j Public meeting gives Bookstore di rectors chance to hear local opinion By ColleenPohhg * meraid PU»! ■ censorship and Amendment vs w I- irsl nograpfn perpetuates violent e women. s truing this thing into •of freedom i*I speech IS ,i r> ..I mistai said jo I rigilto : f tlio l-nivi-rsit\ S U'ulllrll s Center “The question is not censorship, but rather, is pm nographv one of the lo< tors that causes violent e against women, ami what is the criteria lor sell log II.at.-rial a! the bookstore On the Iijjj side of the argu censorship and tin* first merit. Amendment wen- the main enneotns "!i iii.Lt1 ss is denied, thi'n that's i ensurship. tins is cen sorship.' luw student Will I’ortnllo said ' There is no evt dance that pornography leads to violom i' against women 1 he \ Ivon ( < inimissh .'it:, d I. In..I evident e as well as others and I lie v were unable to flrul a imk between violence against worn eii and pornography , he i n ; v el sit v it i ik 'lore Hoard of Directors beard com merits Thursday night in a i rowded public meeting at tile U : s iey C finer from sov era I groups and individuals regard H.g tie '..lie of Piuvboy and /’i-nthouM' magazines at the bookstore, sources ol tieated defwte in I he past several years that tin ' -sstou lias ' o i the magazines Tint purpose o! the meeting was to gather information and i ommi-nfs from tlti! i omnium! v regarding the s*iof /’l.iiliit and I'rnlhousr muga/tne-,. (li-n pm 1 manager of !!.>■ innik-.liiro ' ll. Will .0111 V i i U • W !•> '• an .a lion mo'liiii; Imt lha! list* iui.ifd will pul this mailer on - an- < lifted they an fin! complete humans they art- lor people s own USC : , i i.! s'. ... 1 : - ..ah r w in tiler !(.■ '. w ani n> .<-11 material that is m*< i.iliv rnspon - anti tain- a slanii against si'Msm. as n has on racism, Trigilio said A not her student and rod! r < * * lor of Miti Against Kape W . liiam Brul/man. shed a per ’ am to VIEWS, Paiji* ■: One year later •" • f A ' .' *» H » *, Nt r ,i '(hm ,'jA< ■> ;-art ' ,t t .-gene : . . ; " ■ f < i flui'i/'-' i ft if:;: i, //'•<• one if .)• \ . <•'> ,'/ic t:rijinnm() o! the Per. .r< Gulf W (IPA wilt) .1 Hinting test ss 1 ifi‘ iin inltn r the SA’I or At ’1 1 . r e\iim|)!<' .t .tuiirnt iitlili'ti will) "l f> U'A is eligible willi .1 71)0 Sion- u!) the SAT. urn) a slutiimlnlhlHi; with .1 7 I) < it * A Is iligihU' w ilh .) percent of t lie ns pi 1 rs • merit s m a «t < • grre iirnj'.r.iin enlenii}> their third year, 'ill !> t fill 11 (il.ivets would 11.1 Vi: fieen dls.jii.il died M.iin opposed to tt.e n forins ..i,; a tfnit tin i hunges would k. ■ '|i .1 grr.iii r nullii I of hl.e k -.1111! 1 ■ nl •ulhlrtf - from . 111• ■ 1111111;■ 1 ul leges (hail white student athletes. 1. Is.1 Law lelH.e d i: . : :. Ill l tie Hl.lt k'Stu dent thuon, said she personally feels ilie changes ate another form of racism M\ making it that high." l.awreru e said, y i ll l-siving out a lot lit the lif.uk itfi 1 ,t to NCAA f’.i je 8 1 PUNCH LINE ' Bertice Berry is either | the Bill Cosby of : sociology or the I Doctor of Comedy See ENTERTAINMENT, y Page 5 JUST A REMINDER... Today is the last day to add a class and change from audit to credit. It's also the deadline to apply for spring term under graduate and winter term graduate degrees. u-i^a MLK ACTIVITIES Weekend Martin Luther King Jr celebration activities continue throughout the Eugene-Sprmgfield area See CALENDAR, Page 3