Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Fair share
11-month-old Ashlyn McGrow
Thursday while she waits for n r■
- s her 'iM-r'Mr- .1 ■' ':«v crar
v >•/!( .• 'or ;rt> day at the Un-reinl\
Troian safety violations found
PORTLAND (AIM Tin* Nur lear Keguiaiurv
Commission siivs u h.is found apparent safety
violations at the Trojan nuclear plant ir Raini
The NRC '.aui in a rnport tfi.it Portland Cenerai
Electr it (u> . the plant operator and majority own
er. failed to periodically inspect t ertain pressure
valves, resulting m incorrect settings
11 a serious accident occurred, the valves are
supposed to protect plant systems from reaching
high pressures and help guard against a pro
longed release of radioactive steam
To date inspectors have found that t>J percent
of the valves ehei ked Were incorrectly set
In addition, the \Kt is reviewing sis less sen
(jus problems with the plum's c mitml e! radi
ation ! he agency hus not decided w helhef In ( lie
I'l .1 11jt the valve or radiation ( milrul probloms
Tropin has been shut down sim e lust Mart h he
cause ol detective sleuin generator tidies I tie
company has asked tor permission to temporarily
change its operating license so it can restart tiul
no date inis been set. Hie NK( wilt ... 1 v Tin
_'l whether to grant PC.b s request
Adam Itless, a state nui tear saletv inspector at
! rcnan. said '.tie protilein surtai ed in \pr11 when a
steam valve tailed to reset properly
ttie \KC said l’(lh missed "numerous opportu
nities to find and i orris I these problems despite
federal notices
BLM biologist says habitat
standard not crucial for owl
I' () K I I A \ U
i \i‘) \ i ontro
versiai slatnidrd
(or spotted ovv I
habitat shouldn't i)t! broad I v
.ip|>! u■ ii !»*< .JUse It is Imm'.I oil
s iiiiM'iisiis rather than « inmr.
i ' S bureau tif Land Manage
met it biologist testified Thurs
l nder eross examination. jo
srjih tan! said diminishing for
est hahiial lor tin* owl wouldn't
m uttlc (dans for boosting the
bird's numbers. bill would slow
then down
Lint’s remarks i a trie during
die set mid day of hearings held
.0 tudl.lit of the Lndattger ed
Sju-i ies t iinimittee a i ahinet
lev el feder al pum I km iw n a
the t.ihi St|u.iil tor Its power
to let a spur les go extinct it the
oconomie cost is too high
i lie 111 \f has i ■ at I he ( on i
a t tee. ! . v .impt I t 11 ndc r
, n U I sti I'll ()reg. m !:t an
the. (endangered Species Act
: he sail's represent a third of
I!;, igcii. \ s ttinber offerings
last year
; he I S i n.h and Wildlife
Service listed the northern
spotted owl as a threatened
spet es |n t OUt) d . In ill
old-growth forest habitat I he
i gem V bail kt d till ’ : I a: ■'
sales on grounds that logging
til. I 00(1 II res I .! !i 'lest w .. :d
jeopardi/e bird's -airv iv al
Lint’s {dtlime I d s. he lot e an
administrative iaw udge. In
voiced an . vs 1 habitat standard
know - a da SO 1 1 >C) rule
It i alls for restrti ting logging so
licit at leas! SO peri enl ot the
land has trees with trunks aver
aging at least 1 1 UK lies 111 ill
a meter and the trees i anopv
hade-, -It) j a i !.: 1 II. ala!
There n. ev idem e that sui h
areas pri iv ale the habitat owls
need !o surviv e. Lin! said
The Lore- l Serv u e fish and
\\ i :d !i fe and Nat - anil I1.irk. Set
-. u e have adopted the standard,
hut Bl.M has no! saving it
would take !<hi big ,1 bile out' of
Umber offerings from its lands
Lawyers for ageni it s and
group,« opposing lb- timbersalt*
exemption boned in on the
H i At s' .1 in ■: ■ n q ti est ion i ng
He .111! It VS .IS adopted as .1
. onseusus ti.isetf on aval luble
mlormatton" rattier ttie produi t
of M lentlfb studies
l ie Use (be rule to anulv/e
luoiogu.il l in pul Is on fbe owl
would not be appropriate at
tins time, be said in written
testimony submitted to the
i ommittee
He said It requires about 40
years tor Umber to grow big
enough to meet tlie standard
Lint said the Ml pen ent com
ponent ot the rule Is the weak,
port bei ause there's inadequate
inm about whether that
mui h i.ilidsl ape needs 1 1 1111 ll
trees lor e.wls to survive there
S. n-ousts have said that ovs e
;.. .'ii lores! with a multi
storied i anupv to bide hum
;.:' ,! a!ia s •,a, h as the e ha w k
I t,, owls la st in e.lV llies III hit;
I nets ! liey lee 11 on I odents
ov era vv ide area
In ernes examination Lint
said the ted IT.) I plait lor pro
na 1 iih; the ow I is seen as a A
io 1 (Hi year plan, and a delay of
two or three years in adopting
liii.tl liahit.it standards would
in a dele.it tin- plan
\ .uni it dei leasing limb, r
i iliilat in tin- meantime yv ould
h..inper the owl rei ox erv plan.
Lint said il yvuuld diminish
tie rapidity with vs ilu h sui ( ess
i ould ho .u hieved
l).-spile the tough question
tug the 1 ’ s Interior Iiepart
men! ■ top Liyv yer said I'hurs
lay tim liearings were goirq;
i horii.e. S.insonelti met with
ri porters a! the end • d the set
olid day ot hearings In say lay
mg ground rules t.ikos time be
i anse the < ommittee is rarely
( on vent'd
'Attorney. '968 UCLA Law GradJ
James L. Bumpas
Patrick Na^el
• mil \grrtr USIS)
with purchase of any
regular-price poster in stock
I rami' shop amt C/.ilU-ry
4 10 1 l lift ' *1 Milli • I
, 4H4-I420 I