-•GRID PROFILE* PETTIBONE Continued from Page 2B tiint with Oklahoma Nebraska .uni I'exas WM ! he St a iners, in particular, have traci It tonally run an option-oriented offense or wishbone formation- better than any team in the country i’eltibone's last job was as the head i oat h at Northern Illinois, where he coached since t9H5 His Husky triple option led the nation in rushing of fense with .14-1 (• yards a con test. and in I’ettibone's Northern Illinois squad was sixth in the nation with 4.(0 7 yards a game and finished with a 9-2 mark "19HH was the year we just exploded on everybody.." Sum mers said I’cttibone said in addition to bringing his new offense, he brought his entire offensive staff, including Summers, with him from Northern Illinois to Corvallis a lot of luggage He also retained three memtxTs ol Kragthorpe's i o.ii hing staff The triple option apparently took a couple of years to |>av dividends itself at Northern Illi nois. however l’ellibone expe rienced his best years in his Iasi three seasons as the Husky i oai h, when Northern Illinois sei seven NCAA rc< ords OPTION Continued from Page 2B didn't hurt us a hit,'' Schuler Mini "I don’t anticipate unv major problems Schuler s l» • I* • • iiutf‘1 • 1 **♦ * *• • P »'t< t ’ 1 1 located at t •*- J i < IIM !,.nl1 i.nl, \IA\L /V £iA t J 686*1435 Not ..»!•() wr.lh *>'1 Kit *” "f Ottur expires IZIS-St Nails By DeVonne f ull f»i‘ir. 20% ull Manicures A f >ii\ 1 0 lo "II Catch On To The Best Pizza . In Town "?/ TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd 484-2799 Limited delivery area