LETTERS ‘Cosby9 fan During mv freshman year I wax introduced to the Allegory of the (aive in mv humanities lure mail' ns ephonists All this does is move the type of reverse disc rimm.ition from th<- lHOOs to the DifiOs Sup post' you applied for .1 job tind wen* told. Because you art- a woman all we will let you do hen is answi'r tin- phom\ type and liiiilo’ 1 oflce Sexism atiounds in this example Kehekah l.i-dw ilh ((M )/■.’, Nm til)) suggested that it is line to fear men Imi -a use women may lm• attar ked at any time svitli out warning' This shows tin' irrationality of disi runinatioii as it is based on the same mno tioli that keeps hnimisnu.il' tint of tin- armed services tin inuiHit'U ir.U it is also (in' emotion U’hind racist "justifications' fur ful lowing blut ks around depart merit stores more closely than whites l.edw ith is also ajipar entfy ignorant of .1 re< ent study whirl) reported that almost all cases of assault involve people who know ea< h other To assume that a man will at ta< k you purely because lie is a man and you are a woman is just as sexist and absurd as .1 man thinking women mean "yes" when they say no1' Common sense tells us to lie cautious at night (or any other time), hut giving into fear ster eotvpes the other person and that comes dangerously close to being a hate crime Once you begin to fear, hate is only a step away Once you begin to hate, a hate crime is only a step away Jordan (1. i.und English Measure 5 buffer As ,i ft'tnindi'r, ihr •.tuff ol thi* Dffiic til Husini’s's Affairs would like to inform our stu dfitl customers wherever puss! blr. lh.lt iht'V will hr mulled their registration hilling state muni shortlv This statement Will include address information, atademit sliiius information, class si Ins) win past dun accounts ret eiv able, tuition and special lens, and financial aid that is si bed uled to be disbursed it the start ol winter term 11 vs 111 a Iso ini hide the i r stit ker to affix to their t imer sits identification turd, anil a return envelope Tuition loan option Is also included as a part of the statement It is our goal to remove the need tor almost all students to see either a t ashler ol someone from w hom to get th- .r stu kers To; avoid standing in tong lint-- w e strong.lv urg> .indents to either return i het k payment via the t' S mail, or use the diop box in front d Oregon Hall To fin mirage students io tin this, vv e ,oe announcing the * pri/e ol tvvc $.'>00 a holarships to he awarded Iron! those who mail m or use the drop box lor payment of their tuition by I )ei 27 To l>e eligible, the stu dent must pay the amount oi the bill, tie a regularly admitted student and enrolled full time Tarry Tttrgesen Asset tali* Dll at tor business Affairs UO FACULTY AND STAFF AEROBICS CLASSES INTERIM AEROBICS FROM DEC 3 - JAN. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS AT 5:15 |>m ONI V $12 f<€ me* ft mmi m )vr Engine Service 1000 S §*r1el»«n Rd •• lugene OR §7402 One Sloe I Worth of W 11th Wo I an Ind Fla/a Severn-: •’ lc\>i\jgon Semico fc >t\r.< 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts C R f A I l YOUR OWN \ FULL COLOR CALENDARS £fo*, CPl^O* A PERFECT GIFT I’met s SIAHTINt, AT' Shipping Available Vol ume Discounts Campus Location 860 East 13th Ave 344 7894 13th & Willamette 344 3555 kinko's the copy center THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ?■' ...■?'" . '"■"■I John Denver on Ihe comeback (rail