Oregon Daily MONOAY, DECEMBER 9,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 71 Abo Hop nor, who filed a complaint against Satonde lor discriminating against men, argued his case Friday be fore the ASUO Constitution Court as a crowd of about 200 listened Court upholds Saferide policy By Kirsten Lucas Emerald Reporter Tin* ASl'O (amstitutton ('our! unanimously up hold Saferide's polit v ol mxi luding imm from ils nighttime shuttle service The decision was announced Sunday, but the court's ruling won't be official until Monday morn mg hen the AM () sr< retarv prepares it for release i mversity student Ala liepner filed a complaint with the ( ourt on Oct 1H, claiming I.'; it Saleride's policy unfairly disi r imitiate- against men and should theretore t>e denied AS! ( ) i .riding ..util it includes men Hepner based Ins complaint on the section ot the ASi ()( institution that prohibits sin to.: ices from supporting a< UviUe* that an defined ‘o- n six, rail, religion. age sexual orientation other I'Ur.iiii'ims < uiistderations I he court held that Saferido does. m lu l. mate un thi* I ms is of six i tow ever, the t.u I shadowed by »th.*• r import.int interests In thr (Hurt's opinion. CIhit*f lustier Slrvi wrote A woman s interest m having .in csx mg fit livilirs is c ompolling, and that art i s hr assurrd by excluding men from S,deride \ (,'onverselv. a mans safety interest can I ted by (resorting) to alternatives s oh as tl of Public Safety The court found that women's feat of r si*.. >ns of or any disc mn Is over ■n Hr Ill IV I'll i .III dills if i lllil I' ,11)1- and • SAFERIDt Petitioners force recall election By Daraiyr I fappo ' MwdrnLs Will Vote in .» i i.li election - to t.liM nit* whtha-i AM (1 \ . ' I * f * • • - i • Ml Jt-i So? a Watson Will fr : n ”;i: M t ■:!: h» ■ I s o 1 !!ir ( o !!<••*.-• Kr.puhlit alls i \ they have ( ted enough signatures to Ion r the «?!«•* lion v • i\ •• j *•.. I' i ,i .ms 11 it • i n t >• i ■. :i Wilson *m«i l)t»n S : d ver petitions with 1 .HI \ M^n.itiirt". U tin l onstitution (Imirt Friday night , itn [irii i-nt * >' tin- student body in required to sign ■ ? s p»•;* i. i'i Mr t ret til rlntion in'll Mil term m ■ •. i, i ’ ■: ! figures stand .it In.'IMS percent is n«l 1 so tin* number oi signatures gathered is l s t motr than 1 hr Mollege Republicans have lead tie ret ail ellorl. hut Hu* focal I effort hits hern bipartisan, as evidenced ■ \ ' ‘ :< i; i.: ‘: I • t •; f pe< ipjr wfi. > h.r. - ■: g: a ■■ i W ! ini N ! . a ! • : ,! snow ! I Kt C the i • r ihoilt i * 11 e s; f ; f % and Hie . u > M it m student governm* n! W i i * -. < : ..1 K : • ..; the effort after ;! was \ e v» ai* «i w : . I e f i t p .? ■ li i a 11«■ n . 11: - a f i v * • : v«• m hei t h it W it ■ • ?i a! f"-en ait' m \ovemf»er ! nut) lor atn mpting t(> shoplift S ’ J.7 worth of inert handise from thr 1‘nivt r , itoi.kstorr Sin* failed to appr.it m court at one point, fuit lias smie tut'l the conditions of hrr srntriu e im iuiiin^ fines and t ommunity srrvit r Watson has said shr did not disclose her legal prof) Jems during her elet ttoii t ampaign Ihm ause she helievt d i! w a-, a pets, mil situation that would have no h« .iring on tier }oh perlormam r Members o! the ( o||ege Republicans disagreed, saying, it sfiouhl have turn Hie right of the student body I* dr trrmmr whether the arrest and subsequent legal prof* leius vs e r t * lelesallt Hie ret .ill eflort began N o V n Members bail one month to t ollec t the signatures Obviously, a large number of students are angry over he: at lions W lson said I Ixdiev* students vvaiH in tegrity m tfa tr student government 1 think, the outcome ; the ' In Will lellet t that desire ASUO President Jennifer Hills .aid she is not an .! r : j ! I! a t the nett v.-ry ••igliatufts Were ohtiiined but • • ' . ’ ■ • . ' . n oin- w ; H Vi-.:-.r W tst»n In all honesty. I would sav that a lot of people signed W • : • ■ : v V. me what l! W.i I'.rut. Hills * - a. : ! i h' . no? an ualit ati at of low many peoph* want her hi FCTION f* :■ INDEX Library hours_ During winter break from Dm 1 ) to Jan 5 tiic Knight library will he open s .1 tic to n p in Monday through i r 1 - day and noon 1 1 *« pm Sat urday and Sunday News break_ 1 his it the tast ittue u( the Enn-iahi for fall term Publi cation will resume Jan f> Cat call_ A student t struggle to find her cat ..it resulted in chaos that involves Univer sity housing and the police and may soon include tin D A s office See story. Page 5 Staying away_ increased tuition is the reason most former students gave when .tki-d whv they See story, Page 6 New work rules affect international students By Hasan Jatri New Iinlrodui ed ulf i am pus employment and intern ship regulations would id versels dli-' ! mi .re than *>() per ■ ent u| the l uuversttv's interna .1 i .! u< I ents. ■.,1 ul Margo Kantsirig, international student ■idvtset I'hese changes. introduced b\ the Immigration and N.tt ur.di/.atiun Service, affet t inter national students with I t vi sas. residents of other countries who until* to the I S to study Under tin* new regulations that w ent I nto eftei 1 ()t:l .hi ter national students will tie eii it it .• * . wots ■ :: ! amp . . o'. ' !:i v. w ;!!. ■ estate -.S t g !ueirn o need I’revifiuslv, . i. ternation.il students hud to nh tail, p-ertuits to W ' r K tel ell jius it tiles ss 1-re III Imam la; need He; unlike tie* oid reg.da ! iort. that a 1 loss * d these - * ; • !*•(!!s \n work .in\ v% '.• : - ■ V : r nrs who h;iw permission from national students Al*o, thi:v ,ir. only tike those jobs th.il h.ue not been filled .ilti'i being ■,pi’ii !iit t,(i day s r nation it students. iur.s ■ .. r , .nmol take |ulis !ur ,i lew months until the Dept of L.ilmt publish. .. paper w i rk : ■ ■; ■ sarv tor employers to him them I 'nder the new olf-c umpus employment regu I at inn,' 'there will be It”,s opportunity lot quality jobs lot international students. Kamstng said (The m u regulation is to have a punl ol employees available lur the last tood l l.aim. ('hr ,: .an l-'funk. 11;: ■ - ' >: b tin- International Students .V. su( ..itMMI. said tie sees more tb..m that International students have tit ■ n pulled out ol higher pay in.; ubs and Inn ed into lower pay . ::g a >b\ u he: ■ !.here is a la im; shortage, la a.I i rank said be It els the nun regula '. ins iiurtler in dtserirthna tint, i in internatiiii.il Student • CHANGES . ;■ '• Simulcast conference set To alert the communltv Id new regulations th