Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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1st annual
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Every Monday
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The deadly side of weight loss
By Tammy Batey
f'rr-fKa J R*k> fU#
Samantha said she tilt bottom
at ago 17 when, her doctor gave
.1 frightening prediction 1! she
dido t gain weight, six ii .Six
within two w i xks
•V the titnc of tier ioctors
prognosis. Samantha h e r>
fool ri and weighed 'to pounds
She was diagnosis! with both
anorexia nervosa and bulimia
When she entered puberU at
age 1 1 she iiecame obsessed
with remaining small, Saman
tha said She salt! she survived
on little more than toast, ha
nanas and orange juice and ex
err used up to three and a half
hours a day
bond hoi ante si arv Ha
manlha said I thought if I ]ust
seep ntv weight down maybe !
won't grow up m a way I'm un
: anfortaiile with
Some girls who
are 5-6 and 80
pounds look into a
mirror and think
they’re fat.'
Betty Merle?.
psyc -'>■ ■ ’ ; ■ ’
Samantha s rating disorder is
no! .in Isolated iru idrnt I\
scan hers estimate 2t) permit of
young whiih'I) ages 1J to ill) are
affi* ted hv eating disorders. a( -
• rd int; ’ .1 Miiv ! ml 1 News
i»rfk .1 r■ i< li- A o.’ ling !■ i the
arlu .If In f to .’(! |iefi efit pi
people with filling disorders
Anop’VUs am! hulimit.s are
!t pu.eilv voting if! a-si ent or
ailiil! middIf- to ipprr c lass
•.% hitf wi men s.ii-.i Mart Ian
V ,rp11\ a-staff ps\i hologist at
40% OF
ALL 1992
All S.ili's Alt' I in.il
Sail- 11fi*<tivf Whiit* Quantities List
the University Counseling ( en
ter Buhmi s' are generally old
et she smi. adding that men
develop eating disorders but in
smaller numbers than women
Anorexia is seif imposed
starvation characterized h\ an
xtreme fear of gaining weight
Murphy said Anorexics expen
erne ginit when eating and use
.ixa' i\ excess! ve exercise
j df.is! 11 dieting to lose
weight, wlunsis bulimia is
characterized In a pattern of
binge-eating and purging. Mur
pin said
Bulimies will eat verv large
amounts of lootf ill short peri
i,dsof tithe Then tlies ’ll expe
rn-i.i e guilt and rid themselves
of the food through self in
duced vomiting, laxatives last
irig vigorous exert ise or severe
Bulimi.i is hardor to detect
!h,m anorexia. siiki blise (’urr\
t illing d .sordrrs nrinjUnr at
S.k rod Heart General Hospital
: ! k ■ .1 n.iM'x ir.s, tmliraios of
ten in ol norma I weight or
fn n slightly Overw eight
■ ’. w lh hath iiisur ii •
w-orr\ .iiiiuit their haiiy iraagi
and g oiling vvuiglit
it a person s weight drops to
he.iivv ifi peri enl ol wh.it dm
ties estimate someone ot that
height and gender sh ouId
vvi igh ' Iliav iie a sign that per
son n iie a exit . ( urr\ said
Despite their tear ol getting
fa: mnr-xics hehave riluall V
an el ref : i, «1, said ( I irlieal psv
I t inn .gist lie!; \ Mi” n n hot ex
ample, a nerson \\ ith anorexia
mav out ail appie nit:) H sill es
bell ire eat mg It, shi sa Itl
•: )!!.■ s> mptoms an • i
in.!■' hair, nail and
pri.!ee'e.. abseni id menstrua
tioti in women extreme sensi
tivitv in in 1,1, and growth ■*
often re:
as ahmir
lallv par
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