Oregon Daily FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6.1991 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 70 Simon says aid reform will help By Carrie Dennett • ia Associate Editor Many t'mvrrsit\ students could yjel a reprieve Irom The criiiu h of Mi-:•• • irr S if a finari . i.il alii proposal sponsored t>\ HS Sen Paul Simon passes I lie Illinois ! lent;., rat. spoke about federal fmamiel aid while in l-aie'em- Thursday to re< eive the VY.ivm Mofse' inter; rity in I’olitits Award I lie present loan programs are \erv. ver\ i omplii ated and very limited." Simon said The Snnon-Durenherger pro posal eliminates most ol the limit*. ISi.it Sni* (t iglUT I'.n m .1 limi \i : jtr.iintM •• !■ i banks. .mil TiiNttMcl prunmns ftmti'i to 'Su dent s. !ri nil, .tbout V1 ’ bills :i in amiiml <• lilitli’in<•;»E spr.ridpii: m ! In* gu.irnirthi*' i: sludi'ni loan programs wHiihi hi ■ shrill'd info in-.i*. • v i iv ; isi i ■: i visiani r ; jtfogr.ini I .ilh*.l ID! \ t n-ilit. available la students v\ if . ..! f *.; ird So moorne' vs ith npa\ inns! .is a i unable per i ishliigi* of alter-m bool mi onn i o!h*i ted through 11;» mi nine 1,11 sVslem • \n .,*. : .'SI- m ihi* 1*11*11111): ; • (. l.r.irtt In jirui itle miifi- .is stslilfn r In stll.ii Ills hum hm nil .'ini' l.miil . •• .uni rsliui I ■ .1 i'll in siuiii'nls limu iiiodur.ili ill’s ’ ' ■ ® ' ■ '■ : >v ■, . v\. ■: s - ; n.! ; ii j -wi■ I i i: -.i iu in) lol i ; i S. \ ill ii !.(’!■ 11: Jlilft' itlfln ini i i ili‘^1- .iflii IJi.ik' Ilu ni .m.m- i ! tin- .is 11i.t> ihu of hit,Hu i.il iini i llllrhiiv I’fi”. iiii’ill SiVii'. lir.iini s.ik! hi- .uni (hr !'imitm IV support lilts prupos.ii hi* ! .■ •: SIMON f’ t I What the duck is that? •> ' ' ' ■ :: * h ■ , ' , i ■ .1! i\ ;• : •» uj ; • ; ■■ • , ; ; >i • ;?■< <-u ' ■ It'r M ■ , r 1• • ; 1, !,’■>• pro/Cr' ’ A.'iP ;i ■.jraclu.Vc ‘ . h ■ ' ’ "t ' 1 '■ ; .1.' .i /...•• (U‘Siqr ,*/jsn Pho!o by Jut( Pa?. ay US Son Paul Simon. D ill. and his twile. Jo.inno. lour 13th Avenue while on campus 1 hursday afternoon Saferide debate goes beyond initial complaint By Gem! Koeppmg ,r >: I .a M • •ga' - ■ ' I ! ‘,\i" ■ I hr < oustiluiiwn.il i hall. ng>- Salem). i urrentlv l.u . ■ is |iisl part i if ,i turner struggle firing w aged i«*lwi i-h 11 s * • man .mil Ins ft irnds wini filisl lh.it i iialiellge .ilwI tin- V\ ■ mi"’ll s ( I'lilrt Tonight tit ’ III in tfn HMt U.ilnul Kurin. the \SU() ( onslttti hull l I ill ft will hear student Ahe Heptu I I h.irgi that '■ a! fide lils i rim in.ilrs against mrn hv not allowing tfirm tn linvr i n rulr in llu vans lint ifu' fi l lings .iImint this issue i mi deeper tlnm : .in .n>;•.i iiirni in front of a student i ourt i f, }) I' ’ , h. Ilrv. . till- i tiler jn . : is 1 : r i. ■ ' -.!u ill.tl dialogue Issues lit free speech. Jioil.i pim. r .Kill 1 mil vid ll.li ill’i I ties ife all Involved Women's ('elite: nieiuln-i •• i .dieif ()!!; S drty I times in four davs In report vvhat tin s said was inappropriate lie 1 i.iv i. a 11v a gntu|i outsiile tie 11 . dfii . . d ( ins Hi .1 \ l. u 1 d ifei tia of ops l it.' . alls started on Monday Nov IH vvh.i h vs e- the same day Hepner I lied l In- i ha I lenge with the \SU() < a n litiilion ( our I M n 1 t .entry Saleiide 1 .. direi tui ..lid Mepte 1 and he. Il n nd-. wen lining disruptive in and outside of lie oltu e \\ , were 11HMII ( esslrll HI edlli allllg ill.'ll. about appropriate 111 havlor." (’.entry said Spei ifli ally t.eithv said Hepner ansi he I: lends sfared and pointed at pe>.pi. wl worked ir ll "a . Sint e Hepner hied the complaint, he and Ins Inends I, ive been interv iewed hv ()I*S h.itf times and their private 1 ..irv .-rsahotis have heell tape fur urded by .ill OPS of III el Drayton confirmed that OPS had ret ordud on > : ..stums be tween Hepner and his friends to find out d their you e-. ; i In1 oflu i will It ilivitlnti iiilu three sn linns >■ produitinn urea. a sluclm .mil i mam office I'hr II I .illui ,ill'll Slri,000 In ill! station lor tin l't'il -o.: si In ml visir No new lumls in m- .i 11 < m .ilnd .il tlm IK' min't i Thursday, hut llir budget reallocation was approved •Students voli'il in the 1‘IH‘I spring election to give Campus Kudin initial binding of SJ'i.Hnl. hut hi* au.se thi-v weren't m i on I hi; air. Campus Radio only spun! .ibowl S'!,000 Tho 11-(. i nrricmi over iln; unspirnl $20.f>32 In this year s budget Campus Kudin had In rrshuffli; Ibis year's budget in order In hind needed renovatinns, whii h arc mori; urgent than other needs and will allow stall training to begin, January said 1 urn I RADIO Pufje ' A INDEX Snap, snap_ They began on the pages o! New YurLrr mugu/.lne and then moved to their own tel evision series Now director It .1 r r y Soon e n f e I d h a s brought the Addarns family to life on the big screen Saa story, Pag* 8 Micro Ski_ A new company called Micro Forecasts will provide up-to-the-minute weather forecasts of area ski resorts. To use Micro Forecasts, cus tomers must buy a card that enables them to access the system with a touch-tone tel ephone Sm story, Paga 11