Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1992, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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Seven-year investigation offers new light on Watergate
Silent Coup:
The Removal of a President
Len Colodny
and Robert Gettlin
St Martin's Press, c 1991
439 pages
Hardcover price $24 95
★ ★ ★ 1/j
• M lei) • * • •••'
• • • mtn 9- 9+m e e e e « > • •- j • p» ! >•'•<
Nii, tins is mil about II K
I*t■ r11.ij)s ,i more ai <urate and less mis
lea. I mg title for this book would hr \ll llir
I, t/if's tlill / III Noll lillimi l''7s;o||
ibis book by private investigator Lull
1 ln\ .iiiii Hubert f.itllm. a fporter lot
- NewllOIISI \| >S | i.l |H‘t s VV.I s! . | | :gt oil
bureau. reinterprets many id tIn- long ludil
bidiids about tin' Watergate si,aniiai liiat
. vi-niiiallv toppled b*i. hard sii.it; ■■ tii .
lll-lu V
Sili'iit ( nufi pit ks up when* a 1'iitSK >
by iiin Hnugan, titbit Si'tti'l Igem/u, b it
!l llotlg.m s bonk ollrri'il till' brs! ii,
depth investigation into tin- purpnsi- u[ the
Hung.ill s book brought out evidence
".at U all rg.iti- i oiispiraloi •, lames \t. t .id
•id I. Howard Hunt wi n actually work
mg undercover lor the t l.\ under the
noses ill the White jlniiM' .in I their I'mttic
ili.iic boss, (. (Jordon l.ubiv
Because gathering inhtlligont <• on t ill
/ctis m ihr United States is against tin
( iA" s i 11orIf*r tlir agent v uwil tin Whilr
Housesponsored ti’.on .is cover fur its tl
legal operation" Tile (JlA wanted tin' infor
m.limn to build ps\< hbl<>gti ill mill bines
oil dolllestll political figures SO rt I Oil i 11
predict him tins would Umi I to irrt.un
Will’ll ' iioug.lll's IxHik (il’ilit inostlv ts dh
tin hurglais, Uolodny and tn-tlhn •• I’flort
takes up the politii s of the break 111, l OVi’f
up and reporter Bob Woodward's mn in
exposing them The authors spent seven
years investigating the si andal. whu h be
gun shortly aftef midnight on June "
l<f.V.When five burgl.it wen « aught in
side the iJeinix (alii National (auniiott. e
h' adipiarteis at tin Wateigali’ Budd.cg
Washingion !) t
i lie offli la I version of events, as report
■ ! by U is/iingUoii /’list reporters \\ d
ward and t arl Bernstein. claimed the bur
gluts wen sen! bv Nixon reelei lion 1,1111
paign leader and former Attorriev (general
a -: n Mo t a 1 11 1 a p m in k ' u ■
against the Demur rats m the forthcoming
i-lei tion
Ret.. art !. ; r tie ! . v m . ..J, ; •
views with all of the principal '-a andal
flee logs lor the period and documents
I; ha N. hale W ( oltm .h.l
11Nat loti.il Archt v es ,11, t!.; r ■ -o',
evident e t'olodnv and ( .eititfl show tti.lt
..ivvarti and Bernsiein •. version id
events didn't Isegin to skim the ’-aria; e ol
the lug picture, am! in many (uses was
1 omplt'teiy mat t urate
Colodnv ami (iettlin bring out tonvtm
mg evidence that the man who ordered
the burglars into Wutetg.lle w .IS not 11,,
femu r altnrru \ ■ r>«-r .*!. tiul John Dean,
White Huiisi' ilunw-I. and iln> first prim i
pal figure to r ume forward rind start sing
mu to the Sr;;.lie U atergate ( lommittcr
Colodnv and C.i idin assert that Dean
■.'•Hi !)n burglars into the Watergate not in
get information alxmI the Demur r.»tbut
in get .1 little black book lhal contained
ihf names of prostitutes mooting will)
Demur ratii i’uriv figures The Ixaik offers
ex i<irrn r lhal ihr madam \v ho was i'vi>ntu
ally i m (> I ua lf< i m i .ounce I ion will) the
r ail girl ring was a longtime friend and
sometimes roommate of John Dean s girl
friend and later wile. Maureen.Diner
When the burglary went awry, and the
prnterbiul stuff Ini tin- fan. Dean went on
a frantic campaign to rover his own in
volvement m the break-in To do this, he
was willing In implicate and hand over
anyone and everyone jn Nison's adminis
After dealing with Dean s involvement
with the break in and subsequent cover
up. the hook details Alexander Haig's in
\olvement and the role he played In. lead
ing t; Nixon's ultimate downfall while
setvi-ng as !ru kx Dir k s chief of stall
ihr lamik digs up Haig's role m a 1(170
:■ ; ' *r iwn as lie Moofer Radford at
tan w h* n the Joint ( fuels ol Staff w ere
r; : \ ne on the White House The
M'S w > re inx i 1 ved in tin- spy r mg bet ause
it what tl.ex l. o was Nixon's, anti Score
t ■ i! s ! Si a' - Henry Kissinger's pohr ies o!
ending !n \ u-tnam W.n and improving
r: ns vsiih communist China and the
Soviet Union
When tin- authors interviewed (denies
K.i Ihilil. the NaVS vemilan who did the
spying for tin- ICS. he told them the ulti
mate goal of the spying w as bringing Nix
•n down Realty. getting rid of Kissinger
Colodny and Gettlin
discovered that
Woodward's past is not
the usual route one
would expect for a cub
reporter. For his own
part, Woodward has been
very vague about his road
to journalism success.
Kissinger was a r*-<i 1 monkey wrench in
things "
Hecause the group eventually caught m
tin- Watergate break in had also imcstigat
i d the Moorer Rad ford incident, an in
depth investigation of that group, known
,is the plumbers, posed a threat of e\
posing not only Haig's role in the spying,
but also tlie ultimate goal of bringing
down the president
While ( Itiel id stall, Haig's only coni ern
should have been protecting the president
and providing him with good advice In
stead, (us main goal was to cover his own
tracks, and those ,i| the |( s, concerning
Mo,rer is.idlord
Silent (.'on/! exposes a pattern ol poor
advice and manipulation by Haig that ac
tually had tin' eflei t o! in.iking Nixon look
even more guilts The I look also offers esc
: that W iw :
Deep Tin oil t, not on Is dins lei I Woodward
to the 1H minute gap in thi' White House
tapes, hut might have done the erasing
Next on the list ot exposed mvtlls is
ji’.irn.ilism's demigod. Bob Woodward
(inliiiim and Goldin discovored that
Woodward's past is not the usual route
(Jin would expect lor a r ub reporter For
Ills own part. Woodward has been very
y.igue about bis road to journalism sue
Vft. r graduating from Vain. Woodward
s; 'fit five voars .'in tho--’Officii.of Naval In
!• .Iigenc.e lie was required to stav for
only four, but Woodward claimed rod tape
delayed his release Woodward's lather,
however, told the authors that Ills son vol
unteered for the extra year of service be
< ause he was excited about his assign
Woodward consistently characterized
bis job in the Navy .is "miserable" and
boring He said ho did nothing but direct
nan who handled communication How
c\ er, the authors discovered. Woodw aril's
role involved "briefing" the highest mill
tarv and intelligence officers on the latest
intelligence and policy dec isions i'yycj of
11 officers Woodward briefed from
1 oil1)-1 T,’Q yvere none other than Acini
! '. lb)as Moorer and lien Alexander Haig
When the authors interviewed Wood
yyard. he vehemently denied this and
i aimed he never met Haig until l')7i
Wtieri the authors asked Acini Moorer il
I ting Haig was one ol Woodward's du
!i in- answered "sure, ol course
.'user Secretary ol Defense Melvin
I. rci, Laird s aide |erry Friedheim and a
alier ul Kissinger's National Secuiily
( mi d stall, Kogei Morris, all cmihrmed
" Haig Winxhvard relationship
w ’-y yy I mid Woodyvarii lie ala ait till s ’
: has a lot to do with c redibility and
m .nation, but for the best answer, read
the book
By Pa! Mn ach
Mix of good, bad found on Elton John album
Various artists
Two Rooms
1991 c
★ * *
• ♦«< wmmi • • »
• • • «to-- * • • •
hollowing .1 fee t• nI trend of i i ujipdalurn
(Over albums, I’ulydram ruleasrd /bo
N<><mis, songs originally Writit-n in ! .lion
John anil Hr mb; Tiiupin Artists range
Irum sting, to Jim [ion |ovi, arid 11k.• most
( OVrr albums. thrir is good, had ,mi) ugly
to hr found among thrsr classii h.lton
John tunrs
Among thr host ruts urr 1 ru (daptmi's
Border Song" iiml Km! Stewart's > ur
Song (or (Am Lit sings ,i sindhil "snin
Sinus to Hi thr Hard.-St Word ■ i
Who-, rrmiition of Saturday \;gh: V
right" has a bitr rrniinisi rut o| tfir iianif s
i'hrrr arr .1 leys losrrs alti.aig tin >1
Thr Hrach Bovs torture' ( n .■ . .dtle Km k
and Sinead O ( tinner s Sarrifiir tr
bins in asthma attack Ovrtall. Ihiuigb. : :
ton joint's music proves to rartt the tub ol
Neil Young
and Crazy Horse
Reprise Records
1991 c
★ ★ ★ i/j
• • * •>«*■ « • «- • • • • «v«ui|
AVhi'h I n i l \ 1 Youn>> w.iv 'K»urln>;
\\ !: ll Si i ViHilli. I linin’! Iii'lirvc il \Uit
bum. I’m no! surprised
\\i;d Is 11 .; Ij .1! ills ti.ii-.n-s! Iiiil his
tifsl rhrri’ is ini tr.11 1 11I the .11 ouslii H.n
n-sl All liir it.iiki ini h'.ivily litijcii in
•i!i t trit if Ini//, uni Yuiim; pruvi's
lli.i! In- . .in pull !li , Kiln) 11I musit nt!
I ll*- must i-\|(|..mii- slinks ,ir«* "ki-t-p on
is ► 1 1!: I1 i r ■ ' - \V1 illil .11:1 il lit -111 111
..!■ • "i.iKt i liurin .itii- l b' l.mii sl lr.it»
!-. > tiling' piTMiniil rtiuJilinn ul Hub IK
Lin -. lilt;I-. in !!i' Wind but 111 nil li-!
lli.il t i ll yuti Yount; •• gu!!in^ kuult r with
. 1;;• •. but In- htisn’l Ins! Ins tutu b
The Black Watch
Doctor Dream Records
1991 «
★ * V2
• ' *»•'•»#' • • ■’•!»>"«( Iflkllt
• • • • • 'w«4< H •*«#*.
I hi' i mini in.! riK k M'i?in ,i strungo
iii. mi Hut HI.ii k W .iich, on it.-, m i!
Illli i iiilnim, m.in.igrs to mh-griih'111> two
M)iiti*ls In 11rt>»11u t• mlii hut mnoviitivo
h : k U.itihs songs .in stylistic ally
v r i I lu- him -.v i'il;>f ill Hrltui
Vi. , ■: hints with Sliu it,uk Jrnnih'r
ji'iimii'r I hum .trc sninc (not-hipping
'i.i S-. .i*. in II, Mu h ,r. IVinfic
m i t In i i: 11 i i. !! n 1 V!
r - ■ -' t1 ■ ■ - > - 1 11 s in- tlv i: 111; i -.! r i i; r. ■ k
i hIS IS thu Iii.t-.il ilMVVhiti k til tin ill', til
■is it In" Iii'mi v li.irult il tin tin' mu-.ii
I hi' i a ii i ii linin' \ i t . brings ll.iiut uul rn
i'ti;v In i vi’r i thing
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