Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Simon says aid reform will help
By Carrie Dennett
• ia Associate Editor
Many t'mvrrsit\ students
could yjel a reprieve Irom The
criiiu h of Mi-:•• • irr S if a finari
. i.il alii proposal sponsored t>\
HS Sen Paul Simon passes
I lie Illinois ! lent;., rat. spoke
about federal fmamiel aid
while in l-aie'em- Thursday to
re< eive the VY.ivm Mofse' inter;
rity in I’olitits Award
I lie present loan programs
are \erv. ver\ i omplii ated and
very limited." Simon said
The Snnon-Durenherger pro
posal eliminates most ol the
limit*. ISi.it Sni* (t iglUT I'.n m .1
limi \i : jtr.iintM •• !■ i banks. .mil
TiiNttMcl prunmns ftmti'i to 'Su
dent s.
!ri nil, .tbout V1 ’ bills :i in
amiiml <• lilitli’in<•;»E spr.ridpii: m
! In* gu.irnirthi*' i: sludi'ni loan
programs wHiihi hi ■ shrill'd info
• v i iv ; isi i ■: i
visiani r ; jtfogr.ini I .ilh*.l ID! \
t n-ilit. available la students
v\ if . ..! f *.; ird So moorne' vs ith
npa\ inns! .is a i unable per
i ishliigi* of alter-m bool mi onn
i o!h*i ted through 11;» mi nine
1,11 sVslem
• \n .,*. : .'SI- m ihi* 1*11*11111):
; • (. l.r.irtt In jirui itle miifi- .is
stslilfn r In stll.ii Ills hum hm
nil .'ini' l.miil . •• .uni rsliui I
■ .1 i'll in siuiii'nls limu iiiodur.ili
ill’s ’ ' ■
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lol i ; i S. \ ill ii !.(’!■ 11:
Jlilft' itlfln ini i i ili‘^1- .iflii IJi.ik'
Ilu ni .m.m- i ! tin- .is 11i.t> ihu
of hit,Hu i.il iini
i llllrhiiv I’fi”. iiii’ill SiVii'.
lir.iini s.ik! hi- .uni (hr !'imitm
IV support lilts prupos.ii hi*
! .■ •: SIMON f’ t I
What the duck is that?
•> ' ' ' ■ :: * h ■ , ' , i ■ .1! i\ ;• : •» uj ; • ; ■■ • , ; ; >i • ;?■< <-u
' ■ It'r M ■ , r 1• • ; 1, !,’■>• pro/Cr' ’ A.'iP<y.Y> ;i ■.jraclu.Vc
‘ . h ■ ' ’ "t ' 1 '■ ; .1.' .i /...•• (U‘Siqr ,*/jsn
Pho!o by Jut( Pa?. ay
US Son Paul Simon. D ill. and his twile. Jo.inno. lour 13th Avenue
while on campus 1 hursday afternoon
Saferide debate goes
beyond initial complaint
By Gem! Koeppmg
,r >: I .a M • •ga'
- ■ ' I ! ‘,\i" ■
I hr < oustiluiiwn.il i hall. ng>- Salem). i urrentlv l.u . ■ is |iisl part
i if ,i turner struggle firing w aged i«*lwi i-h 11 s * • man .mil Ins ft irnds
wini filisl lh.it i iialiellge .ilwI tin- V\ ■ mi"’ll s ( I'lilrt
Tonight tit ’ III in tfn HMt U.ilnul Kurin. the \SU() ( onslttti
hull l I ill ft will hear student Ahe Heptu I I h.irgi that '■ a! fide lils
i rim in.ilrs against mrn hv not allowing tfirm tn linvr i n rulr in llu
vans lint ifu' fi l lings .iImint this issue i mi deeper tlnm : .in .n>;•.i
iiirni in front of a student i ourt
i f, }) I' ’ , h. Ilrv. . till- i tiler jn . : is 1 : r i. ■ ' -.!u ill.tl
dialogue Issues lit free speech. Jioil.i pim. r .Kill 1 mil vid ll.li ill’i I
ties ife all Involved
Women's ('elite: nieiuln-i •• i .dieif ()!!; S drty I
times in four davs In report vvhat tin s said was inappropriate lie
1 i.iv i. a 11v a gntu|i outsiile tie 11 . dfii . . d ( ins Hi .1 \ l. u 1 d ifei tia
of ops
l it.' . alls started on Monday Nov IH vvh.i h vs e- the same day
Hepner I lied l In- i ha I lenge with the \SU() < a n litiilion ( our I
M n 1 t .entry Saleiide 1 .. direi tui ..lid Mepte 1 and he. Il n nd-.
wen lining disruptive in and outside of lie oltu e
\\ , were 11HMII ( esslrll HI edlli allllg ill.'ll. about appropriate 111
havlor." (’.entry said Spei ifli ally t.eithv said Hepner ansi he
I: lends sfared and pointed at pe>.pi. wl worked ir ll "a .
Sint e Hepner hied the complaint, he and Ins Inends I, ive been
interv iewed hv ()I*S h.itf times and their private 1 ..irv .-rsahotis
have heell tape fur urded by .ill OPS of III el
Drayton confirmed that OPS had ret ordud on > : ..stums be
tween Hepner and his friends to find out d their you e-. <ou!d lie
maii leal to threatening i.dls let! in Uoiiu n < liter an.w.-fing
! .• ’ SAFE MIDI I' i■•;
Campus Radio relocates, awaits FCC go-ahead
By Karen Engels
t rrwaid Hetxjfief
Campus Radio organizers hope to wrap
up more than four years of red tape and be
Hin broadcasting tiefore spring break next
Only a few ohstai Irs now keep the station
from going on the air. said station (funeral
Manager James January
A move to the station’s newly acquired
EMU office during Christmas break, vsill al
leviate a severe space crunch, hut both the
wait for federal Communications Commis
sion approval and lack of funds remain bar
Organizers said these barriers are only
They expect I CC approval within lit to
no days, and the Incidental fee Committee
voted Thursday to reallocate funds from the
existing Campus Radio budget for immedi
ately needed office renovations
Both developments are welcome new-.,
but the path til us far hasn't been easy
Space and funding problems, disputes
over call letters antenna-placement negoti
ations am! long waits lor l-( t approval n!
proposals lor a student run ratlin, have
plagued the fledgling station fur ye,us
The antenna issue was resolved this sum
liter alter the athletic department agreed to
reliM ale their antenna, freeing up the Pl.t'
tower. January said This relocation is e\
peeled in coming weeks The originally pro
posed antenna location of Hlantnn Heights
was denied
As lor space woes, Campus Kudin spent
one vear in an Agate Street hut that vvas
'crumbling around us.” January said. 111111
has been in an H-by-10 foot cubit.le in the
depths of the KM 1 ’ for the past eight
Organizers said the HO square-foot !.\1t
space vvas too small to broadcast from, al
though preferable to the Agate hut Last
week, the KMl Hoard of Directors House
Subcommittee granted their request a
new office with approximately liiK) square
Organizers will move equipment ml ■
what is now the supervisor's office at the
!.*.!' s rmwanin' :• vr, V. -.! ! tin- . |ai|i
w.j-. .1. :1.111 ! b\ KU AX and III' ' in
Vri 11V ! r; slrurlnm.il Media ( i ntef
I in- rebuilding |)ru|ci I mi hides putting m
Iw . Men doors. i partition wall anti i.v irin>;
i In1 oflu i will It ilivitlnti iiilu three sn
linns >■ produitinn urea. a sluclm .mil i
mam office
I'hr II I .illui ,ill'll Slri,000 In ill! station
lor tin l't'il -o.: si In ml visir No new lumls
in m- .i 11 < m .ilnd .il tlm IK' min't i Thursday,
hut llir budget reallocation was approved
•Students voli'il in the 1‘IH‘I spring election
to give Campus Kudin initial binding of
SJ'i.Hnl. hut hi* au.se thi-v weren't m i on
I hi; air. Campus Radio only spun! .ibowl
S'!,000 Tho 11-(. i nrricmi over iln; unspirnl
$20.f>32 In this year s budget
Campus Kudin had In rrshuffli; Ibis year's
budget in order In hind needed renovatinns,
whii h arc mori; urgent than other needs and
will allow stall training to begin, January
1 urn I RADIO Pufje ' A
Snap, snap_
They began on the pages
o! New YurLrr mugu/.lne and
then moved to their own tel
evision series Now director
It .1 r r y Soon e n f e I d h a s
brought the Addarns family
to life on the big screen
Saa story, Pag* 8
Micro Ski_
A new company called
Micro Forecasts will provide
up-to-the-minute weather
forecasts of area ski resorts.
To use Micro Forecasts, cus
tomers must buy a card that
enables them to access the
system with a touch-tone tel
Sm story, Paga 11