Fair share 11-month-old Ashlyn McGrow Thursday while she waits for n r■ - s her 'iM-r'Mr- .1 ■' ':«v crar v >•/!( .• 'or ;rt> day at the Un-reinl\ Troian safety violations found PORTLAND (AIM Tin* Nur lear Keguiaiurv Commission siivs u h.is found apparent safety violations at the Trojan nuclear plant ir Raini er The NRC '.aui in a rnport tfi.it Portland Cenerai Electr it (u> . the plant operator and majority own er. failed to periodically inspect t ertain pressure valves, resulting m incorrect settings 11 a serious accident occurred, the valves are supposed to protect plant systems from reaching high pressures and help guard against a pro longed release of radioactive steam To date inspectors have found that t>J percent of the valves ehei ked Were incorrectly set In addition, the \Kt is reviewing sis less sen (jus problems with the plum's c mitml e! radi ation ! he agency hus not decided w helhef In ( lie I'l .1 11jt the valve or radiation ( milrul probloms Tropin has been shut down sim e lust Mart h he cause ol detective sleuin generator tidies I tie company has asked tor permission to temporarily change its operating license so it can restart tiul no date inis been set. Hie NK( wilt ... 1 v Tin _'l whether to grant PC.b s request Adam Itless, a state nui tear saletv inspector at ! rcnan. said '.tie protilein surtai ed in \pr11 when a steam valve tailed to reset properly ttie \KC said l’(lh missed "numerous opportu nities to find and i orris I these problems despite federal notices BLM biologist says habitat standard not crucial for owl I' () K I I A \ U i \i‘) \ i ontro versiai slatnidrd (or spotted ovv I habitat shouldn't i)t! broad I v .ip|>! u■ ii !»*< .JUse It is Imm'.I oil s iiiiM'iisiis rather than « inmr. i ' S bureau tif Land Manage met it biologist testified Thurs day l nder eross examination. jo srjih tan! said diminishing for est hahiial lor tin* owl wouldn't m uttlc (dans for boosting the bird's numbers. bill would slow then down Lint’s remarks i a trie during die set mid day of hearings held .0 tudl.lit of the Lndattger ed Sju-i ies t iinimittee a i ahinet lev el feder al pum I km iw n a the t.ihi St|u.iil tor Its power to let a spur les go extinct it the oconomie cost is too high i lie 111 \f has i ■ at I he ( on i a t tee. ! . v .impt I t 11 ndc r , n U I sti I'll ()reg. m !:t an the. (endangered Species Act : he sail's represent a third of I!;, igcii. \ s ttinber offerings last year ; he I S i n.h and Wildlife Service listed the northern spotted owl as a threatened spet es |n t OUt) d . In ill old-growth forest habitat I he i gem V bail kt d till ’ : I a: ■' sales on grounds that logging til. I 00(1 II res I .! !i 'lest w .. :d jeopardi/e bird's -airv iv al Lint’s {dtlime I d s. he lot e an administrative iaw udge. In voiced an . vs 1 habitat standard know - a da SO 1 1 >C) rule It i alls for restrti ting logging so licit at leas! SO peri enl ot the land has trees with trunks aver aging at least 1 1 UK lies 111 ill a meter and the trees i anopv hade-, -It) j a i !.: 1 II. ala! There n. ev idem e that sui h areas pri iv ale the habitat owls need !o surviv e. Lin! said The Lore- l Serv u e fish and \\ i :d !i fe and Nat - anil I1.irk. Set -. u e have adopted the standard, hut Bl.M has no! saving it would take !