Guido's 1st annual Lip Sync Contest $300 first prize Every Monday Contest at 11:00 pm Guido's 13th and Alder 343-0681 ' THURSDAY IS LADIES NIGHT AT LSI 41* •V ■ 3 t \ ; • * „’i • -.3 FROM 6 00 1 ; n .VS° N MEDY N EVERY FRI, & SAT. AT 9 p,n 343 4734 • 2222 ContonnKJl Blvd • Eugene The deadly side of weight loss By Tammy Batey f'rr-fKa J R*k> fU# Samantha said she tilt bottom at ago 17 when, her doctor gave .1 frightening prediction 1! she dido t gain weight, six ii .Six within two w i xks •V the titnc of tier ioctors prognosis. Samantha h e r> fool ri and weighed 'to pounds She was diagnosis! with both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa When she entered puberU at age 1 1 she iiecame obsessed with remaining small, Saman tha said She salt! she survived on little more than toast, ha nanas and orange juice and ex err used up to three and a half hours a day bond hoi ante si arv Ha manlha said I thought if I ]ust seep ntv weight down maybe ! won't grow up m a way I'm un : anfortaiile with Some girls who are 5-6 and 80 pounds look into a mirror and think they’re fat.' Betty Merle?. psyc -'>■ ■ ’ ; ■ ’ Samantha s rating disorder is no! .in Isolated iru idrnt I\ scan hers estimate 2t) permit of young whiih'I) ages 1J to ill) are affi* ted hv eating disorders. a( - • rd int; ’ .1 Miiv ! ml 1 News i»rfk .1 r■ i< li- A o.’ ling !■ i the arlu .If In f to .’(! |iefi efit pi people with filling disorders die Anop’VUs am! hulimit.s are !t pu.eilv voting if! a-si ent or ailiil! middIf- to ipprr c lass •.% hitf wi men s.ii-.i Mart Ian V ,rp11\ a-staff ps\i hologist at 40% OF ALL 1992 CAP*=NDAl AT THE UO BOOKSTORE MAIN FLOOR ONLY All S.ili's Alt' I Sail- 11fi* mptoms an • i in.!■' hair, nail and pri.!ee'e.. abseni id menstrua tioti in women extreme sensi tivitv in in 1,1, and growth ■* often re: as ahmir lallv par tATING Looking for a Deal ! Do you Quulitv ? It you enjoy these itenvs, you quality unlimited seconds soup, sandwiches, and salad bars - hot entrees with vegetarian choices - desserts and beverages - large selection of condiments - quick, take-out fast food meal We offer all of these items, when other places only offer one or two Do you know what you can buy for $291 Become an Off-Campus Boarder and get 67 meals a month at our introductory rate: lust $291 tor 30 days () meals Monday Friday and 2 meals Saturda\ Sunday-) It you are a University Student, bring in this coupon or call University Housing at 346-4277 for more information. Sponsored by University Housing, corner of 15th Ave. and Agate St Unlimited lto bus service ; ■ I ■ • '•>.* I i. I i.- ■ - • • lent ID ■ . . ' :■ r : !•'% • •>.< t.vt> t: : >y >'>■■> : , ■ ■'■m 'f>i1 t)uS "• ' '' ■ ■■; i -n i'c ■ reduce dif ■ "■ !P'e!< !>'” I"! ■ ' • "■ ’ m" ; ’ • :'Kf «‘ • tM^ness hours Jan r , f' t • ,n.j it e r e LTD Customer Sen ce i '• •• : ; r\ rmj outness hours j.r'Uiii, '' '■ I t'h ’ '.,> ■ ' (• >)■ Express Your sell! LTD Lane Transit Dis trie t i ii lOsiuoentsnciuaingla*students