Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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‘Cosby9 fan
During mv freshman year I
wax introduced to the Allegory
of the (aive in mv humanities
The Allegory went something
like this Humanity is inside a
cave, its members chained to
the wall; they tome to under
stand only the shadows on the
wall created In a fire
If one of these people were to
go outside of the i ave and into
the light, thev would at first he
unable to function as their truth
has pnlv been the hlai k and
white shadows upon the vs .ill
If this person came hai k in to
tell the others there was light,
or truth." beyond the <ave
shadows, [his person would be
thought of as i razv
Think about IT in terms of
the Allegory You' constantly
wall h the small si reen, loi ked
into it even during cummer
cials l util you are aide to pull
yourself awav. you will never
experience anything outside
V o u r h o u s e A l l alar in i n g
thought when some say-the na
tional average for a person
w,itching TV is something like
eight hours per dav
You will never know any
thing different than tiiat small
screen, until you step outside
tile i ave
! challenge the community ol
the University to not wati h T\
lor a week so each run see for
themselves what TV does Try
exploring the world beyond
th.it small si reen
Wyah (hrixtman
Dead profits
Intorcollegiato uthletics are
an important part of this Uni
versity At the ainr time. It's
easy to find irony in tho pros
pect of tho state subsidizing tho
athletic department as ac adem
ic programs decrease' in num
ber and quality, and students
are forced to find more "mys
tery capital" In order to go to
Is the formation of the "I’AC
8" (sans Ducks and Heavers)
the only wav to avoid hypo
crisy? What about that great
fund-raiser held tit Autzen Sta
dium a c ouple of summers ago'
How many l.rateful Dead
concerts would It take to put
the athletic department in the
black? Those seven or eight
people who wrote letters of
complaint the last time could
he given a paid vacation to
Berkeley to see i he Dame" il
that will appease them There d
still be hundreds of thousands
ol dollars loll over, and it
would help Insure that Oregon
athletic s would not lade awav
Brook Muller
Arc (liter till e
Breakin’ the law
In response to Ann latter
sail s "Misdemeanors letter in
the Nov.21 Enu'rulti You have
certainly made your point with
your long ami distinguished list
of crime It made me feel a
whole lot belter about the Jo
Sonja Watson issue I'm also
very impressed with your abili
ty to efficiently break the laws
of this city. The next time I
need someone bumped off. I'll
give you a call.
Watson doesn't have any
thing to worry about with pim
ple like you in her corner
Brian Hagen
Debra Frye [ODh\ Nov 1HI
suggested tin' policies of i’roji'i I
Saferide ari- justifiable her ausc
they dt> lure mail' ns ephonists
All this does is move the type
of reverse disc rimm.ition from
th<- lHOOs to the DifiOs Sup
post' you applied for .1 job tind
wen* told. Because you art- a
woman all we will let you do
hen is answi'r tin- phom\ type
and liiiilo’ 1 oflce Sexism
atiounds in this example
Kehekah l.i-dw ilh ((M )/■.’, Nm
til)) suggested that it is line to
fear men Imi -a use women may
lm• attar ked at any time svitli
out warning' This shows tin'
irrationality of disi runinatioii
as it is based on the same mno
tioli that keeps hnimisnu.il'
tint of tin- armed services tin
inuiHit'U ir.U
it is also (in' emotion U’hind
racist "justifications' fur ful
lowing blut ks around depart
merit stores more closely than
whites l.edw ith is also ajipar
entfy ignorant of .1 re< ent study
whirl) reported that almost all
cases of assault involve people
who know ea< h other
To assume that a man will at
ta< k you purely because lie is a
man and you are a woman is
just as sexist and absurd as .1
man thinking women mean
"yes" when they say no1'
Common sense tells us to lie
cautious at night (or any other
time), hut giving into fear ster
eotvpes the other person and
that comes dangerously close to
being a hate crime Once you
begin to fear, hate is only a step
away Once you begin to hate, a
hate crime is only a step away
Jordan (1. i.und
Measure 5 buffer
As ,i ft'tnindi'r, ihr •.tuff ol thi*
Dffiic til Husini’s's Affairs
would like to inform our stu
dfitl customers wherever puss!
blr. lh.lt iht'V will hr mulled
their registration hilling state
muni shortlv
This statement Will include
address information, atademit
sliiius information, class si Ins)
win past dun accounts ret eiv
able, tuition and special lens,
and financial aid that is si bed
uled to be disbursed it the start
ol winter term
11 vs 111 a Iso ini hide the i r
stit ker to affix to their t imer
sits identification turd, anil a
return envelope Tuition loan
option Is also included as a part
of the statement
It is our goal to remove the
need tor almost all students to
see either a t ashler ol someone
from w hom to get th- .r stu kers
To; avoid standing in tong
lint-- w e strong.lv urg> .indents
to either return i het k payment
via the t' S mail, or use the
diop box in front d Oregon
To fin mirage students io tin
this, vv e ,oe announcing the *
pri/e ol tvvc $.'>00 a holarships
to he awarded Iron! those who
mail m or use the drop box lor
payment of their tuition by
I )ei 27 To l>e eligible, the stu
dent must pay the amount oi
the bill, tie a regularly admitted
student and enrolled full time
Tarry Tttrgesen
Asset tali* Dll at tor
business Affairs
f<€ me* ft mmi m
<M t'<•» Itillaill
Get the experience
you need today to
be a success in the
business world tomorrow.
The Oregon Daily Emerald is now taking applications
for a position on our display advertising sales stall
Applicants should have a minimum of 3 hours per day
to spend selling retail display space to an established
client list The position requires use of a car and the
applicant must he n full-time 1 oft) student Previous
sales experience and sophomore or junior standing is a
Please apply today for this position by picking up an
application at suite 300 EMI' The closing date is
Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 5 p in
Oregon Daily
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John Denver on Ihe comeback (rail