Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1991, Page 3B, Image 15

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Continued from Page 2B
tiint with Oklahoma Nebraska
.uni I'exas WM ! he St a iners,
in particular, have traci It tonally
run an option-oriented offense
or wishbone formation- better
than any team in the country
i’eltibone's last job was as the
head i oat h at Northern Illinois,
where he coached since t9H5
His Husky triple option
led the nation in rushing of
fense with .14-1 (• yards a con
test. and in I’ettibone's
Northern Illinois squad was
sixth in the nation with 4.(0 7
yards a game and finished with
a 9-2 mark
"19HH was the year we just
exploded on everybody.." Sum
mers said
I’cttibone said in addition to
bringing his new offense, he
brought his entire offensive
staff, including Summers, with
him from Northern Illinois to
Corvallis a lot of luggage He
also retained three memtxTs ol
Kragthorpe's i o.ii hing staff
The triple option apparently
took a couple of years to |>av
dividends itself at Northern Illi
nois. however l’ellibone expe
rienced his best years in his Iasi
three seasons as the Husky
i oai h, when Northern Illinois
sei seven NCAA rc< ords
Continued from Page 2B
didn't hurt us a hit,'' Schuler
Mini "I don’t anticipate unv
major problems
Schuler s<nd Oregon's de
fense will likely play most of
tiie g.utie in its "Duck" forma
lion, the team's first-down de
fnnsive package
Dues that net essarily mean
Oregon State will trail the ha
lion in rushing given five more
years7 Who knows, hut I’etti
bone has no doubt the Beavers
new offense will improve in the
long run
1 saw it at Northern llh
nois. he said "Once they get
experience, they will improve
Improvement is the only goal
I'ettioone set in front of ins
young team prior to the start of
the season He felt .mv higher
expectations of a team so
young, so green and so inexper
ienend with the new tout h and
his system would he unfair to
the Beavers
With that goal in mind, he
has not been disappointed
The Beavers were the most
penalized team in the I’at ifit
It) (Conference last fall but have
become the least penalized tin
tier the watchful eve oi I'etti
"They have played hard,
they just haven't played smart
at times." lYttibotir said "I feel
good that even though we ha
ven t won a game, we've im
proved a lot
That may have shown in the
moral victory against (Cal. but a
fiH-fi home whipping tit the
hiinds oi second ranked Wash
ington brought the team bat k to
reality last week
Oregon cornerhai k Muh.im
in,lit Oliver, who is part of the
first lea in " Uui k s,i ui the Ore
gun State offense presents an
entirely new hall-game
It's like a whole different
mind set out there." Oliver
said ' fills is the first time I've
ever had to prepare lor a game
and not fix us so much on the
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