Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Abo Hop nor, who filed a complaint against Satonde lor discriminating against men, argued his case Friday be
fore the ASUO Constitution Court as a crowd of about 200 listened
Court upholds Saferide policy
By Kirsten Lucas
Emerald Reporter
Tin* ASl'O (amstitutton ('our! unanimously up
hold Saferide's polit v ol mxi luding imm from ils
nighttime shuttle service
The decision was announced Sunday, but the
court's ruling won't be official until Monday morn
mg hen the AM () sr< retarv prepares it for release
i mversity student Ala liepner filed a complaint
with the ( ourt on Oct 1H, claiming I.'; it Saleride's
policy unfairly disi r imitiate- against men and
should theretore t>e denied AS! ( ) i .riding ..util it
includes men
Hepner based Ins complaint on the section ot the
ASi ()( institution that prohibits sin to.: ices from
supporting a< UviUe* that an defined ‘o- n
six, rail, religion. age sexual orientation
other I'Ur.iiii'ims < uiistderations
I he court held that Saferido does. m lu l.
mate un thi* I ms is of six i tow ever, the t.u I
shadowed by »th.*• r import.int interests
In thr (Hurt's opinion. CIhit*f lustier Slrvi
wrote A woman s interest m having .in csx
mg fit livilirs is c ompolling, and that art i s
hr assurrd by excluding men from S,deride \
(,'onverselv. a mans safety interest can
I ted by (resorting) to alternatives s oh as tl
of Public Safety
The court found that women's feat of r
si*.. >ns of
or any
disc mn
Is over
■n Hr
Ill IV I'll
i .III dills
if i lllil I'
,11)1- and
Petitioners force
recall election
By Daraiyr I fappo
' MwdrnLs Will Vote in .» i i.li election - to t.liM nit*
whtha-i AM (1 \ . ' I * f * • • - i • Ml Jt-i So? a Watson Will fr
: n ”;i: M t ■:!: h» ■ I s o 1 !!ir ( o !!<••*.-• Kr.puhlit alls i \
they have ( ted enough signatures to Ion r the «?!«•*
v • i\ •• j *•.. I' i ,i .ms 11 it • i n t >• i ■. :i Wilson *m«i l)t»n
S : d ver petitions with 1 .HI \ M^n.itiirt". U tin
l onstitution (Imirt Friday night ,
itn [irii i-nt * >' tin- student body in required to sign
■ ? s p»•;* i. i'i Mr t ret til rlntion in'll Mil term m
■ •. i, i ’ ■: ! figures stand .it In.'IMS percent is n«l 1
so tin* number oi signatures gathered is l s t motr than
1 hr Mollege Republicans have lead tie ret ail ellorl.
hut Hu* focal I effort hits hern bipartisan, as evidenced
■ \ ' ‘ :< i; i.: ‘: I • t •; f pe< ipjr wfi. > h.r. - ■: g: a ■■ i W !
ini N ! . a ! • : ,! snow ! I Kt C the i • r ihoilt i * 11 e s; f ; f %
and Hie . u > M it m student governm* n!
W i i * -. < : ..1 K : • ..; the effort after ;! was \ e v» ai* «i
w : . I e f i t p .? ■ li i a 11«■ n . 11: - a f i v * • : v«• m hei t h it W it
■ • ?i a! f"-en ait' m \ovemf»er ! nut) lor atn mpting
t(> shoplift S ’ J.7 worth of inert handise from thr 1‘nivt r
, itoi.kstorr Sin* failed to appr.it m court at one
point, fuit lias smie tut'l the conditions of hrr srntriu e
im iuiiin^ fines and t ommunity srrvit r
Watson has said shr did not disclose her legal prof)
Jems during her elet ttoii t ampaign Ihm ause she helievt d
i! w a-, a pets, mil situation that would have no h« .iring
on tier }oh perlormam r
Members o! the ( o||ege Republicans disagreed, saying,
it sfiouhl have turn Hie right of the student body I* dr
trrmmr whether the arrest and subsequent legal prof*
leius vs e r t * lelesallt Hie ret .ill eflort began N o V n
Members bail one month to t ollec t the signatures
Obviously, a large number of students are angry over
he: at lions W lson said I Ixdiev* students vvaiH in
tegrity m tfa tr student government 1 think, the outcome
; the ' In Will lellet t that desire
ASUO President Jennifer Hills .aid she is not an
.! r : j ! I! a t the nett v.-ry ••igliatufts Were ohtiiined but
• • ' . ’ ■ • . ' . n oin- w ; H Vi-.:-.r W tst»n
In all honesty. I would sav that a lot of people signed
W • : • ■ : v V. me what l! W.i I'.rut. Hills * - a. : !
i h' . no? an ualit ati at of low many peoph* want her
hi FCTION f* :■
Library hours_
During winter break from
Dm 1 ) to Jan 5 tiic Knight
library will he open s .1 tic to
n p in Monday through i r 1 -
day and noon 1 1 *« pm Sat
urday and Sunday
News break_
1 his it the tast ittue u( the
Enn-iahi for fall term Publi
cation will resume Jan f>
Cat call_
A student t struggle to
find her cat ..it resulted in
chaos that involves Univer
sity housing and the police
and may soon include tin
D A s office
See story. Page 5
Staying away_
increased tuition is the
reason most former students
gave when .tki-d whv they
See story, Page 6
New work rules affect international students
By Hasan Jatri
New Iinlrodui ed ulf i am
pus employment and intern
ship regulations would id
versels dli-' ! mi .re than *>() per
■ ent u| the l uuversttv's interna
.1 i .! u< I ents. ■.,1 ul Margo
Kantsirig, international student
I'hese changes. introduced
b\ the Immigration and N.tt
ur.di/.atiun Service, affet t inter
national students with I t vi
sas. residents of other countries
who until* to the I S to study
Under tin* new regulations
that w ent I nto eftei 1 ()t:l .hi
ter national students will tie eii
it it .• * . wots ■ :: ! amp . . o'. '
!:i v. w ;!!. ■ estate -.S t g
!ueirn o need I’revifiuslv, . i.
ternation.il students hud to nh
tail, p-ertuits to W ' r K tel ell
jius it tiles ss 1-re III Imam la;
He; unlike tie* oid reg.da
! iort. that a 1 loss * d these - * ;
• !*•(!!s \n work .in\ v% '.• : -
■ V : r
nrs who h;iw permission from
national students Al*o, thi:v
,ir. only tike those jobs th.il
h.ue not been filled .ilti'i being
■,pi’ii !iit t,(i day s
r nation it students. iur.s
■ .. r , .nmol take |ulis !ur ,i lew
months until the Dept of L.ilmt
publish. .. paper w i rk : ■ ■; ■
sarv tor employers to him
I 'nder the new olf-c umpus
employment regu I at inn,' 'there
will be It”,s opportunity lot
quality jobs lot international
students. Kamstng said (The
m u regulation is to have a
punl ol employees available lur
the last tood l l.aim.
('hr ,: .an l-'funk. 11;: ■ - ' >: b
tin- International Students .V.
su( ..itMMI. said tie sees more
tb..m that
International students have
tit ■ n pulled out ol higher pay
in.; ubs and Inn ed into lower
pay . ::g a >b\ u he: ■ !.here is a la
im; shortage, la a.I i rank
said be It els the nun regula
'. ins iiurtler in dtserirthna
i in internatiiii.il Student
• CHANGES . ;■ '•
Simulcast conference set
To alert the communltv Id new regulations th<tl n s!ru I the
ull < ampus ot -. international students m.iv apply lor. die in
ternaliunal Student Association and A Si () will be holding .1
simulcast press conference with oilier I’.it 10 schools ibis
A representative from the lntern.iliiin.il Student's Olliee.
the International Student Assik iallon. and ASUC) President
Jennifer [itlls will intend the conferee! r
hilia Mat harm. ASUl) International Allairs (.nord in ilnr.
said tin jiress conference is aimed at informing lawmakers of
Oregon students objet lions to the new regulations
The only wav we t an have an effm t on the law. is ■ ause
this is .1 federal law, is In show unifii atnui ot inter: .at imial
students and publicize it in a wav that ti 1 nines t . the alien
lion nl those who implemented il \!.u hafla n !
( hristian Prank, ISA Director said all tin I'.u 10 s< huuh.
hav e expressed interest in ’hi siieuli a si press 1 onferem e e\
ept Oregon Slate University He said tie- room and time of
■'n press 1 order* 1:1 e have vet to lie si
Hills called the new regulations dist rimmalorv
A. far as bringing the world 1 loser together inti rnation.il
■ idents won t have the same opportunities as domes'll •-;u
dents, dills said "As far .is cmplnvers hinng inlerna': ala!
students, tlie\ won't he allowed to and the', v. n't want ' p,
: ause of 1;! .if tin* extra paperwork