EHZ Seven-year investigation offers new light on Watergate Silent Coup: The Removal of a President by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin St Martin's Press, c 1991 439 pages Hardcover price $24 95 ★ ★ ★ 1/j • M lei) • * • •••' • • • mtn 9- 9+m e e e e « > • •- j • p» ! >•'•< Nii, tins is mil about II K I*t■ r11.ij)s ,i more ai S | i.l |H‘t s VV.I s! . | | :gt oil bureau. reinterprets many id tIn- long ludil bidiids about tin' Watergate si,aniiai liiat . vi-niiiallv toppled b*i. hard; ■■ tii . lll-lu V Sili'iit ( nufi pit ks up when* a 1'iitSK > by iiin Hnugan, titbit Si'tti'l Igem/u, b it !l llotlg.m s bonk ollrri'il till' brs! ii, depth investigation into tin- purpnsi- u[ the burglaries Hung.ill s book brought out evidence ".at U all rg.iti- i oiispiraloi •, lames \t. t .id •id I. Howard Hunt wi n actually work mg undercover lor the t l.\ under the noses ill the White jlniiM' .in I their I'mttic ili.iic boss, (. (Jordon l.ubiv Because gathering inhtlligont <• on t ill /ctis m ihr United States is against tin ( iA" s i 11orIf*r tlir agent v uwil tin Whilr Housesponsored ti’.on .is cover fur its tl legal operation" Tile (JlA wanted tin' infor m.limn to build ps\< hbl<>gti ill mill bines oil dolllestll political figures SO rt I Oil i 11 predict him tins would Umi I to irrt.un situations Will’ll ' iioug.lll's IxHik (il’ilit inostlv ts dh tin hurglais, Uolodny and tn-tlhn •• I’flort takes up the politii s of the break 111, l OVi’f up and reporter Bob Woodward's mn in exposing them The authors spent seven years investigating the si andal. whu h be gun shortly aftef midnight on June " l«-r .*!. tiul John Dean, White Huiisi' ilunw-I. and iln> first prim i pal figure to r ume forward rind start sing mu to the Sr;;.lie U atergate ( lommittcr Colodnv and C.i idin assert that Dean ■.'•Hi !)n burglars into the Watergate not in get information alxmI the Demur r.»tbut in get .1 little black book lhal contained ihf names of prostitutes mooting will) Demur ratii i’uriv figures The Ixaik offers ex intu ally i m (> I ua lf< i m i .ounce I ion will) the r ail girl ring was a longtime friend and sometimes roommate of John Dean s girl friend and later wile. Maureen.Diner When the burglary went awry, and the prnterbiul stuff Ini tin- fan. Dean went on a frantic campaign to rover his own in volvement m the break-in To do this, he was willing In implicate and hand over anyone and everyone jn Nison's adminis (ration After dealing with Dean s involvement with the break in and subsequent cover up. the hook details Alexander Haig's in \olvement and the role he played In. lead ing t; Nixon's ultimate downfall while setvi-ng as !ru kx Dir k s chief of stall ihr lamik digs up Haig's role m a 1(170 :■ ; ' *r iwn as lie Moofer Radford at tan w h* n the Joint ( fuels ol Staff w ere r; : \ ne on the White House The M'S w > re inx i 1 ved in tin- spy r mg bet ause it what tl.ex l. o was Nixon's, anti Score t ■ i! s ! Si a' - Henry Kissinger's pohr ies o! ending !n \ u-tnam W.n and improving r: ns vsiih communist China and the Soviet Union When tin- authors interviewed (denies K.i Ihilil. the NaVS vemilan who did the spying for tin- ICS. he told them the ulti mate goal of the spying w as bringing Nix •n down Realty. getting rid of Kissinger Colodny and Gettlin discovered that Woodward's past is not the usual route one would expect for a cub reporter. For his own part, Woodward has been very vague about his road to journalism success. Kissinger was a r*- ur Song (or (Am Lit sings ,i sindhil "snin Sinus to Hi thr Hard.-St Word ■ i Who-, rrmiition of Saturday \;gh: V right" has a bitr rrniinisi rut o| tfir iianif s heyday i'hrrr arr .1 leys losrrs tin >1 Thr Hrach Bovs torture' ( n .■ . .dtle Km k and Sinead O ( tinner s Sarrifiir tr bins in asthma attack Ovrtall. 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I hi' i mini in.! riK k M'i?in ,i strungo iii. mi Hut HI.ii k W .iich, on it.-, m i! Illli i iiilnim, to mh-griih'111> two M)iiti*ls In 11rt>»11u t• mlii hut mnoviitivo mtiMi h : k U.itihs songs .in stylistic ally v r i I lu- him -.v i'il;>f ill Hrltui Vi. , ■: hints with Sliu it,uk Jrnnih'r ji'iimii'r I hum .trc sninc (not-hipping 'i.i S-. .i*. in II, Mu h ,r. IVinfic m i t In i i: 11 i i. !! n 1 V! r - ■ -' t1 ■ ■ - > - 1 11 s in- tlv i: 111; i -.! r i i; r. ■ k i hIS IS thu ilMVVhiti k til tin ill', til ■is it In" Iii'mi v li.irult il tin tin' mu-.ii I hi' i a ii i ii linin' \ i t . brings ll.iiut uul rn i'ti;v In i vi’r i thing By Mot; Reynolds • •• .-M : r, "ti.'-'.i / FAST FAST FAST FAST IN A HURRY? USE 7 HR. 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